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Threadkiller's Posts
Elvis- The King of luring 14 year old girls into bed
R. Newt admits offered $200k to lie about Jackson abuse
Only in white America
Senate passes Anti-Lynching bill in wake of Jussie Smollett interview
I hope it doesn't end with Jon Snow dying.
Politically motivated LBGTQ hoax?
*Spoilers* is let off the hook in the end?
USS Callister - Loved the theme & aesthetics but absolutely ridiculous.
Anyone else mix up the characters Blake Tower & Brett Mahoney?
Jessica Jones should have been cancelled instead
Somewhat depressing to see Joanne Whalley looking so old
Jar Jar Abrams will double down on cheap fan service & OT callbacks
Too much fan criticism stems from "But muh fan theories"
Never forget J.J. & TFA is what got us here
I hope we get a new arc for Nacho
I was surprised. Not nearly bad as it looks at first glance.
Keira Knightly's less talented/charismatic little sister
How long before the inevitable with Green's character?
Has Billy Dee been forced into co-signing the bastardization of his character yet?
Will Rey still be hanging out with Chewbacca & flying the Falcon?