MovieChat Forums > Wildechild > Replies
Wildechild's Replies
I did. Any questions?
I have experiencied passion and almost died because of failed relationships, yet I find Murphy a selfish brat with no deep feelings.
A very weak, meaningless character Murphy is.
I never disliked a character that much.
I have loved everything from NoƩ, the shorts, the musical videos he directed. But that main character in LOVE really made my blood boil. If he was an outright villain, I could appreciate it but that gimmick of making Murphy sympathetic turned me off totally. Marcus in Irreversible was sorta an arsehole but he had a purpose. Maybe it was Cassel's briiliant acting, I dunno.
I hope there's a female main character in his next film.
I wish I hadn't watched this film.
Typical... blame the woman.
I don't like it.
Men who are TOO interested in lesbian sex have repressed homosexual feelings. It's scientifically proved.
Those last scenes seem to try to put him in a good light. All regretful and weepy. It served him well. Bastard.
Maybe but Fassbinder's characters are not shitty as this Murphy.
Hope she didn't kill herself over that jerk.
I felt like bashing his head in. Unfortunately abuse like this still goes on everywhere.
Definitely and quite a thrilling film.
Friend Request is good, IMHO. I like the cinematography and acting by the main characters.
They were shallow and saw Marina as a weird loser.
Teenagers can be cruel.
Amanda and Megan, oh yes. They were great in Jennifer's Body. Megan would be a cool and cheeky vengeful ghost.
Mia Wasikowska, Emily Browning and Chloe Grace Moretz are in the same league as Saoirse. All brilliant with a wide range. However, Saoirse amazes me in anything I see her in.
"Grave" in French means serious but it's also slang used as an adverb for something very good or awesome. Something like "wicked".
When Ella killed that old man, sucking from his wrist in the beginning, I got chills. Years ago I dreamed of a disrobed pale beauty doing something similar to me.
Saoirse is amazing in this but Gemma's flashback scenes made me cry.
Same here. This film moved me immensely. LTROI is pure beauty too.
It's certainly very gothic. It has some slight references to Dracula (the account by missives) but Carmilla came to mind too.
The vamps hadn't lost their humanity, Ella is such a beautiful character.
Definitely one of my fave horror/suspense films from the last decade.