They're fond of the old birth porn aren't they? I groaned myself when I saw Matt Daemon's wife in agony. We get it it's painful. We saw it in the first episode, we saw it at the start of this episode and then again near the end.
I suppose give it another few episodes and they'll reuse the same scene again.
The most boring and overused trope in all of movie and tv history. "Push, push" "Arghh, arggh" I just don't get what showing women having painful births adds to the story.
Because men have to be constantly reminded ( mostly by women who haven't had a baby themselves ) that giving birth is the most excruciating agony that anyone can ever possibly experience.
And moreover (!) that somehow, some way men are to blame for it and should grovel in shame before these childless but nevertheless fully outraged women and realize that they ( The Patriarchy ) have to atone for their ghastly crimes.
No that is what it pretends to be on that level. And on that level it's just the same old bullshit or propaganda so there is nothing to "get over". Get it ?
Trying to making men somehow responsible for the pain of childbirth. The "You owe us" spin. When really if some women don't want to go through the pain of childbirth then don't. Stop trying to leverage it as a tool for political advantage, or in other words propaganda. I hope you got it this time because I won't explain it again.
Men are blamed for being blind to the plights of women which this show is highlighting. Nobody thinks they are responsible for the pain of childbirth itself.
That's more bullshit. Men are not blind to women's pain in childbirth, how could they be ? And apart from some pain relief medication and the like there's nothing they can do about it. The remedy is in a woman's control at least in the developed world. If they don't want to undergo the pain of childbirth then don't. Otherwise stop whinging about it.
The anti-abortion movement is a direct refutation of your claim about it being in a woman's control in the "developed world". This is why offering a feminist perspective about pregnancy and childbirth as this show does is important.
Spades must be called spades, my trollish dreg. And thou shall not feed those of your kind whose "arguments" are false guises designed to ignite squabbles.
VanZan, thank you for your post. The repetitive excruciating births have been annoying me, but your topic has coalesced my thinking. Just as we have torture porn and gutsmut (surgery porn), we also have birth porn. This is the new titillation, and HBO is pumping it full-throttle. The idiot Elsofoqueoff is claiming this is a political choice. He also often refers to women as “our new overloads.” Subs make a lot of money in the BDSM market, so I am sure that this asshole (gee, I guess that’s a pun) is flush. The reality is, HBO has found a new titillating topic to inflame the audience.
I don’t think it will last long. It is fundamentally a repulsive idea.
I'm going to disagree with this general concept: The number of birthing scenes are no more or less than the number of battle scenes we'll soon be seeing, and to the number of battle scenes in so many series and movies. I'm not a fan of watching battles, but they are important elements to the stories they take place in. "House of the Dragon" is about succession and the violence prompted by wanting to succeed to power. Birth is vital to this sort of story. The cost of giving birth is important here. And, up until recently, pregnancy and birthing has been dangerous and sometimes fatal for both mother and baby (and even today, pregnancy can be dangerous, and birthing can cause serious problems). FYI, even back in the 18th century, Denis Diderot was equating the birth process with a battle, so this view isn't a new one.
I'm also going to disagree about the idea that the men don't count here and aren't real characters: I see a nice variety of men, all with their own personalities, ambitions, and dimensions. Their loyalties are going to be centered around two women, but that's because, thanks to circumstances, that's what the power centers are in this story. It isn't unheard of in reality either: Isabel the Catholic vs. Juana la Beltraneja; and of course, a whole string of women vying for power after the death of first Henry VIII and then his son Edward VI. Two examples out of several. So, for me, none of this is particularly unbelievable, or unenjoyable.
I just wish they could find a woman that's really pregnant and have her give birth on the show, that would be kind of cool.
But yeah, the birthing scenes are a bit over-the-top. But I don't mind them so much because it adds a little tiny bit of dramatic feel to the show.
And just for the record, I would like to personally thank all women (and girls) who have given birth. It's a great honor to give birth, each and every one of you should be proud.
I just wish they could find a woman that's really pregnant and have her give birth on the show
Shhhh... don't give the wokies any ideas. That'll be the next thing that they're screaming about. Pregnant persons in film should be represented by real pregnant persons blah blah blah blah.
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