PresidentAckbar's Replies

It was a kitty kat It was confirmed yesterday. Yup, I agree. yes BATTLE ROYALE ripoff! Yup, the MCU could be finished after this stinker, down to 81% Ouch! Agreed Didn't people say the same thing about Ghostbusters 16? It was the most over hyped movie and it failed. Most people thought Aquaman would fail cause no one wanted to see a fish man movie but it succeeded. Movie goers are fickle people. Don't forget The Interview scam as well. Its dropping fast, not looking good. It appears so. The MCU could be in trouble after this failure. I just read the post and its epic, a must read says most people. You should patent this word: Magaphobia haha, speaking of forggy...where is everyone? still hasn't moved I know, its been crickets for days. haha busted [url]$s[/url] Police said they are still working with Smollett’s attorneys to schedule a time for that follow-up interview. Chicago police have said they want to speak to Smollett again, because of “new evidence” learned from interrogating two men once considered potential suspects in the case. Police said Smollett is not considered a suspect, detectives just want to interview him to corroborate the new information they received from the two men who were released.