America's BATTLE ROYALE Clone
When I saw the trailer for THG, like many others I thought, "Oh, Battle Royale is getting an American adaptation." Then I learned it was unrelated, just a possible ripoff. So I stayed away, figured it can't be that good if it's not an original idea.
It was, and I learned a lesson here. Let the courts and BR author/filmmakers and THG author/filmmakers decide if damages were done, and enjoy a good movie. I haven't even heard of any legal action being taken, so if the BR people aren't bothered, why should we be? If THG fans like the idea, they have another movie to watch (also the WWE film starring Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Condemned, was based on BR) and likewise if BR fans want yet another BR type movie, they can watch THG. No reason to fret over the business side.
Nihil novi sub sole. (Latin: There is nothing new under the sun. That is, truly original ideas are copied by weak-minded people of lesser talent. )
Enjoy... or don't.