MovieChat Forums > pzogel > Replies
pzogel's Replies
EPIX will start with Rey waking up and she is still standing in front of Luke with her arm extended, holding his lightsaber, and The Last Jedi was just a terrible Force Vision.
Not even a nom for Rian Johnson or his fanatastic script? Academy's gotta be full of racists, sexists, rapists and people with bad taste in general.
0/10 is already stretching it. Mere numbers (let alone words) don't do it justice.
It not just a movie though, it's a shit movie
Hopefully TLJ wins Oscars for both Film and Director
He should apply for a job as a Gungan ambassador in EPIX.
It just stroke me as odd considering he seemed like he didn't care much about his looks the past years, often showing up scruffy looking.
'Twisted' indeed. The real Luke sensed a little bit of good left in Vader and decided not to kill him. It's exactly the opposite with fake Luke who sensed a little bit of evil in Ben Solo and decided to kill him. So if there's a little bit of good left he believes in redemption, but if it's mostly good and just a bit of evil he thinks there is no redemption? Luke would have to be a schizo to have such contradictory beliefs.
[quote]Cause she’s a badass muthafucka.[/quote]
That about sums up Johnson's capabilities as a writer.
I don't dispute than Rian made little of what he was given. Still, JJ is infamous for his style of non-writing that leaves it to others to make sense of the 'mysteries' he's so fond of.
[quote]Johnson himself told Slashfilm that Abrams did not tell him what he had in mind for Rey’s parents.[/quote]
No wonder JJ "mystery box" Abrams didn't tell him since he most likely had no clue either.
That's precisely the point. There is no evidence for Allen having done it nor for Allen not having done it. Hence, demanding evidence is simply pointless in this case. There is, however, lots of circumstantial evidence that points towards Allen not being above reproach. Similarly, one could argue that the same applies to Dylan/Mia Farrow.
I want to see Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson and Lena Dunham forming an elite unit for the Resistance, taking out dozens of well-trained and athletic Stormtroopers for promoting unrealistic body ideals.
Don't do it. Thank me later
Thing is that there will never be proof. Only Dylan Farrow and Allen know what happened back then. Still, anybody who's read through this article will most likely agree that Woody is hardly above suspicion: [url][/url]
If I decide to watch EPIX it'll be for the same reason for which people like to look at car accidents.
He should have released a book along with this poor attempt at movie making to explain the shitshow that is Rian's god-awful script.
I was baffled as well that there's been a remote trigger for those bombs. What for would you need that? Plot devices abound.
Whoever decided to let both JJ and RJ simply do their thing w/o bothering to produce a rough sketch of what each episode is supposed to contain is to blame as well. Neither JJ could have gotten away with his mystery box crap nor RJ could have had free reign in regard to the breadcrumbs JJ left him if both would have been obligated to follow an actual story arc for the three movies. The whole ST has been handled amateur-like.
It was probably planned to have Leia as one of the main characters in the final episode (similarly to Han in TFA and Luke in TLJ). The movie was written and filmed with this in mind, but Carrie's death made those plans obsolete. They decided against reshooting the parts with Leia and instead left them as they were.