MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Scattergories is fun. Nightmare was okay, but unrealistic - the tape took so long you could never really keep up with it.
Ha. I mean, it's a gun forum. It was bound to happen. I used to fight back, thinking reason would win or at least get the other person to see my point of view, even if they didn't agree with it. But when people feel strongly, or are straight up trolling, there's no point. You both end up wasting a lot of time.
I always say I don't, but that's not totally true. I'm just not a purist.
I like horror elements, but not pure horror. I don't like those horror movies that involve a girl in a wet, white t-shirt with a knife, running from a guy with an axe in farmland somewhere. I don't love horror/thriller, where it always turns out to be the main character being crazy, despite the movie explicitly showing scenes proving their innocence until some "big reveal" at the end that doesn't make sense. I'm not into gore fests.
I guess I like supernatural horror the best. But really, as long as there is a solid story and a lot of humanity in that story, then gore and chainsaws don't bother me too much. I don't just want to watch teenagers die because they decided to go camping or see people being picked off because someone was born on a farm so they must be crazy.
The main ones coming to mind are Monopoly, Life, Scrabble and Nightmare. Nightmare was cool because you watched a VHS tape to play the game. But then I also like games like Scattergories and stuff that didn't require a board - games are fun.
The downside of sharing opinions online = sharing them anyway you want, without courtesy or consideration and disregarding the very basis of sharing, which is to be heard by the other person/people. I think pretty much everyone sharing online has been attacked at some point. So much fun (sarcasm).
And I'm being serious. I can totally see how someone could find both movies boring; just because I find entertainment in one or both, doesn't mean that's true for everyone.
Since it's inception. There's something about music in every era that makes people say 'music is going downhill.' Maybe it's because it's not what people are used to or because it doesn't match what came before, but music is progressive. It's always moving forward and, in most people's eyes, downward. But I think mainstream music (music videos aside) has made some leaps as well some dives.
I kinda loved it a whole lot. Yes it is a 'PG', saccharine version of a darker tale, but it's lovable. And the story, acting and songs are all mesmerizing.
A Million Dreams is my personal favourite, but Tightrope is a damn gem of a song.
Thanks. I'll try it soon and get back to you on whether I'm ready for that cook off or not.
Same - saw ads of the show before it aired and tuned into the pilot when it did. And now here we are.
Yes, Magnum ice cream! It's pretty damn good.
I get what you're saying and you're definitely entitled to not being interested in a movie. But I don't think this movie exists for the wrong reasons; to get existential, why do any movies exist?
As someone who is watching my friend's biracial son grow up in a world where there are almost no POC, especially males of colour, for him to look up to in films and tv shows for kids, I think this movie is necessary. We recently sat down and tried to name any tv shows and movies suitable for a kid under 15, where the protagonist is male, under 15 and a POC, and we literally couldn't think of one current show or movie where that's the case. While he's not old enough for this yet, there are young men looking for role models in media and not finding any. I think that makes this film right for them.
I'm pretty sure I could if I tried. I've just never done it. If it requires an oven, I can do it. Do you have a recipe?
No - believe me I tried. Not even after Tokyo. Some friend he is. Thing is, I don't know how to make a creme brulee.
It wasn't too weird, but I recently dreamed Joe Keery and I were good friends and were having a dessert cook off. He had this amazing top secret brownie recipe and I made a wicked creme brulee. We made 30 servings or so each of our dessert and shared them with a studio audience and the host of some non-existent tv show about food and cookware. The host was so impressed she asked us to become regular cooks on the show. And then we somehow ended up holidaying in Greece, then Tokyo and got pretty drunk.
I'm not on anything, though. Just a very avid dreamer.
Many actors have definitely tried. But while Keanu isn't for everyone, he definitely has something that just works most of the time. Love Point Break, Hardball, The Watcher, The Matrix, The Devil's Advocate, Speed, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures etc. Heck I even liked him in Paula Abdul's music video 'Rush Rush'. I don't know what it is.
He stole it for me.
Agreed. Even basic lore that the first film introduced, like however much time passes in the 'real world' will pass in the jungle, wasn't used in this film. Otherwise, why didn't you-know-who age?
However, I do think that has something to do with board game-video game conversion. And it didn't halt my enjoyment of this version, so it wasn't a huge problem.