Wint3rFir3's Replies

Nightmare on Elm Street PC game. Clip of gameplay: [url][/url] Back in my day (ha!) we had these things called floppy disks that sound far dirtier than they were - they were pretty boring tbh. Hence there was a Nightmare on Elm Street computer game that I never actually beat. Like I made it through a bunch of levels but Freddy got me in the end no matter what. I don't even know what the final level looked like or if I made it to this level because the internet wasn't a big thing when the game was out. Maybe ask yourself this: Do I want someone to tell me it's okay to date someone I know is probably no good OR Do I want someone to tell me it's okay to reject someone I know is probably no good? Because you either want to date this person, whom you know is bad news, or you don't want to, but you don't want to seem like a bad person yourself. Honestly? Who cares if you look bad or not? You don't belong to anyone, so do what feels right. Right now? I'm watching The Flash - which is okay, but not amazing. Mostly I'm fishing for new shows to watch. Tried the show Eyecandy, which had a great opening, but as a whole was pretty meh. Is Counterpart out yet - really anticipating that. Yeah I've fallen behind in my viewing. Not sure he actually did. It's quite possible they didn't feel pleasure - and that he only assumed they did as justification for what he did to the cyborgs. I mean, what proof did he have that they enjoyed anything he did sexually? The film implies he's a creep and that all the cyborgs wanted to get away from him so... The movie makes a point of showing that despite all her advice, Cher is 'clueless' in all matters, especially dating. She makes a whole speech about high school guys being gross and Tai specifically calls her 'the virgin who can't drive', aka she's never had sex or dated. When Elton was coming onto her she couldn't even tell. From what we can see in the film, Cher has never dated anyone before Josh - unless you count Christian - and Christian wasn't really a bad guy. So not exactly a long line of losers. That's what I'm saying. But also: Why would any man push his step son and biological daughter to date? Why. Maybe it's not a matter of them not aging well so much as your perspective on them changing. These movies were never supposed to be 'smart' so much as funny. I mean, Wes Craven dressed up as Freddy Krueger in his own movie. They're not serious horror movies and they were never trying to be - but because they were so good and kind of refreshing from the horror films around at their time of release, they spawned a sub-genre all their own. Yes, they are very era-specific, similar to the The Craft film was and how that also bred a new love of Wicca-related tv and film. So calling them dated is fine. But whatever the franchises flaws, I wouldn't say they fall victim to anything. They just look different now than they did when VHS tapes were a thing, especially when you look at where we're at presently with the horror genre landscape eg. Stranger Things being a movie-quality tv show. What I always found the most weird about it is that it seems like Mel wanted it to happen and kind of set it up that way. He's not dumb or blind to the fact Josh is obsessed with Cher. There seems to be hints that he's hoping it'll happen. Effing weird. I couldn't exactly stop him, I don't think. But then I'd have to ask if I was still "fired". Oh the terribleness of puns. It's messed up, tragic and infuriating. When I read about cases like this from, say, the 70s, I'm like yeah that was a more innocent time. But now? Nowadays? How does this happen? Truly heart breaking stuff. No such thing for me. Sometimes I wake up wanting soup, other days a brownie and a good coffee. It's not always eggs and toast. Pretty much all the wives on Glee: Terri Schuester Sue Sylvester (married herself) Brittany S. Pierce AND Santana Lopez April Rhodes That's all I can think of right now. From my grandfather, I inherited a floppy disk (google it youngsters) featuring a Nightmare on Elm Street game. Oh man the fun times began the moment I got that thing. Sorority Wars. Just so bad. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be - but that was a regrettable thought. Nah, too many bad experience with users to ever think of it as cool or fun. 1. Interview with the Vampire - already mentioned 2. Underworld - a very Blade-esque film, but with werewolves 3. Let the Right One In - a bullied kid makes friends with a child vampire and becomes her caretaker 4. Blade - already mentioned 5. Once Bitten - a weird, hilarious 80s teen film starring Jim Carrey as a guy who just wants to get laid and ends up being enslaved by a 400 year vampire countess ha maybe. Maybe. [url][/url] yeah I'm basically just a kid who loves chocolate. I remember those days (chills). People are generally more civil here, likely because there's a lot less people. I think I like The Green Mile best, though picking a best of King's is tough. To my recollection - and it's been a fair few years - I think I loathe Storm of the Century the most. I can hardly remember it, but I distinctly recall promising myself not to rewatch it. Ever.