Had a dream uma thurman got a buncha tattoos across her tits, then my manger from home depot kept ordering hot dogs and just a bunch of random stuff. I gotta get off this clonzepam.
Share your weird dreams!, mine sometimes have celebrities in them.
Naw its been 5 years, im trying to taper off of it, was having an erotic dream and uma thurman was naked sitting down with small black ink text across her boobies, rectangular like a barcode, across the nips too, but when i woke up felt like a truck hit me
Like awhile ago had a dream harvey kietel was in a futuristic city like new york flying around with angel wings across platform up high between high rise bridges between skyscrapers, i felt like really ashamed and guilty when i woke up
Yea, dreams most of the time they dont hold any significamce or are life changing, we just hit cruise control and whatever pops up. You can find meaning in them sometimes.
Im at the bottom of society and obsessesions, ive had a few, so maybe if I had a more stable life, some people say they dream about work, well i didnt work for seven years, longest i held a job was two years...
Ever dream of people who have died? Dreamt my dead grandmother was sucking on my ear.... I watch a lot of porn, its becoming a problem, compulsion. Other times I dreamt of visiting them at there house, but I havent been to their place since I was a kid so the house didnt look familier and I was saying, "didnt you die" and I cant remember , than I woke up
and another time this guy who did heroin had open heart surgery, drank heavily after being clean for like 5 year, eventually had a heart attack, so i went to his funeral and it was raining and the cemetary was really soggy. ........I dreamt he was in a flood and he had a girlfriend with no legs and he was stuck in the flood. I couldnt save him.
Oh I dream a lot about relatives who have passed on! A few nights ago I had another dream about my late father. We were going on a car trip and the whole family packed up and we went somewhere.
I had a dream about him last week. I couldn't find a bottle of champagne which I had opened. I thought my dad hid it from me. No idea why I was dreaming of champagne. I haven't had any in years!!
I dream about a lot of relatives who are gone. It's like visiting with them again. I enjoy those dreams.
I once read if you often dream of a loved one who has passed, it means the soul of that person is trying to communicate with you. Whether your mind is open to that or not, I still think it's an intriguing and plausible concept.
I love it when I have dreams about my grandmother and other people. I had a wonderful dream about actor Terence Stamp not too long ago. The night before I had watched his movie The Limey. I guess that's what prompted the dream.
The Limey is such a wonderful film. I have it in my library. Tremendously well-cast and -directed. Nikki Katt was like adding a heavy dose of Ghost pepper to what was already a savory stew. You cannot watch Peter Fonda in this and not think of Easy Rider. I have never seen Stamp give a bad performance, going back as far as The Collector; he is the Brit Ed Harris. What an unusual, but nonetheless treasured, gem, this is. "Tell him I'm coming for him! I'm fucking COMING!!l"
They say that dreams are your subconscious mind trying to work things out. I have lots of weird dreams, but I forget most of them. I have several reoccurring ones in no particular order:
I'm back at work (Ack!!) I'm retired.
I'm back at college.
I'm back in high school playing football again.
I'm back in the Army, either Boot Camp or Active Duty.
I'm back with members of my family who have since passed away.
One former reoccurring dream which I no longer have is seeing a tornado in person. I've gone on four storm chasing trips, and have now seen 30 of them. This dream has ceased.
Some of them have to do with being back at school, being in college, talking to old friends.
Some of my worst, almost nightmare like dreams have been about getting married! I am divorced, but over the years (even while married) I had dreams of marrying old boyfriends. They were such awful dreams. I don't think I was ever the "marrying type". Most girls can't wait to get married. Not I! Don't know why I ever did it.
I dated a guy a few years ago who asked me to marry him. I ran screaming. lol Since then I have had dreams that we were getting married and in the dream, I always run away.
My recurring dreams are:
dreams about former boyfriends, and my deceased husband.
Parents, brother, friends, relatives, film stars
Whatever I watched on TV before sleeping
It wasn't too weird, but I recently dreamed Joe Keery and I were good friends and were having a dessert cook off. He had this amazing top secret brownie recipe and I made a wicked creme brulee. We made 30 servings or so each of our dessert and shared them with a studio audience and the host of some non-existent tv show about food and cookware. The host was so impressed she asked us to become regular cooks on the show. And then we somehow ended up holidaying in Greece, then Tokyo and got pretty drunk.
I'm not on anything, though. Just a very avid dreamer.
yeah, the obsessed celebrity thing, nobody is giving handouts or anything. Wish I "knew"some people I guess to break into the biz. lol , but my subconsciousness is a whole nother animal.
I'm not that talented or goodlooking but a lot of people make it in the biz through nepotism and money and act like they got their on their own.
shouldn't focus on the negative though. It's all about american greed in Trumps america. Show me the Money.....work two jobs or something till I die. Impeach the president eventually through his honest approach to Politics and bad behavior, russia investigation, that damn old post office that a trump hotel now in washinton, he pays rent and it goes into his own goverment pockets.
The National Enquirer magazine impeached Trump already, it's only a matter of time.
*update* just googled who Jon Keery was, i'm not hip to new celebrities, don't watch talk shows like I used too, that sounds fake as shit though type of hollywood dream.
Is that who teen youth idolizes now? I sound like a old fart trucker talking about millenials and our time. " In our time we dreamt about uma thurman and woke up with a boner wither we liked it or not"
Some of my dreams are just bizarre. Recently I dreamed that my three now-adult children were all age 10 - not triplets - just all 10 years old. We were in a hallway of a school building. All four of us were lined up at a starting line, and each of us was riding some kind of kiddie riding toy, like a Big Wheel, a tricycle, or a wagon. Our mission was to race down the halls and find all the lavatories. Something or someone scary was chasing us. I don't know why. I can't say how the dream ended because I don't remember.
I have a lot of dreams like that too. I dream about my sisters and myself being kids again. When I dream of my son, he's always a little boy even though he's grown now. it's just something about going back to the past.
I've had scary stuff chasing me in dreams too. I still remember some of them from many years ago. In college, I made the mistake of watching "Night of the Living Dead" when it aired on TV. I dreamed that zombies were coming and I had to leave town. I watched a movie about the Holocaust and I dreamed that Nazis were on campus and out to get me.
The scariest dream I ever had was one in which the devil, complete with horns, black and red face, fangs, a black cape, and a trident, was sitting on my headboard. He hulked over my head, drooling blood and growling, "Ha, ha, ha! I've got you now! You can't wake up! You can't get away!" Never in my life have I tried so hard to wake up and not been able to. I kept telling myself, "It's a dream, a dream - just wake up! Wake up and it will be all over!" I have no idea what the duration was of the dream. It could have been 30 seconds, but of course it felt like an hour. It was such a struggle. Needless to say, I got no more sleep that night. 👹
Gee that is a scary dream!!! Were you on medication at the time? I ask because I once had a dream about the devil after I had surgery on my foot. It was so painful for a few days. I had to take some Demerol injections.
One night I dreamed that I heard loud noise coming from the living room. I could see a lot of light coming down the hallway. In the dream I "knew" Satan was in my living room. I never saw him, but I knew that he was there. It was so creepy and scary.
I found out later that some medications will cause bizarre dreams.