MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Did you high five them in return?
Good call. I'd love to see Christina Ricci back in any similar, semi-dark role - she suits it well.
Mumford. Apparently over 8000 people have seen it, but I've met none of those. I think it's a case of 'not many have even heard of this' but tbh I'm not even quite sure why I like it so much. I just, do.
Same - but Cruel Intentions didn't do jack for her career. And Tim Burton is known for being a 'collector' - he resuses actors he likes. So even if Alice tanked, SMG would be in more films today.
Very small pet peeve of mine, but more and more I see this happening and it drives me nuts. When someone is talking in a scene, but the camera is not on them for much or all of the time they are speaking. I feel like this happens often and repeatedly in films and it isn't done for effect, it's done to show a product, or the hotter actor in the scene, or something entirely unrelated to the scene.
Katherine Heigl. I feel like she made one very innocent comment about not liking how women are always forced to be the wet blanket character in films and the media blew it up and made her out to be a diva - even though other actors and directors came forward to dispel this image.
Agree about Mel Gibson.
Disagree about Kevin Spacey.
Haha so very brief.
I don't think the issue is with whether you push it, but how they respond. And in my experience, the result is gonna be unsatisfying. People who have no desire to conversationally pursue complex topics aren't likely to do so even if pushed. And they might become hostile or belligerent if you do so. In other words, if you couldn't get them to say anything the first time round, rounds two and three and more probably won't be successful, either. Then you'll just be more frustrated.
So, if the question is: is it safe to walk away?
Yes and no. Because it is dangerous that so many people walking around in the world don't know or understand some deep stuff happening around them, and they don't care to know. But you can't make grown ass adults care about things when they don't want to and it's not your job to make them.
So then, the next question: is it worth worrying about?
No. Just do your best and don't melt your brain trying to get others to do theirs.
Sarah Michelle Gellar turning down the role of Alice in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie. Not saying the movie was amazing, but I still think it would've been huge in re-kickstarting her career. I mean, does anything think of her as anything but Buffy?
"So shines a good deed in a weary world" - Willy Wonka.
I've always liked that.
Funnily enough, these can have multiple meanings. Such is language.
For example, I see - I understand where you're coming from. Or I see - I don't get you at all, but this is awkward and 'I see' is a way for me to end this topic/conversation.
Not really can mean not at all, not quite, sort of/you're on the right track but that's not exactly it, and so on.
Language has the meaning we ascribe to it, and so lots of meanings.
The animated Beauty and the Beast film. I tried watching it back as an adult and it's pretty damn cringey. Weirdly, I don't have this issue with most other Disney/animated kids films. And it's not so bad it's good. It's literally one good song wrapped up in garbage.
She seemed pretty satisfied with it.
And you sir/madam, have fine opinions.
Not at all.
Ditto. I liked it, too.
Pretty sure she's bi-sexual. Just saying.
It would be. It really would.
There's one that's missing here, that I would choose. The scribe. The one who only narrowly survives and lives to tell the tale.
Gargoyles. I want Gargoyles to be a live action thing.
Also Animorphs needs to be a tv show again.
You're funny.