MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
Is it Krull? I included the trailer, the imdb page and the wiki page for your perusal.
Sorry if this is not it. Also, yeah, bit late.
I found this link with a tiny bit of digging:
Not sure if that helps.
No, these are two separate songs, not on the same soundtrack, non-related except that they're both songs lol. When I get one out of my head, the other starts up. It's a double song loop, as it were.
Here's the song links:
Never Enough:
My Soul I
People either really love it, enjoy it and get it, or hate it and don't get it and it wasn't reaaallly about P.T Barnum how dare they use his name and not adhere to utmost reality - what is this, a movie? Lol
Since 'don't do it' is probably not going to fly, I'd say incorporate it into the actual story. I feel like just exploding things is like mandatory fireworks on holidays. Yeah they're cool, but they scare dogs and they don't feel that special because mandatory.
I think most films can solve their issues if they just prioritize story over flash. If the story requires explosions because it's integral to the story and the scene, then sure. If it doesn't, then don't add them. So I guess I still think "don't do it" is a legitimate argument lol.
First song: Never Enough - Rebecca Ferguson, from the very divisive film The Greatest Showman.
Second song: My Soul I - Anna Leone, was on an episode of Lethal Weapon, season 2, episode 11.
You're welcome.
I feel like anything that is obviously forced into a show is bad.
But I grew up in a time when seeing more than one African-American or Asian-Australian character on a tv show was the norm. It wasn't like 'look! here is this one slightly olive-complected human!' It was like, "this is a show about humans and humans come in all different shapes and sizes - no surprise to you since you too are a human".
It's dumb when there's one African-American kid in school out of 50 white people. And even his parents are white. But if the show treats the world as it is - diverse - then no problem.
This happens to me too often. First it was this:
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough...
Now it's this:
My soul I am broken by you
One morning I’ll wake up renewed
Don’t go love
I need you to stay
My soul I am broken today
And I will work out what it meant
And I will mend you in the end
Cause I’ll do anything to love you
Love you
I’ll do anything to love you
Love you.
Damn you movies and TV for blessing my ears and cursing my brain.
The Secret Window. Damn, you really get fooled into thinking it's going to be about something...but nah.
A Little Princess (1995). This movie is generally well-liked, but it should be a movie people still talk about and that directors and writers should have at least tried to emulate more when it comes to kids' movies. I think it's much better and much more than it seems - it actually reminds me a lot of The Fall (2006).
I don't actually feel guilty, but movies I know I'm not supposed to like or watch as much as I do are feel-good movies. Movies about Christmas and magic or making your 'dreams happen', movies like A Walk To Remember (rewatched recently) and Center Stage: On Pointe (movie I've watched an unhealthy amount of times).
In other words, I'm secretly lame. Hey, I'm going through a tough time right now and these are comfort-watches.
Oh, how dare you like Rambo 2 and 3 lol. I love all the Rambo films too tbh - especially 2 (Julia Nickson in this and Sidekicks was my everything back then).
I utterly, utterly loathe the pronunciation of the word 'known' as 'know-win' or 'know-one' in some parts of Australia. It's a one-syllable word! Others I can deal with, because it has more to do with the aurality of the speaker than actual mispronunciation of a word.
I don't have as strong feelings when I hear some Americans pronounce 'district' without the t at the end, like 'dis-trick' - but I'm not a fan of that either.
Maybe. Or maybe he hated what it represented - it was a symbol of how, even in death, he would never compare or win against his brother for his mother's affection/attention.
"I will come back...probably as a dolphin...and have my revenge...or not...probably in 1996 or thereabouts..."
Just my guess, but I reckon he wanted the duck so bad because it was his first trophy from his first kill. I don't know why, but this seems a common pattern with serial killers - to keep a possession belonging to their victims. It was proof of what he had done and gotten away with and, more importantly, what he could do get away with in future. Kind of like a beacon of confidence, spurring him onto bigger and badder actions. When he himself realized how much power it had over him, he tossed it.
He's doing Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency right now, which is still pretty highly rated despite Max Landis (not everyone's favourite person) being attached to it. But yeah he's not exactly lighting up the movie world anymore. I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore - that's on my to-watch list.
That's pretty cool. It's a good position to be in. I hope to be in a place like that someday , where familiar and comfortable are synonymous with a little more than temporarily content - like happy.
Kind of a weird choice, but Elijah Wood in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, specifically Fellowship. I'd grown up watching him as a kid in films and always thought he was brilliant, but I feel like this was [i]the[/i] transitional film that solidified in my mind that he wasn't just a great child actor - he was and is a great actor period.