MovieChat Forums > Wint3rFir3 > Replies
Wint3rFir3's Replies
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I don't feel like I have a firm enough grasp on how it affects the world economically - if I did, I sense that I might dislike it. However, as of now I don't hate it. I think that a lot of TV shows and films wouldn't get seen otherwise because people are being more stingy with their money or, you know, poverty is still a thing. So, not really.
As long as I don't have to be who I was in highschool, and could be this me now, then I wouldn't mind going back. I had a fairly easy time, enjoyed studying and had a lot of friends - but I was torn up inside all the time. I was learning a lot about the world, about family and friends, about becoming the person I wanted to be, blah blah. Personal identity crisis was huge back then.
Still, if I could be me now and go back, then yes because I think I could accomplish a lot more and have a lot more fun doing so. But if I had to do it all as I did, then nah. I'm past figuring things out while still trying to decide who I am.
Nope. I'm one of those assholes who hates Sixteen Candles. The Breakfast Club has a sort of weak ending, but Sixteen Candles was pure trash through and through in my eyes.
Actually, I didn't think the parents were truly bad, except Bender's. They were parents as seen through the eyes/perspectives of their children. Not many teens see their parents as human beings - and human beings are flawed whether they have kids or not.
Yes, it very much was.
Pretty much all of Debbie Jellinsky's lines from Addams Family Values, especially "They had to go."
Exactly. You know it's dumb when you're a kid, but then you grow up and you realize just how dumb. Who cares if Auntie A won't text Uncle B back? Or whatever the f.
Yeah lol, he's either that Workaholics guy, that guy from Pitch Perfect or the manny from Modern Family. It's him.
I just discovered this existed. As a huge Superman fan I am appalled at myself for not hearing about it sooner. Will report my thoughts on it soon.
This is a serious condition. It's called being a fully formed human being, comprised of masculine and feminine traits all in the one body. A lot of us have it, not a lot of us want to admit that. Now, you may feel the urge sometimes to open doors for other people and give up your seat on trains for the elderly. And sometimes, when doors are opened for you and seats given up for you, you may have the strongest urge to accept them. Don't worry. This is not an incurable condition. You will figure things out.
Congrats. Dark, sexy, disgusting - yes they are.
I'd say Ghostbusters is a prime example of this. None of the four main characters are magicians - they use science and technology to catch ghosts, which in itself is 'magical'. Not everything within the universe of the ghostbusters is explained, but I think there's enough there to make an argument for science as magic/magic explained by science.
Also a lot of 80s based science fiction novels mark 'magic' as a result of scientific experiments, especially those done in the 80s. An example of this is Stephen King's novel adaptation Firestarter. A more current example of this is obviously Stranger Things the tv series.
Stargate the TV series mixes magic and science also.
Hope that helps.
I understand this pain too well, friend. It's not a masterpiece by any means, but it is what I call the movie of the villains - Catwoman, Penguin and even Max Shreck have yet to be matched in more current Batman films. And the villains are what make Batman as a story so interesting.
"Nobody cares" lol so true.
Patricia Arquette
Laurence Fishburne
Isabella Rossellini
Leonardo di Caprio
Viola Davis
All these are a delight to watch and get me excited to see what they're in.
Why yes it is. And my heart burns there, too.
When We First Met came out not long ago - not a bad film.
The TV show Hindsight was good, but was cancelled after a season I think, so not great.
You'll have heard of the 80s ones and likely seen them already.
Good job, PeteRose.
Sugary food and drink, especially before bed
Media and political BS, especially in combination
Family BS
Life in general – I just feel that the obstacles that come my way now are met with more impatience and intolerance on my part, so I don’t just breeze through them like I used to.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Pretty much the only one I can think of. Also, I second Batman Returns.