MovieChat Forums > MAGolding > Replies
MAGolding's Replies
I also liked Debbie Berwick. Curiously, I thought her surname was Berkowitz and half expected Pim to call her "perkowitz".
The idea that Eruopean royalty should only marry other members of European Royalty only got started about the beginning of the Renaissance. Since the number of European royal families was very small, the great noble families in the Holy Roman Empire who ruled over principalities were considered equals pf royalty when it came to marriage.
In the Middle Ages there was no rule that someone had to have a royal princess as their mother to be eligible to inherit the throne. The mothers of English monarchs are a good example, since many had English or foreign noblewomen as their mothers.
King Edward VI, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth were children of Henry VIII, 2 English noblewomen, and a Spanish princess. Henry VIII was the son of Henry VII & English Princess Elizabeth of York. Elizabeth of York & her brother Edward V were children of King Edward IV & noblewomen Elizaberth Woodville. Edward IV was the son of a royal duke & an English noblewoman.
Henry VI was the son of King Henry V & a French royal princess. Henry V was the son of Henry IV & an English noblewomen. Henry IV was the son of a royal Duke & a more distant member of the royal family.
Richard II, deposed in 1399, ws the son of the Prince of Wales & an English noblewoman. Edward III was the son of Edward II & a French royal princess. Edward II was the son of Edward I & a Spanish royal princess. Edward I was the son of Henry III & the daughter of a French count related to royalty. Henry III was the son of King John & a French countess.
John and his brother Richard I were sons of Henry II & a French duchess. Henry II was the son of a French count & an English princess. King Stephen was a French count, son of a French count & an English princess. Henry I and Wiliam II were sons of French duke William I who invaded and usurped the throne in 1066.
So there was no medieval rule that royalty could only marry royalty.
On Swc. 3 2020 I saw "The Impossible Summitt of Mount Neverrest!" again.
Calculating from the birth date of the boys in april of 20__, in "the secret(s) of Castle McDuck!", Duck Tales should happen sometime in the period of 2009 to 2112.
In "The Impossible Summitt of Mount Neverrest!" George Mallardy is described as the greatest mountaineer of the 20th century. So Mallardy probably died during the period of 1900/1901 to 1999/2000. Mallardy died on the same trip that Scrooge describes as beng 75 yeas earlier, soon after Scrooge made his first million and hired Mallardy to help him celebrate with an ascension of Mount Neverrest.
So Scrooge should have made his first million and made the failed attempt to climb Mount Neverrest sometime in the period of 1900 to 2000, and thus the first season of Duck Tales should be in the period 1975 to 2075.
If Duck Tales happens soemtime in the period of 2009 to 2112, the failed ascension of Mount Neverrest should have been in the period of 1934 to 2037.
If Duck Tales has a more or les contemporary fictional time setting "The Impossible Summitt of Mount Neverrest!" should be during December of 2017, thus mking Scrooge's first million and the failed attempt to climb Mount Neverrest in December, 1942, 75 years after Scrooge was born.
11-28-2020 I saw "The first adventure" again this mornng. It did say the first scene was in the 1960s but didn't say when the rest of the episode was. On the pirate ship Scrooge says he saw Bradford buzzard at his Christmass Party long ago. Scrooge decides to stop running his busineses and start adventuring at the end. He specifically mentions that when he hires Bradford Buzzard to manage things.
Thus Scrooge saw Bradford at a Christmass party in "Last Christmass" which was long before "The first Adventure" and possibly before Donald and Della were born.
Black Heron has both her natural arms in the first scene in "The First Adventure" but has a prostethic right arm in the fight on the pirate ship. That is before the present day part of "From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22" so Black Heron should and does have a prosthetic arm in those scenes. I don't remember whether she has a prosthetic arm in the past scenes in "Fom the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22".
This site <url>,Bond%20villains%2C%20complete%20with%20a%20%22cool-looking%22%20island%20lair. </url> says that Black Heron lost her arm in the explosion of her lab in the 1960s segment of "From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22".
Very funny!
The Second season episodes in their correct viewing order according to this list: <url> </url>
"Most Dangerous Game...Night!"
"The Depths of Cousin Fethry!"
"The Ballad of Duke Baloney!" Flintheart Glomgold has been missing for four months since "The Shadow War!".
"The Town Where everyone Was Nice!"
"Storkules in Duckburg!"
2018 - Christmass. "Last Christmas!" Time travel between Christmas 2018 and earlier Christmases.
"What Ever Happened to Della Duck?!" Flashbacks to 2008 and years betweeen and ending in 2019.
"Friendship Hates Magic!" Webby makes a new friend, Violet Sabrewing. Despite suspicion and opposition from shadow Lena, they bring Lena back to life.
"Treasure of the Found Lamp!"
"The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!" In 2019 scrooge tries to motivate Louie with a story about his adventures in the wild west over a century earlier.
"The 87 cent Solution!"
"The Golden Spear!" Della returns to Earth, but Donald is accidentally sent to the Moon. General Lunaris plans to invade.
"Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!"
"Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!"
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!"
"The Duck Knight Returns!"
"Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!"
"Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?!" Donald returns to Earth but can't warn Scrooge about the Moon invasion.
"A Nightmare on Killmoter Hill!" Lena thinks, but isn't certain, it is the first anniversary of Webby and Lena becoming friends, so it should be before April 2019. Magica haunts their dreams.
"The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!"
"The Richest Duck in the World!"
I have not seen an official list of the episode order for the third season, which should happen in the years 2019 and 2020.
However, "The Trickening" (October 5,2020) clearly happens on Halloween, October 31, 2019, and "how Santa Stole Christmas!", set to be broadcast on November 30, 2020, probably includes a flashback to one or more past Christmases, and probably also scenes happening during Christmas, 2019.
"The Fight for Castle McDuck!" November 23, 2020, should happen sometime in 2019. Scrooge & the gang are called to Castle McDuck because the mists have cleared and it is now possible to reach the castle "four years" ahead of schedule. Since the next time the castle would be reachable should be about April, 2023, that would put "The Fight for Castle McDuck!" about April 2019, give or take a number of months.
Since Bentina Beakley, Bradford Buzzard, and Black Heron are already adults in the 1960s in "The First Adventure" and are still physicially fit and active during the first, second, and third seasons of <i>Duck Tales</i> 2017 those seasons should have fictional dates as early as possible.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie were hatched in the year 20__, sometime between the years 2000 and 2099, and probably turn ten during the first season, putting the first season sometime between 2009-10 and 2109-10. Considering the ages of Beakley, Buzzard, and Black Heron, the first season should be no later than 2017-2018, the second season no later than 2018-19, and the third season no later than 2019-20.
And some fans might consider it more plausible that Huey, dewey, and Louie were born as early as 2000 and that the first season happens in 2009-10, second season in 2010-11, and the third season in 2011-12.
I may add I read that the opening scene has a title saying it is set in the 1960s. So that is definite, although as far as I know there is no explict statement in the episode when the later events happen. So I guess that Scrooge's first adventure with Donald and Della happens sometime during the late 1980s to the 1990s to the early 2000s.
Duckworth the Butler is alive and not a ghost in the scenes set somewhere between about 1985 to 2005. Thus the earliest possible date from Duckworth's death should be about 1985, and it is possible he might have been still alive in and after 2005.
If the later scenes are the first time Donald and Della stay with Scrooge, the scenes where young Donald and Della are staying with Scrooge in "Last Christmass" would have to be after "The First Adventure".
When Scrooge hires Bradford Buzzard at the end he says he say Bradford Buzzard at his Christmas Party, one of several scene in "Last Christmas". Was Bradford Buzzard seen together with Donald and Della at the same party? If so, and if Donald and Della began staying with Scrooge during "The first Adventure", there should be a time skip in "The First Adventure" long enough for Scrooge's Christmass party with Donand and Della and Bradford among the guests.
But if Donald, Della, and Bradford are not seen together at a Christmas party in the same year in "Last Christmas" , or if Donald and Della have stayed in McDuck Manor with Scrooge during earlier Christmases before "The First Adventure", the Christmass party where Bradford attended could have been years before before "The First Adventure" and there would be no need for any lenght of time between the search for the scroll and Scrooge hiring Bradford.
And if Scrooge asks where he saw Bradford before, sometime earlier in "The First Adventure", That would mean the Christmas party Bradford attended was sometime before "The First Adventure".
The latest episode "The First Adventure!" (November 16, 2020) has new clues about the birthdates of Donald and Della. The synopsis begins:
<blockquote>In the 1960s, S.H.U.S.H. rejects Bradford's proposal to take over the world and reign in its chaos, which prompts him to co-found F.O.W.L. with Heron. 30 years later, Scrooge is asked to take care of young Della and Donald (Cristina Vee), and is simultaneously tasked by S.H.U.S.H. with retrieving the Papyrus of Binding, a mystical parchment capable of making anything written on it a reality...</blockquote>
<url> </url>
So if that dating information is explicitly given in "The First Adventure!" Donald and Della should go on their first adventure with Scrooge sometime during the 1990s.
Donald and Della look smaller and younger than they did in their past Christmas scenes in "Last Christmas!" (December 1, 2018), which happened an unspecified number of years, as far as I remember, before the second season.
Black Heron already has a prosthetic right arm in "The First Adventure!".
"From the Confidential Files of Agent 22!" (July 7, 2018) has flashbacks to the past where Mrs. Beakley fights F.O.W.L agent Black Heron, and scenes in the present of the first season where Scrooge, Beakley, and Webby fight Black Heron again. I don't remember whether Black Heron had her prosthetic arm in both the present scenes and the flashbacks. If she didn't have her prosthetic arm in the flashbacks in "From the Confidential Files of Agent 22!", "The First Adventure!" would be after those flashbacks, but if Black Heron already has her prosthetic arm in the flashbacks there would be no way to tell which was earlier.
Donald and Della seem incredibly young to be the nephew and niece of Scrooge McDuck, born in 1867 about 130 years earlier, leading me to believe that there is some science fiction or fantasy time warping in their backstory in <i>Duck Tales </i> 2017.
I note that in "The First Adventure!" Scrooge's sister Hortense (born in 1876 according to Don Rosa) sends a letter with Donald and Della asking Scrooge to watch them, and the text of the letter is partially based on the letter that Della or Thelma Duck sent with Huey, Dewey, and Louie when asking Donald to take care of them in a October 17, 1937 <i>Donald Duck</i> Sunday comic strip, the first appearance of the trio. Apparently Donald and Della sent their father to the hospital with the same prank the boys used on their father in that comic strip.
So Hortense McDuck Duck is apparently over a century older than her children Della and Donald in <i>Duck Tales </i> 2017, in chronological age if not necesarily in biological age.
Here is a link to <i>Blackbeard the Pirate</i> (1952) which reused some scenes with the Spanish galleon. The link in my previous post went bad somehow.
Andhere is another copy of another copy of the link to a scene with the galleon in <i>The Spanish Main</i> (1945).
And here is a link to a series of stills, some featuring the Spanish galleon, from <i>The Spanish Main</i> (1945).
When I first saw <i>Blackbeard the Pirate</i> (1952) on black and white television, I thought that the background color of the galleon's sails was green. It is hard to judge colors from monchrome images.
Of course the ship is much too modern in design to be called a galleon, but nautical and other terminology in popular culture such as movies is often used very loosely.
I remember reading a review of either this film or the third one where the reviewer commented that the "child-like Empress" seemed about as child-like as Drew Barrymore (b. 1975).
I remember reading a review of either this film or the third one where the reviewer commented that the "child-like Empress" seemed about as child-like as Drew Barrymore (b. 1975).
Some early 20th century science fiction stories depicted solid surfaces on the giant planets.
Jupiter had a solid surface in <i>Spacehounds of IPC</i> (1931) and <i>Triplanetary</i>(1934) by E.E. Smith, for example. The only example I rmember of Uranus having a solid surface is in "The Planet of Doubt", by Stanely G. Weibaum, <i>Astounding Stories</i>, October 1935.
And even that early the idea of the giant planets having solid surfaces may have been disproved. Certainly by the time that <i>Journey to the Seventh Planet</i>, 1961, was made the idea that giant planets in our solar system had solid surfaces was discredited, and few science fiction editors would publish stories where the giant planets had solid surfaces. By 1961 the fimakers could have found teenage and even preteen astronomy fans who could have told them the giant planets didn't have solid surfaces.
The deep interiors of the giant planets have pressures and temperatures which are hard for us to imagine. Here is a quote about possible conditions in some layers of the interior of Uranus:
<blockquote> The extreme pressure and temperature deep within Uranus may break up the methane molecules, with the carbon atoms condensing into crystals of diamond that rain down through the mantle like hailstones.[75][76][77] Very-high-pressure experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggest that the base of the mantle may comprise an ocean of liquid diamond, with floating solid 'diamond-bergs'.[78][79] Scientists also believe that rainfalls of solid diamonds occur on Uranus, as well as on Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.[80][81] </blockquote>
<url> </url>
Astronomers measured the angular diameter of Uranus and it's distance. Thus they could calculate its volume. Astronomers measured the distances of the large moons of Uranus from the center of the planet, and thus could calculate the circumferences of their orbits. They measured how long it took for the moons to orbit Uranus. And so they calculated how massive Uranus would have to be for the speeds of the moons to be the correct orbital velocities at those distances.
So if you know the volume and the mass of an object, you can calculate its average density. The overall and average density of Uranus is 1.27 grams per cubic centimeter, 0.2303 of Earth's density of 5.514 grams per cubic centimeter.
The visible surface layer of Uranus is a layer of clouds in its atmosphere. The atmosphere is mostly composed of the two lightest gases, hydrogen and helium.
Every planet gets denser and denser, and hotter and hotter, with increasing depth within it. So the atmospheres of the giant planets are believed to get thicker and thicker and thicker with increasing depth until they are a dense as Earth's oceans and until they are as dense as the deepest layers of Earth's oceans and keep on getting denser and denser until eventually they gradually merge with the "solid" cores of their planets..
Thus a spaceship trying to land on a giant planet would fall deeper and deeper into the atmosphere until the atmosphere became as dense as an ocean, and the spaceship floated in an atmospheric layer like a submarine in the ocean. Or maybe the spaceship would fall until it was crushed by the ever increasing pressure.
In the early days of the space race, decades before any space probes visited the outer planets, the popular books on astronomy and outer space all said that the giant planets had no solid surfaces but their atmospheres just gradually became superdense and merged with the incredibly dense and exotic cores of those planets.
Of course there could have been some other reason why Jennifer couldn't get out of the car in time.
But the surviving kids, Kevin and Mary, may have believed that they basically killed Jennifer by tying her shoes together and trapping her in the car.. And maybe the felt very guilty about it, and maybe they were happy they had got rid of jennifer. Or maybe they oscillated between the two feelings..
And possibly the feeling by Kevin and Mary that they had killed Jennifer provided a way for her vengeful spirit to possess them. Or maybe that belief made Mary psychotic and drove her killing rampage.
And in "Serf's Up-rising" I also noticed a flag or wall hanging in an alcove which seemed to have the coat of arms of the German state of bavaria on it:
Here is a link to an image of the modern coat of arms of Bavaria:
<url> </url>
And I saw the same coat of arms, in the same style, in the the flag or wall hanging.
Here are links to the two flags used by the Free State of Bavaria:
<url> </url>
<url> </url>
But apparently there are even more official and unofficial variations on the Bavarian flag as seen and discussed at:
<url> </url>
And none of the flags illustrated looked exactly like the flag or wall hanging I saw in "Serf's Uprising". In any case a 20th or 21st century flag or wall hanging patttern and design is not exactly what one would expect in an historically accurate Renaissance week, though only to be expected in a typical one.
Here is a shorter version of the post about flags in the Renaissance Week episode, "Serf's Up-rising", 23 Novembr 2019.
A flag hanging from the ceiling near the door of the mess hall caught my attention, since it had a two headed eagle, which I always enjoy.
After studying it I decided that flag was a modern replica of a battalion or regimental color (battle flag) of an Austrian army unit, with the coat of arms of a Holy Roman Emperor. And from the design, it would have been the 1780 pattern, or the slightly modified 1792 pattern.
Here is a link to a photograph of a preserved 1792 pattern Austrian color:
<url> </url>.
And here is a link to a site with photos of three Austrian colors perserved in the Army History Museaum in Vienna. The top one is a 1792 pattern color, probably the same one as in the other photo, the middle one is the only surviving 1804 pattern color, and the bottom one is an 1806 pattern color.
<url> </url>
And here is a link to a better photo of another flag with the 1792 pattern:
<url> </url>
If you look closely you can see the halos around the heads of the eagle in the imperial coat of arms.
There is a shield on the eagle's torso with the arms of many of the emperor''s real or claimed possessions. The shield is divided into three columns and four rows.
Top row dexter to sinister: Hungary ancient impaling Hungary modern, quartered I Castile, 2 Leon, 3 Aragon, 4 unknown, Bohemia.
Second row: Burgundy ancient, Austria impaling Lorraine, Tuscany.
Third Row: Transylvania, Milan or Lombardy, Mantua.
Fourth row: County of Holland?, Flanders, Tyrol.
And of course it is an anachronism to use a prop with a 1792 design in a Renaissaice week, though seeing a flag of the Holy Roman Empire is always enjoyable to me. To some of the younger kids who watch <i>Bunk'd</i> 1792 may seem so long ago that it might as well be the Renaissance era.
But the F II on the eagle's wings is the monogram of Francis II, Elected Emperor of the Romans, who didn't die until 1835, and so knew his grandson Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria (1830-1916), and I have seen a photo of Franz Joseph with his brother's great grandson Otto, the last crown prince of Austria, who was born in 1912 and didn't die until 2011.
In my own family I have corresponded with, and talked on the phone with, a relative who was born in 1897 and so knew his grandfather who died in 1906; that grandfather was born in 1830, and his own father was born in 1779, and so was alive when those 1792 patttern Austrian colors were carried into many bloody battles by the soldiers of the last Emperor of the Romans.
So to me 1792 seems recent enough that I can appreciate how long it was after the Renaissance era, and how anachronistic a 1792 pattern flag would be in a historically accurate Renaissance week.
As a matter of fact, buckets were used in two historical killings.
Captain William Kidd was hanged for piracy and for killing his gunner William Moore on 30 October 1697 by thowing a heavy bucket onto his head.
<url> </url>
Emperor Constans Ii was killed in Syracuse, Sicily in the imperial bath.
<blockquote> On September 15, 668, he was assassinated in his bath by his chamberlain, according to Theophilus of Edessa, with a bucket. </blockquote>
<url> </url>
The addictive site called TV Tropes has a trope called "Scout-out", about movies and shows using different names for boy and girl scouts.