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BlackMass's Replies
Roger Ebert certainly paid attention (it was his job, after all). He said in his review:
<i>The predator of the movie's title is a visitor from space; that's established in the opening scene. What it is doing in the jungle is never explained [...] Why would an alien species go to all the effort to send a creature to Earth, just so that it could swing from trees and skin American soldiers?</i>
I enjoyed the film, but never identified a motive. Seems I'm not alone.
I've seen those RT scores, and they ain't pretty.
I'd put Robocop 2 above T3, personally, if only for the amusing work of Tom Noonan and Will Pugh.
It overheated and got a red screen of death.
Arnie does look a little silly in the beginning, but his massive frame still makes the character appear superhuman. After his eyebrows and much of his hair are burnt off, the Terminator becomes nightmare fuel. But then, maybe that look wouldn't work so well, had he not made the shift from schoolboy.
Lmao. Journey and others had already exhausted the power ballad a decade before "Always" came out. You're talking about a very average song like it's "Yesterday" or something.
Yup. Bon Jovi are sub-Journey tosh.
So Mona says, "She's a dead woman, just like you're a dead man." This is a threat: Jack is not deceased when the line is spoken. And why would he be longing for Natalie's return, if he'd been told she was dead?
Natalie directed Jack to a desk in their home, saying that an item in the drawer will give Jack the answer to whether the couple will be reunited in Phoenix. There, he finds a photo album, with all the snaps Natalie has taken of her husband cheating. So no, Natalie won't be seeing Jack again: she started a new life with the money she was given. She didn't have time to take any photos of Mona, because Jack ushered her out of the state.
That's pretty much it, as far as I can tell.
Drexl was the best character in the film, and his interaction with Slater was the best scene in the film. I'm pretty sure Oldman had something to do with that.
The Oldman/Slater interaction was absolutely a great scene, and the best one in the film.
It was good, but I much preferred the Oldman/Slater scene. It knew what it was, and didn't feel like a screenwriter reaching for "classic status".
T2 is ranked #41 in the IMDb Top 250, so I'd venture to say that a lot of people consider it a great movie. Fun [i]and[/i] great.
Right. Smearing a little chimney soot on there wouldn't have hurt, but Cameron's ego probably demanded the endoskeleton be seen in all its glory. At least he had steam coming off it.
The middle-aged Sarah Connor confirmed her identity. The Terminator would likely have sought confirmation that the woman he just killed (Ginger) was Sarah.
Maybe the Terminator only intended to load the weapon, and taking out the clerk was improvised.
Even if there were a mass-produced Arnie model (this aspect appears to have been introduced in T2), the Terminator had adopted the fashions of the time and was in a dimly-lit club. Besides, some people just look alike.
Pulling the trigger without observing any approach toward Sarah would have been a big ol' gamble.
The book was horrible. Harris indulged himself and crapped on the Clarice character.
Well, Gary Oldman is in both.
Gillian Anderson. Dana Scully is basically a carbon copy of Clarice Starling.
Forrest stole the movie. No doubt about it.