vicky_lc2001's Replies

It took me a while as well but it gets more interesting later on by episode 6 onwards. I don't think Cannavale was wrong for Vinyl, I think the writing of his character was wrong for the show. They made him out to be a guy who started this business from scratch to the top but can't keep it together for an entire episode. They made him too weak & drug addled, they needed to give him some Michael Corleone cool headedness in business. HBO can be so frustrating cancelling great shows like Carnivale & Rome, or cancelling shows with tremendous potential like Vinyl. What will they do when Game of Thrones ends next year? I think Cannavali's descent into addiction and loss of everything (if that's what they're going for) should be more gradual, he unravels on every episode & gets himself together for a few minutes at most. It's exhausting and gets tiring after a while. Also, I noticed that the show started getting interesting towards the end & tbh I would rather see a more sober & in control Richie rather than the coke head version. I also like Ray Romano btw & don't think he should leave. Boardwalk unfortunately lost its way after Pitt leaving. & if the rumors are true, then it really is unfortunate that the demise of a great show was due to an actor's personal problems. But then again, they saved it with the introduction of a great mesmerizing antagonist with Cannavale's character to Buscemi's, only to kill him off within season 3. BE was really only good for its first 3 seasons. As good as Buscemi is as an actor, he simply wasn't able to carry the show. Westworld is not as good as people make it out to be unfortunately. & Vinyl is ok but has a lot of potential to be really really good, they should not have let it go nor Winter. HBO has made bad decisions before like the cancellation of Carnivale & Rome, 2 extremely excellent shows that were axed because it was expensive. HBO probably found Vinyl too expensive to give it a second chance. & btw, people saying this was very bad or that this is very good are not being honest with themselves, 2 extremes of the same coin. Just watched this today after seeing Cannavale's tremendous performance in Boardwalk Empire. And I liked him here, he was so adorable like an innocent kid, very different from Gyp Rosetti. I have a crush on him truth be told. "I know from experience that extroverts with a soft heart tend to gravitate toward those who seem wounded and thoughtful and in need of a friend." ----------------------- ^^^ That's one of the sweetest and most endearing descriptions I've read about Joe. Agreed Bronte! I found him cute and adorable like a lost and lonely puppy you have to pet all the time actually. It's weird watching Cannavale here after he played scary impulsive Gyp Rosetti in Boardwalk Empire. It depends, most Mexicans for example are Mestizos while most Argentinians and Cuban Americans are white. People from Peru tend to be Native Americans as another example. Being Hispanic is cultural, not an ethnicity. Some Mediterraneans don't consider themselves white when it suits them, lol! Wow you're very good with getting these hints, thanks! His style is nowhere near Pacino's, Cannavale is more Pacino inspired though. I doubt it, he was still hot in the 90s and by that I mean women wanted him and men wanted to be or look like him. I was just a kid, a teenager yet everyone I knew had a huge crush on him including me when he went away. So I believe his story. You guys see Pacino because they both have Italian features whereas Nelson doesn't. I do see Nelson but I think it's just the hair. I agree, he can easily just have the hair removed temporarily or permanently but perhaps during the casting sessions he wasn't really prepared to have his shirt removed then? Pacino is the same, he doesn't like having his shirt off even as a young man. Remarkably ugly? Lol, your world views are upside down my friend. Why can't you be both?