MovieChat Forums > Kazak > Replies

Kazak's Replies

I think it’s a great idea, don’t you conservatives?! 🤦🏻‍♂️ I wonder which way the state of Canada would typically vote? 🙄 I wonder how many electoral college delegates the state of Canada would get? 🤣 😭 Has become among my very favorite films. 🤷🏻‍♂️ “I understand now, until you’re dead it’s all life! It’s okay. Everything’s okay. I’m not mad. I’m okay.” Movie chat has a fraction of the users IMDb did. It looks the same, but it is not the same. I miss the robust source for movie discussion too! Nosferata: Bride of Nosferatu I wanted to murder Chalamet the moment the film started. 😡 Not Wonka. Obviously, Funny Games. I was raised on grits and love the little buggers. I live in Oklahoma, but as far as I can tell, they aren’t commonly eaten here. …assuming I get to have any new material by the above artists rushed immediately to the island. Fifth place I guess would be Radiohead at this point in time, as long as I get to include all The Smile’s stuff. The Sea and Cake The High Llamas of Montreal Hard not to pick The Beatles though. The Lighthouse, Bobby Peru, Jesus?!! I don’t need to, he was formally convicted of, what, 34 felonies, in a court of law. I expect you’ll be deleting post haste. Are you proud of glorious leader evidently going to get away with serious crime? Lovely Molly I get it, you’re very alarmist and everything is situation critical. Be very afraid. Of course it happens every now and then here and there, etc. etc. Republicans get caught more than anybody trying to cast two votes. The question here is, is it significant in the election, and the answer is resoundingly always no. Yeah, stupid people try to get away with stupid things, derp. The lines to vote early here were ridiculous, so ended up averting at my precinct today. I’ll never forget about how the count of mail in ballots began after the in person votes had been tallied. 🙄 If something as uncouth as what you’re suggesting is happening, should be a cinch to uncover and blow up! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nah. America will do just fine under president Harris, and will be much more modernized in 16 years after Waltz’s second term. Why? Because this election represents the relinquishing of control by the boomers, and in 16 years, they’ll all be gone mostly. The crying has already begun.