MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump: Canada can always become a state

Trump: Canada can always become a state

As a euro, i hoped DT won........ but he acting like an asshole now.

Trump: Canada can always become a state
Trump suggests that Canada "can always become a state" under the United States.

- If you are a state, you will not have a deficit, and we will not need to impose tariffs on you, he says.

He emphasizes that the United States does not need Canadian oil, gas, cars or lumber.


- If you are a state, you will not have a deficit, and we will not need to impose tariffs on you, he says.

so fucking disrespectful to canadians.
he also threatened Denmark , saying they should sell Greenland to the US. or face tariffs or even military action.

What the fuck is going on?
this will not end well.......


How do you do fellow Trumpers amirite


i like/liked DT........ but now he seems to have a bloated head after the win.
thinking he can bully the allies of the US.

what the fuck, that was not in the election campaign.

america is powerful..... but not as powerful as the other 31 NATO countries combined.
America have enough enemies..... you don't have to make more DT!


Why would Canada becoming a US state make Trump or America an enemy of anyone?


Everyone in the middle east and many other countries hate Americans.

pissing off Canada and the whole EU would make sure the US have no allies.
How do you think that would work?


Why would it piss off Canada to become a US state?


Seriously, he is making more enemies? Actually I wish he would do more of what Teddy Roosevelt said, “Speak ( or walk) softly and carry a big stick.”

Trump does not need to open his big mouth at every turn. I think this even though I voted for him.

But America is “ not as powerful as the other 31 NATO countries combined”??

Well, the USA contributes about 40% to the NATO budget. How about we withdraw our support and let all those NATO countries get on our bad side? The thought of being invaded by the combined forces of Albania, Estonia and Finland has me wanting to start building a bunker😁😁. Maybe the Spanish Armada will invade our shores!

Not to denigrate the good people who are our NATO allies, I have nothing against them as most Americans surely don’t. But really think about who is hoisting that umbrella of protection over them before you think the US should be nervous.

And…the Ukraine is not even IN NATO and we’ve sent them billions.


"the USA contributes about 40% to the NATO budget"

nothing to do with budget.... i am talking about military strength.
NATO without the US is still stronger than the US alone.

If the US comes under attack, it would be weaker alone.... then if a NATO member comes under attack and gets help from the other members.

As you can see here:

Albania, Estonia and Finland you say....... what about England, Germany, France,

Don't scuff at Finland, and certainly not Turkey, and what about the eastern block of the NATO members, they would not be funny to fight against them. They would be fighting like Ukraine does.

No, DT has gotten old and strange in a hurry, he thinks the world only evolves around America.


Budget has nothing to do with military strength? Duh, what or who exactly PAYS for all that strength? Ships, tanks, planes, weapons,etc., these countries pay for all that? Seriously, get your head out of your behind😁

England is going to attack the USA? Seriously, get real. I worked in a Youth Hostel in Germany a number of years ago. There was a U.S. military base in the town. Deutschland was apparently happy to have a strong military presence there.

Don’t “scuff” at Finland. Typo there, you must have meant scoff. Seriously, Finland attacking the USA, do you think that THEY even consider it?

The “eastern block of NATO”. Sorry but I am still not shaking in my boots, the millions crossing our southern border are more scary.


the US does not pay a cent more to NATO than the other countries does!

I myself was surprised to read this:

"The volume of US defence expenditure represents approximately two thirds of the defence spending of the Alliance as a whole. However, this is not the amount that the United States contributes to the operational running of NATO, which is shared with all Allies according to the principle of common funding.

Moreover, US defence spending also covers commitments outside the Euro-Atlantic area",the%20principle%20of%20common%20funding

So Trump is 100% wrong.


"Duh, what or who exactly PAYS for all that strength? Ships, tanks, planes, weapons,etc., these countries pay for all that? Seriously, get your head out of your behind"

NATO without the US is more powerful than the US.
As this link clearly show:

And the countries have paid for their stuff themselves, the US have not paid for other NATO members weapons.

Much of the stuff is purchased from the US however ...... the US losing the weapon export to the EU, would cripple the US economy


found a something someone else replied here:

What would happen if the USA were to leave NATO? Is the organization still beneficial to the USA?
The USA would save $3.5 billion it currently spends on NATO.
It would lose much of its trade with NATO countries.
It would gain a million unemployed military personnel. All needing to be returned to the USA (with their families), and accommodated, and financed in some way.
It would gain $billions worth of redundant military equipment, needing to be shipped back and secured somewhere. Equipment suitable for war in Europe would be useless when 3,000 miles away across a vast ocean.
It would lose $billions of arms sales to NATO.

It would be unable to make military flights over the 31 remaining NATO countries. Such would be an act of war against NATO.
It would lose strategic offshore bases around the world.
It would have to re-negotiate its relationship with Canada, including overland access to Alaska.

The USA would have to re-write, its defense strategy. It would then have to retrain most of its personnel.
It would still have to defend the Atlantic coast, but without the aid of the 31 friends it currently has.
That’s just the visible tip of the iceberg. There is a vast amount of covert and intangible military activity spread amongst the allies. The 5-Eyes spy network, communication networks, good will, the list goes on.

In short, it would be a political, economic, and defense disaster.


Then the world ,aka our former NATO allies would have to make nice with Russia and China, see how far that gets them!!

Speaking of military equipment, Biden’s joke of an administration left billions of dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan. If we weren’t engaged in all these wars across the globe, this stuff would stay at home.

Defending the Atlantic coast? How many bucks has Europe sent us to defend our coast?😁Are you serious?

Military personnel? Many of our veterans are homeless and living on the streets. If we kicked out all the millions of illegals whom we give food and shelter, education and medical help to, we would have enough money for veterans. And those who are in the military, like my nephew, might have to find employment elsewhere. So what?

The world can go screw itself. The USA has been supporting dozens of countries for decades.


"The world can go screw itself. The USA has been supporting dozens of countries for decades"

yes, shithole countries.
and that needs to stop for sure.

but the US cannot survive without it's allies, and Trump is doing everything he can to piss them off and distance themselves from the US. This is not very smart by DT.
The US imports more than it exports.... so DT needs to put a cork in his piehole.
threats only works towards a weaker foe.


I think it’s a great idea, don’t you conservatives?! 🤦🏻‍♂️ I wonder which way the state of Canada would typically vote? 🙄 I wonder how many electoral college delegates the state of Canada would get? 🤣


You should study the art of the deal.

It’s called hyperbole. Is Trump placing the military on the border? Preparing for an invasion of Canada?

You seem like you’re genuinely interested in the topic. What do you like most about Trump? Which policies of his do you think will benefit America most?


US: Hey Canada.
Canada: Yes.
US: Jump.
Canada: Okay.


Canada and the EU are getting ready to impose counter tariffs if Trump uses them....... everything will get more expensive for US consumers.

great idea from Trump..... SMH

not exactly what he ran for president on, if i recall correctly!


Wouldn't it be ten states? Or would we lump all of the provinces together as one state?
