Movie Chat vs old IMDB forums.
I appreciate that Movie Chat took over the IMDB forums when they closed down, but to be honest, they are becoming pretty boring in the last years. In the past I always went to the IMDB forums after watching every movie because there you would find most of the times good discussions about the movie itself, details you might have missed, theories, etc. Nowadays for almost every new movie that comes out most of the discussion is about how woke the movie is. And in the eyes of the chatters, almost everything is woke. If there is a non white person, woke, if there is a female in a significative role, woke, if there are gays, woke, if there are poor people fighting for their rights, woke, if there is a woman with short hair, woke, there is someone with a non-Christian religion, woke, and so on.
I myself was a little bit tired of extreme inclusion, etc, but it seems that the "cure" is worse, it is like we moved from one extreme to the other one. And the current one is much more annoying than the one before.