AngularTurnip's Posts

Amazing at playing bad guys Movies with a late night ambiance? Hard to believe Roger Moore was pushing 50 in this. The Penguin going up the stairs in his duck buggy is one of the funniest things ever How refreshing for a movie like this not to take itself very seriously I think "Invisible Touch" is the group's undisputed masterpiece. Their early work was a little too ... New Wave for my taste. Three movies you can't believe are directed by the same person One of the great American films A character in a movie or TV show you were very happy to see die? Mid-life crisis movies Movies that people quoted and quoted and quoted ... The most hilariously lame fight scene ever? Linda Hamilton is the poor person's Sigourney Weaver Things that are more likely to happen to you than winning The Lottery There's a real stigma attached to watching old movies or tv shows Why are we still praying to invisible deities in the sky? The critics are terrified of criticizing Peele The last 20 minutes of this movie represents possibly the best stretch of Star Trek ever The last line: "I feel young."