AngularTurnip's Posts

The laser scene in Goldfinger and Silva's speech about rats in Skyfall might be the two best scenes in all of Bond The film dies when Severine does Reeve's Superman movies have not aged well at all That scene where Bond defuses the bomb remains one of the tensest moments in the series. Anyone else love Weird Al's Christmas at Ground Zero? Perfect scenes in movies? TV in the years between The Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks must qualify as one of the most inhospitable wastelands ever At what age would you say peoples' careers in show business are essentially over? A great song that has profanity in its title? The greatest sports movie ever? Classic movies you feel deserve their classic status? Mad Max series or Indiana Jones series? Classic movies you can't stand? Still the best Mission Impossible movie More attractive: Jennifer Lawrence or Kristen Stewart? Best performance in a blockbuster?