MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Reeve's Superman movies have not aged we...

Reeve's Superman movies have not aged well at all

But, I imagine the current crop of superhero movies will look pretty silly in forty years as well (if not much sooner).


The first one is the template for the modern super hero movie. I will conceded the next three are not good. However Man of Steel was a poorly executed mashup of 1 and 2


No argument there: MOS was a mess.


I prefer Superman II myself. The first 45 minutes or so of Superman: The Movie are masterful and some of the best comic book filmmaking ever: warm, nostalgic, poignant, epic and featuring some of the best music John Williams would ever compose (and that's saying something). Then, it gets to Metropolis and Donner and crew decide to turn it into a comedy replete with three of the least interesting, least amusing and least frightening villains in Perrine, Beatty and Hackman. Superman II had a lot of unfortunate comedy too but at least it had three incredibly memorable, scary and fascinating villains in Douglas, O' Halloran and Stamp at its core.


Fair point about Perrine, Beatty and Hackman. But that was not inconsistent with the comics of the 60's which were an influence on this film. TBH, at first I resisted this choice but went with it.


But the performance by Chris Reeve is still the bar for Superman IMO. Or any performance for any superhero really. He completely embodies the character.






agreed! He makes Superman and Kent both accessible to the audience who can both laugh at him, with him, and be in awe of him at the same time. I can't say that any other superhero character or actor portraying one to this day brought to the table what Chris did SM.




Also disagree.

But I was a kid when Superman came out and loves 1 and 2 as a kid. For me, this is the definitive Superman. I think the acting and writing is strong enough that the movies hold up despite the visuals being dated.


I admit I like these films but hate the end of the first one where Superman flies at the speed of light to reverse time. And they originally wanted that for the 2nd one which would have been worse.


I think the reason for that is bad physics actually. And bad physics is caused by:

1. Limits on past day visual effects,
2. Limited understanding of how physics work (this is on cinema industry rather than the scientific knowledge of physics in the 70s).

I was about 7 years old when i saw Superman lay in front of the train to complete the missing tracks and the train just passes through. I remember being impressed at the thought of such a strong character, but also realizing how stupid the scene was. This means the filmmakers didn't have as much grasp on physics as a 7 year old boy from 70s. And that movie is filled with such idiocy.

While some superhero movies still has ridiculous physics, they are much better now and we are more trained to spot unnatural physics happening in games and movies.


Ridiculous physics? I'd say 99% of the today's Superhero universes defy physics on all fronts. Tony Stark's technology for one ins't based on physics and is about as realistic as Mighty Mouse.


I think he meant that even today's Superhero films don't have Superman or any other hero spinning the Earth backwards.


The physics aren't plausible? The movie is about a guy from another planet who wears a leotard and a cape and flies, deflects bullets, and can see through walls. He also wears his underpants on the outside. We don't watch these films to learn about the real world.


The original is better than today's comic book movies.


Explain because I feel like this isn't true.
