MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > At what age would you say peoples' caree...

At what age would you say peoples' careers in show business are essentially over?

For men I'd say late thirties/early forties. For women I'd say late twenties/ early thirties.


Betty White might disagree




Much later than it used to be for women. A show like Little Big Lies is a prime example.


There's certainly not as much of a stigma attached to older women in movies as their used to be.

With that said people like Kate Beckinsale and Nicole Kidman have availed themselves to so much plastic surgery in an effort to appear young that they essentially can't emote anymore -- and emoting, at least in my book, is a pretty important part of acting.


I think they might have other motives as well as their showbiz careers for trying to stay looking young...


Older women may be in movies more often today but the pressure for them to look a great deal younger than they are is still there. So, if you get right down to it, things haven't improved much at all for women. This despite the fact that we're living in a more female empowered age.


It depends doesn't it. Some child actors careers are over when they are no longer children. Many young actors careers are over once the " bloom is off the rose ". And some actors careers aren't over until they are dead. Hell even being dead doesn't finish some of them !


James Stewart still around. Stuff like Vertigo and It's A Wonderful Life keeps him around.

Not so the likes of John Wayne though. Doesn't seem his stuff is as fervently embraced by the modern filmgoing public.


I love Westerns, they seem to be perfect vehicles for detailed character studies but sadly they are out of favour. Even "immortals" like Humphrey Bogart seem to be fading away now.


But Casablanca lives on so at least his glorious performance in it will live on too.

I think actor's names fade into obscurity. But the films they made -- the good ones -- seem to have a life of their own.


Men have a later expiration date than that.

But with all the content being developed these days, it's never been better for all demos.


Streisand would disagree.


I think it's better than it used to be. I mentioned Betty White, but there are plenty of other older actresses that are making movies, and pretty popular ones.

Some of the biggest male box office earners are over 50. Tom Cruise is almost 60, and although I'm not a fan, I wouldn't say his career is over. Brad Pitt is 55, RDJ is 54, Liam Neesen is 67, Dwayne Johnson is 47 and Jason Statham is 52. They've all made action movies somewhat recently.
