MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies
Keelai's Replies
But, Disney isn't coming up with anything different. That's the problem. Force Awakens rips-off A New Hope. Last Jedi repeated dialogue and scenes from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of a Jedi. Han is a recycled character from the OT. Rogue One again references the OT.
And they're making them in a careless way that is contradicting established storylines that go back 40 years.
Why not pick an entirely new timeline and create brand new characters? Nope, instead we're going to get more recycled characters from the OT for the next zillion standalones with poor writing.
BTW, Rian Johnson is obviously stupid. He had the vessel door open to allow Leia Poppins in without knowing that would cause the rebels to be sucked out into space. There is no friction in space so a space vessel running out of fuel wouldn't stop it. BTW, a space vessel wouldn't come to a sudden halt either. There is no gravity to make bombs fall downward. Where did Rey learn to swim since she grew up on a desert planet without large bodies of water? Luke left a map so he could be found so why did he yell at Rey after he was found? Pure crapola!
[spoiler]"You're alone, I'll call you Solo." Dumb a$$ writing![/spoiler]
He'll be fired by KK if he doesn't bend to her will.
I've compared the IMDB rating for a dozen movies (new, old, Star Wars) for IMDB on this site (top right corner) with the actual IMDB site. Every score matches perfectly except Solo. Solo is still listed as 6.4/10 on this site and 7.2/10 on the actual site.
Why the discrepancy and only with Solo? And why was the score temporarily turned off on the IMDB site for Solo 11 days ago?
I'm liberal and a feminist and I hate the Disney SW films. I also hate the fact that I'm boycotting alongside some fans who are a bunch of misogynistic racist morons. Nevertheless, I support the female leads and more nonwhite characters in the films, but they need to be written well with a strong story.
I refuse to pay to watch Solo. I may borrow it from my library in a few months to see if it's as bad as the trailer looked. I know others who will do the same.
In the meantime, I find the bad reviews on youtube entertaining and funny.
Don't trust the IMDB score. The IMDB score on this website on the top right hand corner is still showing 6.4 which is what I saw last night on the IMDB site. After they placed new Solo ads on their website, the score changed to 7.1 while IMDB score is the same on the moviechat site.
Another poster commented about IMDB removing its low Solo score days ago. Again, Solo ads were on their page. That poster took a screenshot. Other movies/TV shows still had their scores intact when I checked.
Poster comment w/screenshot:
I just remembered that 11 days ago another poster alerted people that IMDB had removed the low rating for Solo. He/she took a screen shot. When I checked it out, I did see plenty of Disney advertising on the Solo page and other movies still had their ratings.
I no longer believe IMDB rating system in regards to Solo.
You're welcome. Nice song and so true!
My problem with Disney Star Wars is that they are ripping off entire scenes, dialogue, characters and plots from the original trilogy instead of creating anything new. We can debate which film is less enjoyable, but at least Lucas made an honest attempt to create an original and good film. Disney just doesn't give a crap about quality or originality and insults fans who criticize their lazy conveyor belt attempt at filmmaking.
The "sequel" trilogy is a crappy reboot of the original. Standalones are rehashes.
"I'm looking forward to Solo like my next dental appointment."
This is what Disney Star Wars has become which is why I'm boycotting it.
No link.
PM had good dueling, Darth Maul, Qui-gon and Obi-wan, good costumes, good settings like Coruscant and Naboo, Palpatine's double dealing. Lucas probably created Jarjar to attract 7 year olds to the franchise. Big mistake.
TLJ was just dumb. Grouchy milk drinking Luke, Mary Sue Rey, Leia Poppins, shirtless whiny Kylo, dummy Snoke, annoying Rose, no continuity to the first 7 movies re: how Jedi are trained, the balance of the Force and the war, lazy script and copied whole scenes from the OT. This movie broke Star Wars.
I'm was just writing what I saw re: the ratings for both films. Nothing more. PM had 6.5 and Solo a 6.4.
I haven't seen Solo yet. I was listening to an amusing 44 minute funny rant review about it though.
Her review and your comment about "beggars can't be choosers" are reinforcing my belief that Solo is pretty bad. At least now I know that Lawrence Kasdan is an over-rated writer which is what I suspected.
6.4 change to 7.1 in two hours on the IMDB site? In the middle of the night? Very odd.
The first site says IMDB skews their average rating towards the high end and the second site says they rejigger their rating.
Not TLJ. It looks pretty, but the movie is a mess.
IMDB is manipulating the score. Moviechat always has the IMDB rating on its site at the upper right hand corner. Presently, at 1:45am on May 27, moviechat has 6.4 which was what IMDB had two hours ago when I went to the IMDB site to verify.
Now, I just went to the IMDB site and the score is 7.1 with brand new Solo advertising on the page. For what its worth, I'm taking screen shots.
Phantom Menace has a 6.5 on both sites.
Solo is lower.
Putting a "Star Wars" stamp on crap doesn't make it Star Wars. You're a fan of the Star Wars brand. I see pass a label. I look at the content which has been debased, therefore I no longer consider it to be Star Wars.
I'm just being consistent. I do the same when a company switches a wholesome ingredient with a chemical in my food. I stop buying.
"How does boycotting get you the star wars movie you want?"
1) I already have the SW I want. Lucas SW is fine and I just started reading the Thrawn trilogy books (borrowed from library since I won't buy Disney) to remove that awful Disney crapola sequel garbage from my brain. I also have 6 Lucas SW movies, his video games and plan to finish Rebels and Clone Wars. I have many more novels to read. I don't really need Disney.
2) Disney wants money. They're crapping in their pants about now re: the weak box office.
"how will you know, since youll be boycotting it?"
Easy. KK will be removed or neutered from creative decision-making at Lucasfilms. I've actually been paying attention to who is in management at Lucasfilms and Lucasarts for years.
RE: the films. Disney is recycling 40 year old ideas: Solo, Boba, Obi-wan standalones. OT reboot for sequel trilogy.
When they grow some balls and do a movie with characters we don't know, then that'll be a start. Plus new conceptual art. Original plots. I'll know because the story will be new and interesting.
The point is to not pay to see it. I can wait to borrow it from the library for free like I do with all the movies that are not worth the cost of a movie ticket. I just borrowed Justice League because I was curious to know if it was as bad as the fans said. Yes, it was!
"...or even a 9"
Can't you read?
"...just because I enjoyed it?"
I already stated that your standards are low so I doubt if much of what you watch rates a 9 or 10.
Boycotting does work or haven't you heard of Rosa Parks and the bus boycott?
You're making KK & co's mistake by assuming all fans boycotting are conservative white males. I never identified myself as such.
I have no problem with a strong female lead and welcome it. I just want well-written SW movies. I liked Rey and several other characters from The Force Awakens until that moronic hack Rian Johnson ruined them with idiotic writing.
You may not know that there are some boycotters who planned to wait until the second or third week before seeing Solo in order for it to have a weak opening. I was actually in that category until the bad reviews came. I won't pay money to see mindless crap. I plan to boycott all Disney SW products until they get the message and hire a president who respects SW and knows what they're doing.