MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

Liberal. I liked Disney SW despite lack of creativity until Rian Johnson threw his grenade. Now I'm boycotting. I like almost all of Lucas SW including prequels, games, books, merchandise. They're a tourist attraction. I'm not sure if there's another reason to visit the UK. Look closely at the nominations. Every single one is "shared with" another person(s). She's basically riding the coattails of people who are more talented than she is like Spielberg. If you look at her private production company to see what she and her husband produced alone, it's a few unprofitable movies nobody knows. Her whole career is based on hitching her wagon to someone more talented. BTW, brown-nosing and networking are talents she's obviously adept in so kudos to her for that. I thought it was pointless to link a French language news site. I originally watched it on BFMTV Live news shortly before it hit the American news. You can run the pages through a translator, but sans-abri means illegal, immigré would've been used if he were legal. A few months ago, a legal immigrant saved people from terrorists and he was fast-tracked to French naturalization. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Latest update is that the child was taken away and is in a children's home. Also he fell one story before falling on balcony. I think the problem is Disney and KK. Disney chucked Lucas ideas in order to go in a totally different direction with these movies. Longtime female and nonwhite fans of all ages are being alienated too. Some fans even said their small children didn't like Last Jedi. KK has at least two bosses who are happy with her results. Each Disney SW movie has made at least a billion at the box office. If you don't like what's happening then don't pay to watch any of it until they get the message. That includes Episode 9, those standalones and upcoming TV shows. There was a way to broaden the appeal to SW without alienating longtime fans. I just think incompetence mixed with arrogance is the problem and it's not only KK. Both Rian, JJ Abrams and others have been condescending and arrogant towards the fans too. Replacing KK with another person who doesn't understand SW won't help either. $250 million before Ron Howard reshot most of the film. $50 million minimum added with reshoots. Then add millions more for promotion. Then to really top it off, toys aren't selling which is usually where most of the profit comes from. $103,000 million opening weekend when you add Monday. Some boycotters were going to delay seeing this movie until the 2nd or 3rd weekend. The percentage drop-off for upcoming weekend should be interesting. I'm hoping boycotters just skip it altogether. I guess the Chinese figured out it was a Star Wars movie even though Disney tried to trick them by leaving the title off. LOL. Congratulations QueenFanUSA! You win! You came the closest with your prediction 6 days ago. The 4 day total was $103,000,000 You predicted $110,000,000. Even you 3 day total was close. The 3 day total was $84,751,000 You predicted 95,000,000 You get bragging rights!!!! I really wish I had a prize to give out. I'm going to assume that Solo comes in slightly less than your other predictions: Domestic total:225 million WW:500 million Congratulations QueenFanUSA! You came the closest with your prediction 6 days ago. The 4 day total was $103,000,000 You predicted $110,000,000. Even you 3 day total was close. The 3 day total was $84,751,000 You predicted 95,000,000 You get bragging rights!!!! I'm going to assume that Solo comes in slightly less than your other predictions: Domestic total:225 million WW:500 million I've been studying French so I watch a lot of news from France. It's mentioned all over their news that he's an illegal alien who will be naturalized asap and given a firefighter job because of his heroism. I find it odd that American news isn't mentioning it. Great video! Edgy. Expressive. Artistic. Relevant. Shocking. Smart. Visual. Graphic. Original. Hire some creative conceptual artists and a really good writer. Then hire Hiro Murai to direct a Star Wars film. It's not about Solo. It's about the direction of Disney Star Wars movies and the total disrespect of KK & co. towards the fans when we complain about the quality. "perfectly watchable" That doesn't sound like a good movie to me. Expect Episode 9 to do poorly also since the trilogy story has been destroyed thanks to Johnson. That link leads back to this page, Sherlock. Copy and pasted below: [url][/url] That link leads nowhere. It appears you're getting hot and bothered over a kiddie cartoon debuting in 2019 and a stalled movie. Who cares? I hate the Disney SW films even though I'm Liberal and a Feminist. BTW, others do too. Having a female lead isn't the problem. Having a poorly written character is. When you continually kvetch against the "SJW agenda", you empower Kennedy and Abrams to reply that you're a racist women-hater and they won 't change anything. You sound like you're unaware that Lucas is obviously Liberal and had injected his viewpoint in his movies as well as always written strong female characters. You may want to listen to his interview re: Vietnam and the U.S and how it relates to the Empire and the Rebellion or what his message was with the prequels. I think we're basically saying the same thing. Don't confuse Godawful writing with a liberal agenda. The writing in Last Jedi was garbage and I saw a lot of stereotyping and man-bashing. None of the female characters had any substance. When Gwendoline Christie (Phasma) was basically asked what makes her character special, her reply was the costume. Kennedy is playing lip service to feminism and liberalism. Even without the agenda, these movies would be horrible because Kennedy has no respect for Star Wars, its' fanbase nor has any real talent. Leia was not an ordinary damsel in distress who needed rescuing from a male which was common in films when I was a kid. She quickly grabbed a blaster and saved everyone. She was a strong, well-written heroine created by Lucas. There are also many other good female characters throughout the SW universe like Padme, Mon Mothma, Asoka, Asajj Ventress, Mara Jade... "I don't remember any... non white characters being there because of their race," I'll have to disagree right here. In 1977, there were numerous complaints about SW not having any black characters. Subsequently, Billy Dee Williams was announced for the sequel. Again, Lando is a well-written character. I also noticed much more diversity in the prequels. The point is that Lucas was more subtle about it and the story and characters always came first. There are political history lessons and warnings in Lucas movies which I won't get into, but they're also very subtle. Then you haven't been paying attention to Star Wars which always had a "Liberal PC/SJW agenda". Lucas was just better at writing and story-telling so it wasn't as obvious. I don't really believe the new movies are Liberal, anyway. Finn is a black stereotype. Lando is a gay stereotype. Luke is an old person stereotype. None of the women characters are written well. Rose is there to be a romantic interest to Finn. Rocketeer is set in the 40s. I might actually see this one if it's done well. A black female heroine kicking Nazi butt, I'm on board with that even though I've been burnt out on superhero movies for the past 2 years. Don't buy that Disney line since they're totally out of touch with the fans. I'm reading articles saying that they expect fans to return to watch Episode 9 after a two year break, meanwhile every diehard fan I know hates the new trilogy more than the standalones and have said they're not going to see it. There is no way Episode 9 is making $1 billion. I'm not sure why you believe Luke pumping an animal's teat or Leia flying around in outer space is good. Force Awakens was a complete rip-off of Star Wars so your comment is odd. The store owner is smart about Solo although Lego sales have fallen for the first time in 13 years and they have laid-off 1400 workers. "...the sales decline comes after the company scored a major win with Star Wars toys tied to the release of "The Force Awakens." Many people hated Last Jedi and Solo will do worst. I wouldn't hitch my wagon to Star Wars right now. [url][/url]