MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies
Keelai's Replies
You misinterpreted what I wrote:
1) I'm boycotting, too!
2) I never said boycotters shouldn't be taken seriously. See #1!
3) "What she's doing is making Star Wars more enjoyable for all women."
No she's not! There are plenty of women boycotters, too.
4) It's not a boycott of only hardcore anti-SJW fans. There are plenty of hardcore fans who just want good writing and character development with fresh ideas and creative visuals. A quality film that is loyal to the source material aka: SW lore.
I have to use Star Trek (original & TNG) to make my point. (I'm a Trekkie, too.) ST is filled with a liberal agenda, feminism and diversity. Nobody complains about it because it's done well with good writing and well-developed characters. Same with Lucas Star Wars. You didn't notice because it was subtle.
The problem with SW isn't the politics; it's the horrendously bad writing. I know plenty of fans who are complaining about the writing - not the politics which they probably agree with including myself.
5) If your only complaint is about one woman starring in one trilogy, then you confirm Abrams criticism that you're a woman-hater and Disney will continue to double-down. The Solo movie stars a white male and it's crap. The problem isn't whose starring in it, it's the quality that's bad. Solo is a POS. "You're alone so I'm giving you the name Solo." Seriously? If you ask for a better written film, then how can Disney argue with that?
6)KKs agenda is Disney's agenda which is to expand the target audience (females, China, nonwhites, young people) and release 2-3 SW films each year creating a sizeable profit for Disney. KK & co. are also arrogant and assumed SW fans could be pushed around.
Good news! Solo is expected to make a mere $28 million for the second weekend. Pardon me while I continue to do my happy dance!
I had figured out the discrepancy between websites. One of the movies I had checked originally was Future World which had the same stats for both sites at that time. My guess is that moviechat has to do some type of refresh or update to sync with the imdb data. They did that tonight because both Future World and Solo ratings are in sync with the IMDB site after being different for a week.
This article explained the difference between IMDB weighted vote averages vs raw data averages as well differences among main review sites.
Solo mediocre ratings on several sites, numerous reviewers on youtube and word of mouth is confirmation for me.
Disney is very influential and I still don't believe so many critics loved The Last Jedi when its script was flawed. Considering that and the repeated pullback against upset SW fans, I'll remain a skeptic.
She already had multiple chances. Considering her past bigotry, she should never have been given a new show.
I remember. Howard Stern made fun of Selena's music, not her specifically. Nor did he make any bigoted comments about Mexicans like that idiot in the White House. People have a right to dislike music. BTW, I love her music and have a few of her CDs.
Roseanne is a racist who thought she could get a way with it as she had done so in the past. Stern did racial humor, not racist. There is a difference. He mellowed out years ago and is practically mainstream now.
It should be interesting to hear what he has to say about Roseanne when he returns next week.
That was a Ryan Johnson thing to do.
Two idiot shills! I had to take a break from them. I like morons who compare the Last Jedi with The Empire Strikes Back or any good SW movie.
Mental illness doesn't make a person a racist. Roseanne has a long history of racism so it wasn't a single tweet. It was the final straw.
Some people like to troll aka: be outrageous for attention, to get a reaction or publicity. Howard Stern used to be like that, also Joan Rivers and now Trump.
Yes, that's what Trump would do.
There's a law in France that awards a person naturalization if he or she renders an extraordinary service to France. His selfish act of courage for a person in need qualifies and he'll be fast-tracked to citizenship in 3 months. He was already made legal and started training as a new firefighter.
If you have a life than why are you commenting on Roseanne and upset that I disagree with you? Why are you bothered by a racist being fired? Why are you justifying racist behavior?
Roseanne has been in showbiz long enough to know that advertisers don't want controversy associated with their products and services. Advertisers pay for her show. Of course, she was going to be fired and she's stupid for thinking otherwise. Maybe racist Trump will appoint her as an advisor.
It's the right that's whining about Roseanne being fired. Get over it!
There was a barrier between the balconies separating them. This video is good because you can see the man stopped by the barrier and it appears he's telling the child to move towards him which he does. The man had just grabbed the child when Mamoudou arrives and pulls the child over the balcony.
Update: The father was delayed returning home from his shopping because he decided to play Pokeman Go. He faces three years in prison.
Since when is racism an "opposing idea"? And why are you defending racism?
Roseanne is a troll who caused hundreds to lose their jobs. She's worth millions. I don't see her sharing any of her considerable wealth with the people who are now jobless because of her stupidity.
She's the same loser who dragged her own parents' reputation in the mud by accusing them of sexually molesting her when she was a baby and then later blamed the memories on drugs which seems to be her MO. She takes no responsibility for anything. Where is her public apology to her parents?
It's ironic that someone as ugly as Roseanne is commenting on someone else's looks. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Typical that Trump supporters don't denounce racism. Then you wonder why you're referred to as nutjobs and racists.
No one. Let the show die.
It sounds like you saying ALL future Star Wars movies should star only white males. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I haven't disappeared. I wanted to check out something before replying. I'll reply Friday or Saturday.
Why should fans see Solo when it's mediocre? The whole point is Disney is making crappy movies which is why people are boycotting. I wish some of the fans would be smarter in how they criticize because their message is becoming confused by overusing the SJW term instead of focusing on their dissatisfaction with the writing.
Avengers is mainly white male actors and so is Ready Player One. It looks like most of the top 20 2018 movies have had white males leads.
BTW, there's nothing wrong with box office hits starring females and/or nonwhites.
For me, the true SW movies are Episodes 1-6. I'm moving Rogue One to Legends and bringing back Kyle Katarn. He was such a bad-a$$ in all those video games.
Isn't the hit Deadpool 2 starring a white man?
Most of the people writing articles about the Solo flop are idiots who don't understand Star Wars or the fans. I wouldn't take them too seriously.
Were they hiding bad special effects?
I like the hat too, but in this photo it sticks out in a jarring way. I was also wondering if in the future it would look more dated than everyone else's clothing.
Freedom of speech pertains to the government not infringing on someone's freedom of speech - not a private company. I'm not surprised that racist Fox news would support racism. Why don't they hire her and see how that flies with their advertisers.
BTW, Fox news is being hypocritical because they're not supporting the NFL players who kneel. You can't have it both ways.