RT Score and Imdb Score Climbing
The opposite of TLJ, interesting
shareYeah noticed that as well.
shareIt'll drop after opening weekend and the hype dies down.
Explain how not liking a movie makes me a bigot? I can’t wait to hear this one
shareWow so you aren’t just an idiot you are completely retarded. Glad I understand you now!
Also show me where I said I wanted to nuke brown people or I’ll have your sorry ass thrown in prison for slander
Hahahahahaha apparently liberalism is the number one cause of retardation. I never said that and you admitted you have no evidence to back it up. I will be pressing charges against you.
Show me where I said it’s ok to nuke brown people you worthless retard
This is your last warning
Slander isn’t a criminal charge....you don’t press charges....you file a civil suit.
shareOh I also intend to sue that retarded bigot for all he’s worth . My guess is it’s not much but I’ll get a kick out of it.
I’ll take that as your concession, you said that the proof was all over the Donald trump board yet you can’t point to a single example. I never said that and you know it you fucking liar.
Enjoy spending the rest of your miserable life in prison knowing that I’m spending your life savings on hookers
I understand why you voted for Hillary though, retards are going to want to get one of their own in the White House
Still sad and bitter that we kicked your ass all over the place in 2016. It’s understandable that was one humiliating defeat. My advice is go find a cry room
shareRepublican victory = Losing by over 3 million votes.
Republican victory = Only attaining a win through the long game of gerrymandering, and of course artificially inflating the votes of rural voters by retaining an archaic representative-voting system that was designed for a country in its infancy two centuries ago.
Republican victory = Being the kind of bullying, racist political party that obvious trolls like UltimateHippo PRETEND to be, because UltimateHippo doesn't have the intellect to make actual conversation, nor does he have the patience to engage with others because he's an antisocial coward hiding behind a "tough" anonymous online mask.
Either he agrees with their views, like racism and misogyny, or he's just trying to make Republicans look bad, which is equally as cowardly and useless and idiotic.
But we already knew Hippo was an idiot, because he likes Dark Knight Rises, which is a shit movie for people with shit brains.
Poor frogging is too stupid to realize that popular vote doesn’t matter and that it’s the democrats who are the party of hatred, racism, sexism and bigotry.
If we had a long history of gerrymandering then why weren’t the democrats in an uproar before they got their asses kicked? Oh yeah that’s right because your lying.
Democrats really make me sick to my stomach they have shown in the past year and a half that they are willing to destroy the United States just to get back at the party who kicked their asses. The democrats are nothing more than a bunch of lazy terrorists
My advice to frogorama is to stay out of politics and just keep watching your little Disney Star Wars movies, clearly can’t handle anything with any depth or intelligence such as politics or the dark knight trilogy
LOL, again proving you're an idiot.
Keep up the idiocy, sad antisocial little troll.
No intelligent rebuttal??? Glad we understand each other.
No go back to Rey threads where you belong
Intelligent rebuttal to WHAT?
To your idiotic rambling with no substance?
Jesus Christ, are you really SO stupid that you expect a rebuttal to NOTHINGNESS?
You're actually dumber than I thought. WOW!
I point out that the electoral college and not the popular vote decide the president and you call that nothingness? Someone seriously needs to enroll you in some kind of civics class because you don’t even have a basic understanding of how our government works
shareI point out that the electoral college and not the popular vote decide the president and you call that nothingness?
So why the fuck even bring up the popular vote. Donald Trump kicked that bitch Hillary’s ass in the electoral college and that’s all that matters. Can it with your excuses and accept the fact that we won you lost and you don’t matter anymore. I think you’ll be a lot happier with yourself . You seem to have your panties in a twist, I get off on the fact that I’m clearly getting to you
I seriously don’t think you knew about the electoral college until just now
I seriously don’t think you knew about the electoral college until just now
If you did you wouldn’t have brought up the popular vote because you’d know it didn’t matter. Seriously I knew about that in middle school
Everything else you said was baseless speculation which was probably fabricated by the fake news over at CNN.
The truth is you are just a sad and bitter snowflake who needs a cry room
shareLook at you, little triggered snowflake, posting a bunch of replies in your desperation.
After my last response, where I show you how much of an idiot you are, the only time I want to spend with you is LAUGHING IN YOUR STUPID FACE.
Go watch some more Batman, little brainless child.
Look at you, not able to defend your baseless accusations. Your parents must wish that they had aborted you.
Lol I kicked your ass a long time ago, I knocked you out in the first round. The ref should have called it a long time ago but didn’t because he and everyone else enjoys watching me beat your face to a bloody pulp
Well I was hoping to give froggie a civics lesson but he/she/it seems to have turned it in for the night so until tomorrow and stay safe.
shareThis pathetic sack blocked me, surprised he hasn't blocked you yet.
share SammyJackson
Oh, well, I’m calling you Frodo because you’re acting like you’ve had your ring destroyed.
Or because you got something against little people.Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Lol calm down dude.
"Who force women to be wife and mothers and nothing else."
Are you talking about islamists?
You are very hard to follow. What religious genocide?
Right now or in the past?
Just checked his replies and I saw that he doesn't like illegal imigration.
You know " illegal " as in breaking the law imigration.And he doesn't like Hillary Clinton. Yeah more than 50% do not like her.
Didn't bother to check the rest. Hardly the monster you paint him.
Hey monkey did I offend you dumb fuck.
Get down from your high horse. You see any swearing in my reply to you or are you to dumb to read, boy.
Should trow a banana at you so you can go away.
I also think you are a wanna be comunist, but the dumb kind.
And don't be racist to little people fuckwit by saying frodo as a pejorative word, boy.
You couldn't said any better stupid. Pretty obivou by now you are just a dumb shit person. Don't need me to tell you deep down you already know.My dog is smarter than you anyway. You keep typing some stupid words and all I hear is blablabla. I mean "incel" what the f is that.Don't bother I don't waste time searching Google for stupid your stupid words meaning. We live in the real word boy. If you would use that word in front of me I would have slapped and send you back to your mommy, basemant dweller.What the hell is a chud? Who the f talks like that. Still in puberty i think.Your period is acting up. You probably will reach adulthood in the next 30 years. Till then keep parasiting your parents, boy. Get your toys shithead your little friends are waiting for you.
Time to take your period pills boy.
Your fomming at the mouth :)).
Have a banana you earned it.
You can be green an alien for all I care. You think that being stupid is based on race boy?
So your black.I guess you are one of the stupid black people. Don't worry every race has those. Now do you want a medal?
I have Asian origins. You think I want a medal like you dumb boy.
My God, you are dumb. To bad there are no pills to cure you.
You seem very obsesive with women touching me. Is it a fetish of yours. Are you impotent by any chance?
Have you ever tried to talk to a woman. Don't thinks so, the way you are acting. You know you can always hire escorts to went your sexual frustrations but you would have to ask mommy and daddy for money, because you are too dumb to work.
So you got something against Asians stupid orr just because you are black you can't be racist?
Lol again with the blablabla words. Stupid you started this shit when you began swearing at me like a woman on her period.Now stop whining lika a bitch and take it like man.
How does Ray and Kennedy got in the mix. Are you pulling names from your ass. Just shows how dumb you are.
"Christ hippo" that one make me laugh so much. You are some entertaining kid. Pure gold that one. Keep them coming kid :)) . I mean who the f talks like that. Now take your baby cars and wroom you go. Lol
Provide a link to those posts, that way we know you didn’t just make this up
sharewhy do leftists increasingly remind me of the type of people that they accuse others of being?
Maybe because it's a good movie?
shareThe people that seen it are voting now, half the votes were from pre-release people voting "10" and "0"
shareYeah...and it's a good movie. Nothing earth-shaking but better than most "tentpoles" from the last few years. A great popcorn summer matinee film. I would easily recommend it to a family wanting a matinee to watch. It was definitely better than something like 2015's Jurassic World for instance.
shareYeah, I had low expectations, but it turned out to be lots of fun.
shareWell I think TLJ started kind of High, where as Solo was low comparably. And some of the reviews do say it is better than TLJ. Between the fact its not THAT bad a film and the amount of upvoting which will be more than the downvoting it figures it would rise a little.
shareWhy? Heist movies are BORING. I recently bought Baby Driver and regretted it. So BORING, with an annoying soundtrack. And this has got an annoying BOT.
Don't trust the IMDB score. The IMDB score on this website on the top right hand corner is still showing 6.4 which is what I saw last night on the IMDB site. After they placed new Solo ads on their website, the score changed to 7.1 while IMDB score is the same on the moviechat site.
Another poster commented about IMDB removing its low Solo score days ago. Again, Solo ads were on their page. That poster took a screenshot. Other movies/TV shows still had their scores intact when I checked.
Poster comment w/screenshot: