redban's Posts

How did he have that hairstyle in jail? Batista did well in this movie Didn’t need the romantic subplot w/ police officer Who else found Kim Director sexy? There is a human being named Overdose? So why did he have his wife do it? (Spoilers) The director also wrote script for “Man on Fire” They didn’t make sure he was dead? The dog Sam stole the show Advice to die clean — hyprocrisy. Didn’t have the same magic as the first one How did the Chinese guy get so devoted to her? Seven years on an island without a girl Remove 7 body parts Couldn’t see Aaliyah and Jet Li together How did the main character maintain his physique? Surprised there wasn’t more to Annabell 2 remarkable coincidences? Deadpool is too strong If they had gotten the glove off him (spoilers)