I didn't take it that she was Merriman's wife. I didn't see a xxx Merriman in the cast list.
I took it she was a stripper/hooker that Merriman hired to "do as he asked."
Now, why Merriman shows up in the apartment is another question I had. It would blow any cover he had and would've made ME (as the cop) suspicious about any info the stripper gave. Also a chance for the cowboy cop to just shoot me (if I were Merriman).
So, yeah, just another plot device, of which there were many. Others have listed plot holes,with which I agree.
Overall, I'm glad I saw it. It had many good elements, but I doubt I'd watch it again. "Heat" on the other hand... I've seen at least seven times and don't plan to stop.
I guess a big difference is I liked many characters on both sides in "Heat" and liked no one in this film.