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Rorikon's Replies
Interesting... never knew this. There is another report stating his grades and attendance rating are reported to have been poor during secondary school.
'Kim was described by classmates as a shy child who was awkward with girls and indifferent to political issues, but who distinguished himself in sports and had a fascination with the American National Basketball Association and Michael Jordan.'
Pretty much sums him up. No wonder he's such a basketball fanatic. Surprised he managed to easily go to other countries without really being noticed. What a way to teach/train your enemies to your culture, language, etc. etc. >:P
Well at least Un knows what western democracy is like. I mean he comes to a country like Singapore that's full of life, well fed people, nice hotels and the likes and wonder why his country is the shitter XD.
Who knows, maybe he's really opting for change. I think this all started once his sister or sister in law (whomever it was) attended the Winter Olympics in Seoul and saw how advanced the country is and how dark theirs was.
I looked up comprehensive... I think Trump means 'catering to children of all abilities from a given area' :p
Well from what we know so far:
-Trump trusts Kim
-Kim says he's agreed to start releasing the dead bodies back and slow process of denuclearization (probably US leaving SK)
-Trump says he gave up nothing yet stops military exercises with SK as well as saving money in the process
-SK/Japan to fit the summit bill not US (according to Trump)
-No treaty has been signed but rather just an agreement.
What needs to be done:
-Reunification with SK
-Releasing dead bodies
-Releasing kidnapped Japanese citizens
Now we need to see if the international community as well as US inspectors are invited to verify the denuclearization process instead of just trusting on Kim's words.
If DPRK does open up, it's going to be open for exploitation to the max as companies will try to start building shit there and modernizing the country.
Maybe it is for the best, withdrawing troops near countries that feel threatened by the US presence within the vicinity. Maybe we can also get China to stop their 9-dash line claim of the South China sea as well but I doubt it.
Trump's 'comprehensive' document signed:
1.The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
2.The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
3.Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
4.The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
Trump re-election confirmed.
Looks like there is a signing coming up but alas there is another meeting all the way in November.
Yep. Democrats are pissed they didn't get the deal made under Obummer. Now Hollywood is cursing Trump just as the historic meeting is taking place.
So far there are reports of Kim reframing from being asked to give up his nukes.
[url][/url] < - Livestream
Trump fangirls:
And it's on folks. Meeting is taking place right now. Place your bets on this going bad or worse or maybe something will get done.
At least I think they're just going to open a burger shop. XD
At most it'll be in favor of Kim because Trump wants to be remembered for making the deal.
I just realized, if Trump actually pulls this off, this would definitely get him a re-election position. Liberals are probably in rage and hoping it'll fail.
1. Meh, didn't care for this
2. Orly
3. Aka pollution baby and dump shit in the water
4. Approved the "Dirty Power plan"
5. Now we can all enjoy Flint water-style taste
6. Consume more energy
7. Aka we'll hire our own scientists to do the research and produce the results we want and call it 'safe'
8. Now we can get away with it
9. Yay less restrictions for more pollution
Worldwide: $1,998,033,699
Sooo close to the 2 billion mark.
At the 45-day mark it's done better than BP by about 4 million more:
Yep. Sucks. Apex writing on the wall with repeated name of Ellis (Sheriff) and the newly created Apex of that woman that wanted to selfishly live and now introduced the real apex enemy.
Got me excited for more but there is no season 2. I wish if they do cancel shows they'd at least cancel them after the conclusion. As in say they're cancelling so they can at least finish one more season off to conclude a series rather than leave it like they did with this series.
Sadly, yeah. Would be hilarious if in a later episode they meet the family again and only the father survived. He'll be out for revenge. I thought they were going to say we can take the daughter and come back for you guys later but I guess squeezing people in a car isn't good enough and fitting one or two of them in the trunk.
My issue is whose likeable if not well known in the democratic party? When I was growing up back in the 90's I knew the Clinton's well (TV etc.) and they had history while I don't know who would be the frontrunner now for the democrats. Before it was Bernie (excluding scandalous Hillary) but I don't know if he'll even run again. As long as they don't have someone like Hillary who was mired with scandals and other issues (fainting etc.), there is a chance for the democrats again.
Dammit! I was going to report this too. Oh well. Well that's one leaker down, wonder how many more are there. Though to be fair, we kinda need leakers if the government is doing what they shouldn't be doing behind the peoples back sorta speak. If not a leaker, a whistleblower.
Feels like watching The Post all over again.
Yep, she's back to whining about illegal migrants that feel entitled here as well as bringing along their cultural etiquette which could be different from our own. Last week I remember seeing this Chinese lady cutting her damn toe nails in the mall where she just left the toe nail pieces on the public cushioned benches and she was no where to be seen.
Islam is taking over Christian nations from within. Shit kids out then run away from home for asylum seekage then impose sharia law when you have enough people. Look at the UK and France with the rise in Islam and the fall of Christianity.
I don't think that equates now. KKK have more or less been suppressed and have been more or less docile if not a bit more open. To me the KKK are now without masks while the ones causing anarchy and destruction are those and clad all in black. They only killed around 4000 also, while muzzies have killed hundreds of thousands and still going strong.
I was going to disagree with you there for a sec 310TY but then you worded it so well with the already written in the script, filmed the previous day or so as how late night shows are, passed inspection by the powers that be from TBS, and allowed on TV.
It's fucking hilarious how words have become so sensitive now that it's coming back to bite liberals in the butt. Praise be, praise be.
Meh, acceptable loss. Either the mother, father, eldest son dies or just the 2nd oldest son. I choose the latter. Sad loss but 2 other lives saved. Now the Bowmen/man? family can exact revenge on... I dunno since it was either them and the 2 children raised to be resistance fighters for those folks or chance to change something else since they're now still alive.
I don't know how bad it is with NAFTA, I just know China was ripping US off on trade for sure by still having that 'developing country' tag on them even when they're doing so well now. I think they purposely keep enough people poor to retain that status just like how they manipulate the currency to retain the cheap labor status quo.
Hmm I guess it has its good and its bad. There is always winners and losers for everything. Nothing is perfect but I guess it can be re-negotiated with better terms.
I kinda see why Trump hates NAFTA as it brings in more illegals.
Hmm, interesting... I'll look into it. I thought the Vatican and such had already been notoriously known to touch little boy and girls (but mostly boys) since way before.
Abuses started around the 1960's, reports started in the 1980's, boomed in the 1990's, then widespread in 2000's. But you know, that's religion. It's a whole bit of fucked-uppery to justify their magical being.
I guess you have a point there now that I am more aware of these things as it takes an average it seems about 33 years more or less for these reports to arise. It just bothers me why one takes so long to report them now with the #metoo movement and all in place.