"You know, Ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***!"
Her show should be canceled immediately. This wasn't a 2AM tweetstorm. It was a carefully scripted and produced skit on TV. Any liberal who refuses to support her firing is a hypocrite of the highest order.
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I like how you automatically ascribe the worst possible intentions to Roseanne's tweet, but assume that Bee had the best possible intentions. Epic bias and dishonesty.
It wasn't me ascribing the worst possible intentions. It was everybody with a brain including ABC ascribing the most likely intentions to Roseanne's tweet.
It wasn't me ascribing the best possible intentions to Samantha's comment. I admitted it was vulgar. You're insinuating it was more than vulgar, but you're too much of a coward to explain how.
T-rump has called women “ cunt” many times, with no reaction by his alt-right supporters.
Let’s face it - if Bee called Melania or Tiffany a cunt, he wouldn’t care. No one would care. But because it was aimed at his mistress Ivanka, suddenly everyone cares.
Satan2016 you’re the boards vocal white pride operative. Your opinion on the matter is worth less than Trump’s ejaculate. Just so you understand, that’s meant to imply your opinion is without value. Might be confusing to someone who worships Trump’s splooge, especially since it created such class acts as Eric and Don Jr and Ivanka. The dregs of high society.
She’s an idiot. And what she said is no different than we’ve been hearing from Bill Maher, and John Oliver, and Kieth Oberman.
They can have their shows. We’re on the verge of turning into a country where every tweet, online comment, rant, will cost people their lively hoods. We don’t need to go there.
That said. It’s sad the left resorts to hit and run hate night comedy to deliver their obsessive hate. If the demokkkrat party has ideas and solutions they should present them in a persuasive manner. Instead all they have is divisive hate. They can’t persuade so they censor and try to silence their opposition. This is all they’ve had for a very long time. Their voters deserve and should demand more from the demokkkrat leadership.
Twitter is probably the worst invention in the least one hundred years! Everyone with no self control gets on it and blasts out their stupidest thoughts.
Aside from that, I think Roseanne missed the mark anyway if she was aiming for an insult. I never saw the remake of Planet of the Apes. I saw the original with Charlton Heston.
In the film all the white people were reduced to an animal level, they couldn't speak. They weren't intelligent. The apes were the smart ones. Seems like Roseanne isn't even good at coming up with a clever insult.
I was going to disagree with you there for a sec 310TY but then you worded it so well with the already written in the script, filmed the previous day or so as how late night shows are, passed inspection by the powers that be from TBS, and allowed on TV.
It's fucking hilarious how words have become so sensitive now that it's coming back to bite liberals in the butt. Praise be, praise be.