MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Canada, Mexico, EU responds to U.S. tari...

Canada, Mexico, EU responds to U.S. tariffs with its own ‘countermeasures’

They specifically targeted key states:
Colorado - beef
Florida - oranges
Kentucky (McConnell) - whiskey

Mexico on the other hand targeted Wisconsin - cheese.

Everyone tag-teaming the US now. XD

With everything just getting more expensive now, their going to recoup costs lost to tariffs by passing the bill on to the people who wants to buy them. Woo hooo!!

Best to just by everything locally now.



Do you realize now that NAFTA was a bad deal that these countries are desperate to protect?


I don't know how bad it is with NAFTA, I just know China was ripping US off on trade for sure by still having that 'developing country' tag on them even when they're doing so well now. I think they purposely keep enough people poor to retain that status just like how they manipulate the currency to retain the cheap labor status quo.


Hmm I guess it has its good and its bad. There is always winners and losers for everything. Nothing is perfect but I guess it can be re-negotiated with better terms.

I kinda see why Trump hates NAFTA as it brings in more illegals.


Yup, this is really becoming an unmitigated disaster. Trade wars always are.

I remember some months back a #MAGA groupie here proclaiming no country would dare level retaliatory tariffs against the US.

That magabot was hilariously ignorant of history when he made that claim, and of course, nowhere to be seen now.

The silver lining to retaliatory tariffs is how carefully tailored they are to exact maximum damage on trump voters in swing states. The same thing happened to Bush when he tried to pull this shit in '03 to protect the steel industry. He backed off as soon as he realized the WTO was about to call his bluff and devastate his constituencies in Florida and Pennsylvania with retaliatory tariffs.

The difference now is that trump is too stupid and prideful to back down.


"The difference now is that trump is too stupid and prideful to back down."

That, and the fact that Trumpie is searching desperately for any maneuver or action he can enact to try and deflect attention away from investigations that are creeping up on him and his junta. He's fine with upending the apple cart of U.S. trade with other nations because it makes his no-neck supporters believe he's keeping his promise of "America First!".


Lol, "creeping up on him"? Do you mean the non stop vicious effort to find ANYTHING on him, even if it means going about it illegally,yet still turning up nothing after 18 months? Hahaha, yes, that shit is sure "creeping up on him".


LMAO! They did manage to indict a Russian catering company for posting mean things about Hillary on Facebook. I'm sure Trump is shaking in his boots over that one.


Lmfao! Obviously the reason Hilary lost.


I heard Trump once ate an appetizer made from the same recipe book that the Russian catering company used.... COLLUSION!


What about Trump using Russian dressing on his salad? More collusion!


Oh shit, I never thought of that. Maybe Wishbone is the true global superpower, pulling all of the strings.


I know, right?




Yes because that spelling is applicable in both English and French.

Mericans spell humour "humor", colour "color" and a plethora of other gibberish

Bahahahahahahaha (that's if they can spell to begin with, which won't be many after Betsy Davos is through with your public education. Great choice Kaiser Drumpt!)
