MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Replies
Rorikon's Replies
I don't get this whole make one mistake, you're ruined for life thing. Don't people get second chances? If this is the model Americans want to go on then all criminals deserve life imprisonment with no second chances.
While her show is cancelled and all liberal workers, writers, etc. on the show fired, she'll explain why the tweet she made isn't racism on Friday with Joe Rogan so tune in for curiosity sake.
The series of images were originally part of a 2009 article in a “Germany” issue of Heeb magazine, a satirical Jewish publication that ran between 2001 and 2010. (An infrequently updated version of the magazine still exists online.) In the article which originally accompanied these photographs, entitled “That Oven Feelin’,” author Oliver Noble wrote that Roseanne asked to dress up as Hitler for the spread, as she believes (or at least jokingly said that she believes) that she may be the reincarnation of the Führer himself.
The photoshoot stirred up considerable controversy at the time, and from pundits across the political spectrum. Segments on The View and The O’Reilly Factor criticized the comedian for the Hitler-themed photoshoot. Heeb, however, defended the pictures and noted that Holocaust jokes are frequently featured in Hollywood movies, explaining that as a satirical, Jewish publication its goal was to challenge preconceptions.
She also addressed it awhile back:
She's fired and now the show is cancelled. Not unexpected after that tirade and backlash. There goes one of ABC's frontline shows.
1. He's right wing
2. He loves Trump (I think) or holds in regards the ideals/policy of it
Pretty much anything right wing news will go on the Trump thread since the other threads to other politics are more or less dead and doesn't really draw the attention. Hence why I sometimes (though rarely) post other news that can relate with Trump in a way.
I find it hilarious how it's not right to report on or film 'alleged child sex grooming gang members' but if it's an alleged sexual harasser for #metoo, they're all over it.
Also from the looks of it, Tommy was reporting when the trial was taking place before a final verdict. Seems there was a no reporting allowed until after the verdict which Tommy didn't abide to hence his arrest. Wonder why he couldn't just do it after or when they're leaving?
'Responses to the crisis are contentious because most of the perpetrators are British Asians; specifically British Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Child abuse is not uniquely or largely a problem of particular demographics but grooming gangs – that is, multiple offenders exploiting women they have met, manipulated, and abused outside their homes – are 84 percent Asian, and this does not mean Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Indonesian (other perpetrators have been Somali, Romani, Kosovan, Kurdish, and white British.)'
'Most of the victims have been white girls, but not all. They were most vulnerable to men from their own communities who manipulated cultural norms to prevent them from reporting their abuse.'
Yep, Muslims. You brought in their rape culture, good going UK. Enjoy the welcome refugee rape and try to cover it up. I bet these fucking women are liberally educated hence why they wanted a taste for Muslim cawk but then got abused for it in style so they deserve it. That or the liberal indoctrination messed them up. I wonder if these thousands of women are now 'woke' and right wing.
Seems like they gave it a chance with TFW but then saw the western agenda stuff and just puked and stopped going altogether. Mind you they have their own movies that cater to them as well. Have you seen any Asian films show in your theaters? Usually about every couple of months or less I see 1-2 Chinese films from China appear in our theaters which did well over in there but not so much here though where I live there is a large Asian presence so that probably makes up for it to some degree.
For example:
Ron Howard responds to low sales
So I am assuming they'll need to make $625 million to break even from the reshoots and such.
I don't know why you would find her annoying. They were very short remarks and she gets killed in the end anyway so that shut her up for good. :p
The Lando loving part I took it as a silly joke but I think Lando did have something for her even though she didn't think it really so.
Anyway, she's dead Jim. The end.
The movie didn't make me cringe or call out SJW/PC crap as I thought it would to much of my surprise. Everything else did though since the movie was so generic and mediocre for it to be a Star Wars film.
People should be complaining about that fucking song that singer and dude in the jar was singing.
The announcement with cast present. Glad they'll be finishing off the show.
He willingly turned himself in as well. Took them long enough. He just couldn't keep it in his pants. Sigh, the pains of having a penis...
Lol... now now doggie, no need to be so mean. Need to get along here if we're going to make MC survive and not end up in the gutter like IMDB made theirs. :p
Yep, I see him call out MSNBC, CNN, WP, NYT, etc. etc. saying they're fake news when it doesn't go to his liking. Kind of easy to deflect something going on by calling it 'fake'.
This is why people need balance and not be one-sided to one party cause then you can become blindsided to only 1 idea. Why I like hearing both sides of the story and go from there and why I like some liberal stuff as well as conservative. Best of both worlds imo. Right now we're being dictated and lead by more extreme folks of the political sphere while the moderates sit on the sidelines.
You're right. It should be enjoyable. ;)
I wouldn't mind a robot/holo wife/gf like the one in Blade Runner 2049. But at least SHE LOOKS human not an outright robot look... lol which I am assuming is what this 'she' robot looks like. Aka 3CPO hitting on Lando.
Yeah... don't want the thought police hounding you for being misogynistic.
Ah, so that's how she knew... thx.
High audience ratings? Wait what? Where are you seeing this? I too want to see this magical number.
Force Awakens was a very special case due to the time lapse, cult culture, Disney acquiring it etc. that made everyone want to see it domestically but after that, people were starting to have second thoughts. $300-400 million second thoughts on where it was going with the franchise. Right now Infinity War beats everything except domestic.
You guys should learn to get along with one another. Agree to disagree. :/
I'm always open to other peoples thoughts and might learn a thing or two from my naïve self but I've never hated on anyone personally since it's the internets. You'll be seeing each others post more often than not and everyone has their own opinions on said movie. No need to attack each other over said movie also but from the looks of it, the reviews are mixed at best for what seems to be a mediocre movie. I'm watching it tomorrow as well to see how bad it is so I can give my take on it.
Also, I think it's kind of hard to put politics aside when they purposefully insert political agendas into the movie itself subtle or not.
They were able to hold their own against Thanos even when he had his gauntlet else they wouldn't have gotten the drop on him and managed to pin him in that state. Could be just bad writing to be honest.
Also, Strange had the friggin Time Stone and never used it to his advantage like how he did with Dormammu who is even stronger than Thanos. Could've kept him in some infinite time loop of sort.
So easy to want war on the keyboard and not go fight for it. I hope there is a war so when it's time for the draft we can point to Trump voters to sign up in droves :).
I knew the deal was dead once the Iran deal died. Anyhow build up those nukes Iran and DPRK so we can get this shit started already. Prolonged peace is dull and dulls the mind.
That's how women roll man. Why do you think there are sugar daddy's and nothing really the other way around? While not all women are like this, I think a large portion if not the majority do this cause they're just made to look pretty and try to find someone to look after them and mooch off of by selling their bodies and such. In Youtube trending, you see dress & makeup for girls and such while for guys it's science and other. Don't believe me? Go look at Youtube trend once a week and you'll seen them pop up more than once on occasion.