Prosecutors, defense attorneys and the judge are hashing out the final details of Paul Manafort's trial with just eight days to go before it begins -- including whether five witnesses will be forced to testify and if the schedule will change.
The former Trump campaign chairman's jury trial in the federal District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia begins July 25. He faces 18 charges of bank fraud and foreign bank account allegations. If found guilty he could face a sentence of more than 300 years in prison. He is currently in jail in Alexandria, Virginia, for alleged witness tampering, after losing his bail in a separate criminal proceeding.
Yup. Screws are being turned tight on Manafort as "use immunity" will in all likelihood be granted for the 5 witnesses. The only time it's denied is if they're somehow more culpable than the witness they're testifying against. Fat chance of that being true against a high value target like Manafort.
So trial starts a week from tomorrow and this judge is into speedy trials. Thing to watch for is if this trial gets delayed, as that would signal Manafort commenced negotiating a plea deal to flip on Trump.
I'm not overly hopeful that will happen since he's a prime candidate to be pardoned. I'd give 5:1 odds he flips.
When Iran Contra happened all the criminals successfully prosecuted by the special prosecutor that lost their appeals got pardoned by daddy Bush. Manafort seems well positioned to be awarded a pardon for keeping his mouth shut.
The only thing that might prevent Trump from issuing Manafort a pardon is if it sinks into this thick barely-there brain that a pardon will not eliminate Manafort as a witness against him. If Manafort refuses to testify in his own trial, is found guilty and sentenced and then gets pardoned, he'll then have no choice but to testify. The only thing this trial buys Trump is time to delay Manafort from spilling the beans.
That's true, but there's a big difference between a cooperating witness and a reluctant one. If he's pardoned and subpoenaed he'll fall in the latter camp, which means he'll be looking to say the bare minimum necessary while keeping himself out of jeopardy.
Prosecutors could set a perjury trap for him, but might decide his testimony as a reluctant witness is too weak to call in trial. It could still pose a potential minefield for Manafort, he's better off guaranteeing future immunity from the law by flipping now. But my reasoning that he'll go to trial is that something in his calculus has caused him to take things this far. In spite of the overwhelming odds and punishment he'll face if convicted while burning through millions in additional legal fees from all the desperate pretrial maneuvers. I think he fears the fate he or his family would face from Russia if he flips more than anything Mueller could do to him if he doesn't.
If you look at the entire body of open source material on him so far, it's hard not to think he's been working as a Kremlin asset for most of the past decade. That's why he's been under continual surveillance from FISA warrants, even before he ever got involved with Trump's campaign. His work in Ukraine was as a Kremlin agent of influence in Ukrainian politics. Russia doesn't like traitors from their own ranks. Putin likes to make public spectacles to discourage defections, hence the very public attempted execution of the Skripals. For all we know, that could have been done to send a very public message to Manafort and other potential defectors caught up in Mueller's web right now and probably was.
This is called "LARPing", or live action role playing. This is what the media did when they predicted Trump had a zero percent chance of winning even the primary. They had these detailed analysis and they were worthless because they were based on fantasy.
I wouldn't know anything about live active role playing. That's your cup of tea. But everything I said in my post is an ironclad, established fact except the final sentence where I'm openly speculating on the most likely reason behind the public assassination on the Skripals using a cold war soviet biological weapon on British soil.
Meanwhile what you're calling "detailed analysis" are actually known as "public polls". The media predicted Trump's loss because public polling by all the private polling firms in the country had predicted his loss based on scientific polling.
But given what we know now that Trump received active Russian assistance, it explains why Trump won and why all the public polling was wrong. It wasn't their fault, it was Russian interference.
If the Russians hadn't interfered polling would have been more on point son. Your logic really falls apart.
He broke the terms of bail agreement and attempted to tamper with witnesses.
Fortunately the reporters he tried to contact via text message to get his story straight immediately contacted Mueller and turned all the incriminating texts over to him.
A federal judge in Alexandria, Virginia, has granted the request for five witnesses to testify with immunity in the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
US District Judge T.S. Ellis is also ordering special counsel Robert Mueller's team to tell Manafort's team the nearly 30 witnesses it is going to use in the trial.
In addition, Ellis delayed the start of the trial, originally scheduled for Wednesday, to July 31.