Underdog_73's Replies

Underpants? Wow. So you not only thought of the most pathetic reply possible, you actually typed it out. And, after seeing it in all its juvenile stupidity, you still sent it? Clearly embarrassing yourself is a hobby of yours. As for your moronic assumptions about strangers on the internet, stop. You're simply making a further jack ass of yourself. It's amazing how an idiot could be so wrong, yet delude themself into believing they're so right. Speaking of delusional stupidity, it seems your own irony is also lost on you. I'm in utter disbelief you can't comprehend losers like you are the garbage iMDb, along with the rest of the world, are completely fed up with. Only the most intellectually bankrupt wastes of life attempt to turn a post about a TV show into some sad little insult directed at the poster. Not even a clever insult either. You then degrade into some fool desperately trying to save face and stay afloat, yet sinking lower and lower with each reply. Cutting your losses is clearly something you've yet to learn. I can go on and on, but the truth of the matter is you're a developmentally challenged cretin with the mentality of a six year old licking windows on the short bus. It really is a shame people don't demand quality. Worse, they settle for garbage. The story and "acting" seem to be overly childish as well. Why is that the prevailing humor preference nowadays? Has "clever" humor gone the way of the dinosaur? The original can be enjoyed by people of all ages. This seems to be geared toward 6 year olds at the bottom of the academic scale. Sadly though, the bulk of today's society will lap it up. How have we sunk so low? Get over what? It was a moronic scene. End of story. You seem to making more about it due to your own ignorance. The only one who needs to get over anything is you, "genius". You're embarrassed because you were too dumb to understand just how ridiculous it was so you now want to try to alleviate that embarrassment by making it about others personally, instead of accepting the fact you're an idiot. Face it, you're too stupid to understand how something as simple as a floor works, so you want to convince yourself everyone else has the problem. Only the absolutely most developmentally challenged morons think that way. Why are you laughing like an idiot? That's reserved for posts that fall under the category of "good comebacks". That's not the case with you, so you've only made yourself look like an even bigger idiot. Your reply is exactly what I'd expect from someone with nothing to offer, no argument to make, and desperately trying to save face. I guess you thought if you laughed while offering a pathetic reply, it would somehow sound better? Wrong. Just give up. You've made a complete fool of yourself more than once If I don't like the show, don't watch? Um, if you don't like the conversation, don't participate..... uh....duh.... No one missed that. Did you miss the entire crux of the conversation where that type of thing would not cause the floor to break? Further, they are glass tiles in a steel frame. They are not connected to one another, and it's not one big pane, so a crack in one would not travel to another. Even in a fictitious world, certain rules apply. It's amazing how certain people can't comprehend the written word. replicant4...reading requires sounding out the words, as well as comprehending the meaning behind them. Clearly the latter is beyond the scope of your abilities. When someone starts making unsolicited assumptions, like you and the other idiot, it simply shows their stupidity in things of actual substance. It's an attempt to look less dumb, and you both failed miserably. All, I repeat, all intelligent viewers had a problem with that moronic scene. Further, all intelligent people understand the strength of glass and the approximate thickness of glass floors. It's not a secret. All you've done is show your ignorance in the intended meaning of a poster, as well as the fact that something as simple as a floor confuses you. People like you must have so much help in life, in order to avoid starving to death. What a moronic assumption. There is a special kind of stupid. Much worse than normal stupid. The floor scene was an example of that, and clearly so are you. Even more special in fact. Are you a writer on the show? You have all the qualifications. I'm always fascinated by the intellectually challenged who read a post and get offended because that post attacks something about a show they like, so they attempt to make it personal and attack the poster. That is an example of a special kind of loser. Lucky you. You're special in at least two categories. Are you embarrassed that utter stupidity entertains you, so you lash out? It's not for everyone. Everyone has different tastes. But thinking about how much you hate it, any time you're bored with nothing to do, is something you seriously need to share with a psychiatrist. It's a compulsion you might be able to get help with so you're able to not think about it at all. Haha...that literally made me laugh out loud. Right before I read your reply I was wondering why he kept replying to himself..... The worst part about it, is the fact he believes it. I didn't know delusions could be that severe. I saw it live, when he said it, and the laughter from the UN was absolutely perfect. His face said it all. The fact that he tried to pass it off as a joke later, was pathetic, yet unsurprising. All joking aside, there is definitely something mentally wrong with him. I'm disgusted the Republicans are more concerned with retaining power, than they are with what's best for the country. If ever a President needed to be impeached it's him. As for these"people" you ask about, I've found some of them are people I've known my whole life. Friends, parents of friends I grew up with, aunts and uncles, etc. It's as if they've always been ignorant, narrow minded, and hateful, but they restrained themselves and hid it from the world. Now with Trump in office, they don't have to hide anymore. They feel validated as if they were right all along. Ignorance, prejudice, racism, and any other type of discrimination and hated is acceptable now that they see a President behaving so disgustingly immature. This is the way they must have felt inside for years. I can't tell you how many people I've learned I never knew at all. Worse they're loud, and obnoxious about their support for him, and that's all they know how to discuss, because they don't have the intellect to discuss anything else. To know people I've respected my whole life are actually immoral low lives is something I wish I'd never learned. Trump brought this country to a level so low that decent people are starting to feel shame. He turned us into a laughing stock and his UN speech proved it. Oh no, I'd never have accused him of writing them. Especially after seeing his writing skills via his tweets. What I'm curious about is whether or not he told FEMA to do this. I honestly still think he did. It seems education started to take a back seat to everything else in the early 90s. Now that these "geniuses" are all grown up, they've exercised their right to vote and took a country that was number one in the world, and turned it into a laughing stock in less than two years. I'm still in shock. I never dreamed the ignorant would become the majority. This new uneducated generation, combined with the ignorant and hateful of every other generation, have combined. They now have the numbers needed to make the changes educated people don't want. The morons shall inherit the Earth. It makes you wonder about the status quo of the modern education system. Clearly all those cuts are having a horrifying effect. The other day I saw a YouTuber post under their video, "I'm a leave this here", instead of "I'm going to leave this here". The cringe still hasn't fully subsided. She was the textbook example of what we've come to know as the dumb blonde. Even more scary, she was shooting guns. I guess you told me. Bizarre is right. It's like a child who learned a phrase, or had a phrase used toward them, thought it sounded clever, and started using it as their go to reply, without first learning what it means. Sad doesn't cover it. And saying "playing feigned ignorance" doesn't sound right. Wouldn't the term be "feigning ignorance"? That supports to my theory further. The genius heard it, but heard it wrong and uses it wrong. Like people who type "would of" instead of "would've", only worse. The former is simply typing wrong phonetically. The latter is complete ignorance. Hahaha....it's like debating with a foreign short bus passenger. No back pedaling occurred. You just simply can't grasp, or comprehend what was said. Even with further explanation, which isn't necessary for anyone above a first grade reading level. I don't even know who you're replying to, it surely can't be me. Go back to school. You just can't stop displaying your ignorance. I called you immature? Really? You still can't read, can you? I called you uneducated, and you've proven it yet again. Wow, are you and the other poster, in the other thread, a couple? I haven't seen such a blatant inability to comprehend the written word in a long time. Now we have two illiterate geniuses. Feigned ignorance?? Is that a joke? Do you simply not know the definitions of words you choose to use in a failed effort to sound intelligent? Clearly you don't comprehend the meaning of the word "embarrass". Even more clear is the fact you also can't comprehend what you read. How old are you? I hope preschool age, otherwise you're a failure of the education system. Did I ever claim this show was the be all end all? The show others should strive to be like? How one person could read words and form some completely obscure conclusion is baffling. Don't just sound out the words as you read along out loud, understand their meaning. Haha...I almost said the same thing about the different colored pants between shots. Those old shows are great. I'm watching a bunch of old cliffhanger serials now. And they reuse footage even more blatantly, and more often. I honestly don't know. If you agree he came across as a crybaby, petulent child, regardless of affiliation, then yes, we agree.