The worst part about it, is the fact he believes it. I didn't know delusions could be that severe. I saw it live, when he said it, and the laughter from the UN was absolutely perfect. His face said it all. The fact that he tried to pass it off as a joke later, was pathetic, yet unsurprising.
All joking aside, there is definitely something mentally wrong with him. I'm disgusted the Republicans are more concerned with retaining power, than they are with what's best for the country. If ever a President needed to be impeached it's him.
As for these"people" you ask about, I've found some of them are people I've known my whole life. Friends, parents of friends I grew up with, aunts and uncles, etc. It's as if they've always been ignorant, narrow minded, and hateful, but they restrained themselves and hid it from the world.
Now with Trump in office, they don't have to hide anymore. They feel validated as if they were right all along. Ignorance, prejudice, racism, and any other type of discrimination and hated is acceptable now that they see a President behaving so disgustingly immature. This is the way they must have felt inside for years.
I can't tell you how many people I've learned I never knew at all. Worse they're loud, and obnoxious about their support for him, and that's all they know how to discuss, because they don't have the intellect to discuss anything else. To know people I've respected my whole life are actually immoral low lives is something I wish I'd never learned.
Trump brought this country to a level so low that decent people are starting to feel shame. He turned us into a laughing stock and his UN speech proved it.