exatera's Replies

? I don't see how they fit together at all. How is he a jerk exactly? He is a very kind and genuine guy. Well, he successfully had sex before he met Syd. They do sell frog humidifiers, as well as other animals: https://www.amazon.com/Crane-Adorable-Ultrasonic-Cool-Humidifier/dp/B000GWE2U6/ Who/what is the Shadow King? Lol, I came on here to say the same exact thing. They can still have sex! For practical reasons, it would probably need to be a bit more scheduled and less spontaneous for them than other people, but they sure don't have to resort to celibacy. "A Eugene heavy episode. Just what the fans have been crying out for." Well, Eugene or no Eugene, you gotta admit, we did need to see what happened at the Sanctuary in the aftermath of Daryl's escape. Then you remembered what? Well, except that, who actually left? They were all still there when he got out. Definitely flayed, you could see his muscle tissue. 1. I would think she knew. She would have to have known to hide the face that doesn't age. 2. Nahara woke the giants for the sake of "free magic" in Oz. 3. It didn't seem to me like he was. It was like his emotions were still there, but he wasn't in control of his body.