Mattc164's Replies

I agree. It was very poorly written. The looks on the crews faces when they learn they were leaving without him made it seem like it was a huge deal. I thought he would be captured and imprisoned. But, as you said, the very next scene shows him back in Israel as if it were just a minor inconvenience that he had to catch his own flight. I didnt say couldn’t. I said wouldn’t. And what would happen to that juror who caused the mistrial and possible release of one of the most hated men in the country is that person would possibly be attacked and killed by the same idiots who were burning down the city. Yes. And human beings make their own beds to lie in. They act a fool then foolish things happen. If Floyd wasn’t a career criminal meth head then he wouldn’t have found himself on the pavement that night. Of course a juror wouldn’t go on record and say that. If they did then that’ll be grounds for a mistrial. If a juror came on record and said that and caused a mistrial what do you think would happen to that juror. Appeals take time. Things are in motion. Agreed. Its a poor casting choice if we’re judging off physical appearance. However, Bardem pulled off Desi mannerisms and character flawlessly. None of these songs are 10 minutes long though. Don't forgot, Tupac, Michael Jackson and Elvis as well. That's good. Now the news can pretend she died and they can send her off to the island to be back with Epstein. Good horror movies are movies that put strong likable/relatable characters in dire situations. The "horror" comes from the fear of something negative happening to the characters. You need to have a connection to them and some level of care for the horror aspect to kick in. Most horror movies today have sleaze ball characters who you couldn't care less if they died and you actually root for the "bad guy" When that happens, the horror is lost. Sure, you hated the movie so much all those years ago and felt it wasted your time. Yet, here you are 24 years later on a message board wasting even more time on the movie, lol. I don’t buy it. I bet you did like the movie. He indeed slapped her. He wasn’t even arrested in the book. He simply “retired a broken man.” However in one book he wasn’t even close to being the corrupted career criminal like he’s portrayed in the movie. Would love to see a Walgreens CVS episode. These drug store employees are treated like complete shit by corporate. To see corporate walk in and see how the stores really run from the ground floor would be a sight to see. My guess would be anywhere in the vicinity of: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Annabelle is trash as well. Writers/Directors don’t know how to make horror movies anymore. “Goofy and silly” Yes, exactly my point. This was labeled a horror and marketed as such. It was far from a horror however, by your own admission. If they marketed this as a goofy silly comedy horror then i wouldn’t have watched it and would’ve had no problem with my time being wasted from false advertising. That’s not from Forbidden Planet. Its The Twilight Zone Season 2 Episode 24: The Rip Van Winkle Caper. Yeah. His idea of full attention is probably laying in bed playing solitaire on his phone while the show plays on 3 volume in the background. Well the detail was wrong though apparently. ☹️