MovieChat Forums > Back to the Future Part II (1989) Discussion > The people tasked with creating 2015 eit...

The people tasked with creating 2015 either sucked or had no budget

If you stop watching the actors and look at the set design, it’s really on the cheap.

There’s a few great ideas like flying cars, self drying jackets, self lacing shoes, etc, but they can only take you so far.

Example, the cars in the future are 80s concept cars and as such, look like 1980s cars. Some were just weird cars used in other movies that they had laying around the backlot.

Then there’s Marty’s neighbourhood, they have cheap coloured lights just sitting on the kerb. No attempt is made to make it look like the kerb. That’s a set done on the cheap.

Now Marty’s house. The interior is very 1980s. Surely they could have hired someone with an imagination who could have decked that place out.

I get that he’s not a rock star and the house may be old but the movie would have benefitted from continuing the ultra futuristic 2015 presentation with flying cars.


I disagree, I think 2015 looked fine. Also, don't forget that Zemeckis & Gale never intended to predict a realistic future, it was a parody.


The lights just sitting on the kerb though, instead of building a new kerb, is a set built on the cheap. One of those "don't look too closely" situations that a lot of cheap movies have.


C U R B that spells curb.


"Example, the cars in the future are 80s concept cars and as such, look like 1980s cars. Some were just weird cars used in other movies that they had laying around the backlot."

Don´t see the problem with that. We are in 2021 and there are cars from the 80s and 90s still driving around today.

"Then there’s Marty’s neighbourhood, they have cheap coloured lights just sitting on the kerb. No attempt is made to make it look like the kerb. That’s a set done on the cheap."

It was supposed to be cheap. Marty was in a cheap area, which was mentioned by the policewoman. I didn´t find that set lacking "realism" at all. I thought the automatic dog-walker was kind of a nice touch too.


Example, the cars in the future are 80s concept cars and as such, look like 1980s cars.

It's always been that way. I can't recall one single movie that portrayed futuristic cars as anything but the current cars with some weird modifications.

Some were also concept cars built for car shows. This is my favorite: a car from "2060" that desperately tried not to look 1960s:

Pretty sure it was also used in Forbidden Planet. I mean, maybe cars will look like this in 40 years but sheesh!


That’s not from Forbidden Planet. Its The Twilight Zone Season 2 Episode 24: The Rip Van Winkle Caper.


The link I posted was from TZ yes, but it was a prop first used on Forbidden Planet:


“can't recall one single movie that portrayed futuristic cars as anything but the current cars with some weird modifications”

What about “Demolition Man”? That film had actual prototypes if I remember correctly


Yes, prototypes and concept cars. The door on the Cadillac that the benevolent Dr Cocteau drove had an articulated door hinge so that the door didn't just swing out (which is a cool concept), but the body itself was closer to what was actually put into production.

And don't forget the Taco Bell food delivery van. This was a General Motors HX3 concept mini-van, which ended up as the Pontiac Transport.


I think this was DrCocteau’s car?:
Love this website^
Also the Hx3 was a cab in the 6th day


Yes, that's the one. I always wondered why that door hinge didn't catch on. It seems to make a whole lot of sense.


It’s all very easy to criticise this film now but let’s face it, we were all blown away and very much entertained seeing this depiction of 2015 way back in 1989. I thought it was, and still do think it looks great.
