MarlonBrawndo's Posts

So They Save Brooklyn 99, But Let Community Sink? The reason Nymeria turned away from Arya Am I the only one who'd like to see Tyrion on the Iron Throne? Chuck's money (possible spoiler) So, Mike is asking Gus to... How Scary Is Jimmy? So Jimmy's Revenge Against Chuck Is...[Spoiler] Has Your Opinion of Hamlin Changed? Real Reason Jimmy Becomes Saul? Chuck's Duplicate Tape (EP 0304) Montages Has Anyone Else Been Contacted About Being A Nielsen Viewer? Young Frankenstein--Galaxy Quest--Anchorman Performers' Controversy vs Their Art Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Rating Late Night Talk Show Hosts, Past and Present What TV Shows From the Past Do You Wish Were Making New Episodes? Has TV Gotten Better or Worse In Your Lifetime? Sex vs Violence Has TV Surpassed Film In Creative Quality?