
Some people on the old IMDb boards hated the montages on BCS, such as last season's Kim Post-It one, saying that they made the show feel slow compared to BB (though that series used them just as often). This week's ep had the one with Kim getting her day started, and Mike's setting up the shoe trick. I like them. How about you?


I've always loved how Gilligan and Co. do these! Like you said, BB had pleeeenty of these, so much so I've seen people parody them. Those editors know how to cut up a montage alright. So, I usually enjoy them when they happen and I also feel like they're sporadic enough that it doesn't feel like an overload or a hindrance to the story/pacing.

They're effective when you need to get a point across fast, in this case that Kim has no life outside of her work and everything revolves around that and how quickly she can get back to that (is how I saw it anyways), as well as just getting to know her/her routine more.

p.s. Hi Brawndo! It's been a while since I've seen ya around here or talked with ya...good to see ya again!


Hi backatcha, Dreamer! I expect we'll be seeing more of each other now that BCS is up and running again.


The one with Kim getting ready grossed me out. It felt like running into the transvestites start their day in the men's room of the San Francisco Greyhound station.


another great montage was Howard climbing over garden walls


I always like them. I feel like it's a quietly creative way to show us who these people are. I remember one of the producers of Dexter once said something to the effect of "You know everything you need to about him just by the opening sequence." I feel like there's a little bit of that in these montages. Additionally, I feel like they create a feeling of "calm before the storm." I feel like that's usually bound to be a calmer moment in an episode, leading to shit going down.


You must be a big fan of Bollywood movies.


I don't dislike them, but far from a big fan. I just think the montages work well within their context.


I hear you. was just kidding :) -- because long Bollywood movies tend to have a lot of montages (with the songs)... like at least 6 per film.
