For me, yes, it certainly does. I know some people bemoan the thought, but it's very hard for me to separate it. In my eyes, most art is personal so there's really no divide between the person and the art...even if what is represented is vastly different from how they are in their own lives, it's still something that came from within them and so there is no line, it's all intermingled.
It also depends on the scandal or opinion. If it's one that I happen to agree with or it's something I don't think is so bad I can wave it off. It really is all relative or how much you absorb these things. Since I'm super into films and shows and the like these matters maybe mean more to me than someone who couldn't care less, ya know what I'm saying? If what they did was something just really horrible and dark and awful than I probably would never be able to see them in the same way and it would taint their work from then on....
It's not that I don't believe in second chances and all that either, but I think artists who go through things like this try to exploit their art and work as a cushion and as a way to almost distract people from whatever they did. They pervert their own stuff by doing that so why wouldn't it pervert it for me? Hypothetically it's like, "sure, I molested those kids, but look at this amazing film I made!" Yeah, no, that doesn't jive with me and it only sours it for me more in how easily Hollywood and society falls for that and does let up and give it all a pass. So, all those factors mix together to really make me quite adverse to it.
My opinion may be one of the more harsh or extreme ones, but it's a conversation I've had a couple times now, and the argument against it has never held enough water for me to switch over to that or really grasp.