I hope you would dare; it's multi-faceted, and I honestly would need to do a back-and-forth type of answer myself, not just "Better or Worse."
For instance, I feel that greater permissiveness has given creators and writers more generous leeway in subject matter, language, and how graphically things like sex and violence are depicted. The downside of that, I think, is that it can be exploited, with comedies going for cheap, off-color laughs, and dramas competing as to who can be more lurid and shocking. It's artistic freedom vs the degradation of quality.
I think, overall, today' naturalistic acting is more believable than that which was common in the '50s, which carried over the highly-stylized acting of '40s films. But, some might prefer that more mannered, other-worldly style.
Certainly, technology and artistic evolution have enabled current directors to create a sense of realism of just about anything they can imagine, without its having to exist in physical form. Better? It can be debated.
Comedy is my favorite form, generally. I have to say, (echoing my parents' generation...yikes!), that I have a growing admiration for how incredibly funny the earlier comedy shows could be, working within the much stricter guidelines of the past. Lucy's chocolate assembly line scene, or Jack Benny's "Your money or your life" bit, anybody?
I really would like to know your thoughts. I'm just getting acquainted in this new neighborhood.
It's all incredibly subjective, of course. All dependent on when and how you grew up. I'll start with the general question of, "do you think tv is better today than it used to be?" My answer would be yes. I like it more because it fits my tastes and sensibilities more and I think the wider landscape and more creatively free landscape has given, as you say, permission to let things be more fully realized, developed, artistic, and niche.
None of the shows I watch now would be possible back then, not only because of technology and there being only about 5 different channels or whatever, but simply because they're unconventional. They were strict not only within censorship, but in what was allowed, talked about, and tolerated. It was hard to break out of that, even when shows did they were still within the confines of being a sitcom or kowtowing to the norms as best they could.
Certainly censorship can help the creativity of those trying to get around them and that I do appreciate. It still is done here and there today, and it can make the case for that staying in place if it pushes the makers to be more thoughtful in how they approach something in their work.
I also do prefer the more natural acting. I love older films and some shows, but the acting does tend to take me out of it. I'm talking like 40s and 50s acting which is better suited to the stage, which makes sense, since that's pretty much where it was born from. Again, though, I am a product of my time, which could pretty much be my answer to all of this to begin with :P
As someone who is a fan of the weird, again unconventional, gutsy, kind of stuff...not much of that is to be found in older tv like it is now. That is not say that it's that eras fault (or there weren't stuff like that around) necessarily, they were products of their time as well. There is just a greater liberation happening on tv because of the ways we can watch it, technology, almost unlimited amount of channels....it kind of threw a lot of traditions out the window. When you're stacked against that much you either sink or get better and make something that's more worthwhile, unique, and/or has something to say that will make it stand out or make it more important while also feeling a bit more personal since you can tailor shows to more specific audiences now.
I also think, in dealing with the comedies you mentioned, that there is still the air of that around. In the end, we must remember, we're only where we're at because of shows like that. Even if a modern show doesn't have any resemblance to something like Lucy, that show still helped pave the way for that comedy to exist in the way that it does. Ya know what I'm saying? So, films and shows are all on the same timeline together, in the end. They're feeding and influencing each other and the DNA of one can still be felt and seen in another.
Wow! I'm glad you did take the time to reply. You're one of the more eloquent and knowledgeable folks I've found in my time on the movie/TV boards. It's making me feel better about IMDb disappearing. You also have me interested in going back for another viewing of Mulholland Drive. Thanks for your thoughts!
Well thank you, that's very kind of you to say and I really appreciate it! I spend so much of my time with these films and shows I'd hope I could formulate all these thoughts about them well enough by now, haha. Apologies for that onslaught I unleashed on you...sometimes my mind runs away and takes my fingers along and before I know it I've written like a damn dissertation :P
Posts like yours make me feel alright about IMDb too, the transition here has been as seamless as I think it could've been really. It appears as if everyone has just gotten on with, not only that, but have enthusiastically embraced starting a new community. It's a beautiful thing that I'm happy to contribute to!
If you do watch Mulholland Drive again, let me know, start a thread about it (or if you'd rather a PM whenever that gets implemented). I'll join in! Thanks for creating ones with such interesting and thoughtful questions. That's the kind of stuff that will make this place great and get more people on board. Rock on!
I'm glad you, and a few others find my topics worthwhile. I just love hearing other people's opinions, and it's sometimes startling or very funny to find that some tough biker likes Golden Girls, or some sweet little granny is way into Sons of Anarchy.
BTW, I have to return the compliment. Your postings and comments are often a highlight of checking into MovieChat.
I'm all for supporting and encouraging more extensive discussion and conversation, and the topics you post about often do that! So, I hope you keep doing it ;)
I, too, like seeing opinions and feedback and all of that because I think it makes all of us better critics and viewers of the things we like/watch. Not to mention creating some fun and possible friendships and community...as well as what you pointed out with opening yourself up to the surprise of people's tastes. It really shows ya can't judge a book by its cover, but maybe by the shows they watch, lol
And thank you, once again, very much for what you said there at the end. It warms my heart to read that, honestly! And it's mutual!
Drama has gotten much better - they tell much deeper stories. Like going from comic books to novels.
There is a ton of crap to sift through, as usual, but that's always been the case.
Sitcoms are terrible though.
I feel like it truly is the golden age for television. To me, there has never been as much quality tv as there is available right now. There are so many well produced programs to choose from. There are so many more venues too. Netflix, amazon prime, cable networks are all making great tv. Movies, on the other hand, although more accessible, I feel there are not as many good films at the theater. They are so costly to produce that no production company wants to take a chance a little film. I like all genres but I'm pretty tired of all these super hero movies.
I know this is a rather simplistic reply but I am completely turned off by the quantity of commercials during today's programs. Even worse is when networks 'edit' old shows in order to add more commercials. Oftentimes the old shows no longer make sense because a key scene is cut - this can be especially evident in mystery/thriller shows. I hate it. These so-called editors are boobs. I know they're only doing what they're told, but still... Sheesh!
The vast majority of shows in any era are pure crap.
But the really good shows have never been better than today. They can tell a much deeper story now, with a beginning, a middle, and an ending just like reading a book. We never had shows in the olden days half as brilliant as 'Game of Thrones' or Breaking Bad, or the Sopranos, etc.
This is due to the enormous competition and plethora of cable channels today, all competing for the same limited audience.
In the olden days we didn't have much choice, so a silly piece of pure trash like "Charlie's Angels" could debut a pilot episode that would generate staggering ratings.
It wasn't that it was any good - it wasn't. It's just we didn't have much choice. Here's your 3 channels and your prime time selections and there you go and that's all you get - you couldn't even time shift because VCRS were unaffordable until the 80's.
So to summarize - a few shows today are much better than anything we ever had, and the rest are just the same old ass gravy.
I guess it depends on taste. Shows on cable suck. But the ones I find on netflicks really are more of my taste. I think having opportunities to see them would help people believe in your theory. Because when I flip the channels nothing good is ever on.