MovieChat Forums > DracTarashV2 > Replies
DracTarashV2's Replies
That definitely would have been [i]a lot[/i] better than what we got (sheesh). But it is a good idea in general, I think. And I’d argue that Bane deserved a similar fate (or at least give him a more impactful exit).
The talk and maybe look like a teenager thing I get, but it’s fairly endearing (and no, she does not come off as vapid or anything). A nervous interviewee though? Don’t see it. In many of her interviews (for her Hollywood work obviously) she seems to be very lively and has a bonhomous attitude. Whilst she does appear to be a bit quirky (like a, yes, teenager), I see [i]nothing[/i] wrong with that.
Lovely woman with an infectious personality.
What a dynamite character. Hell yes!
Patience. It’ll eventually happen. And when it does, there’s a strong possibility the reactionary chuds will have meltdowns over the next Bond (hell, clearly this film has already triggered their fragile bigot kind).
As for me, I just want to see [b]No Time to Die[/b] first. That’s all that matters to me right now when it comes to Bond.
Try to get Craig back? Seriously doubt it. But depending on how things go with this film, I wouldn’t mind it. Unlikely to happen but it’d be cool ;)
That sounds about whyte. But also, holy ALl LiVeS MaTteR reactionary, Batman! Speaking for all the reich wingers that OF COURSE hate this brilliant play.... wow, congrats! Dat Karen bravery is really appreciated, especially in this era where the anti-inclusion and pro-social injustice reich wing is in power and is desperately trying to maintain the POLITICALLY CORRECT status quo of yesterday. “Know your place!!!”
And aww.... the very non-regressive cast of Hamilton “disrespected” the anti-equal rights bigot that is Pence? Well, to HELL with him and his fascist bunker boy. As for this play, it and its incredibly talented creator will continue to ride high while the chuds who LOVE to paint themselves as victims (despite dedicating their lives fear mongering and putting actual disenfranchised people down) will keep projecting with their nonstop whining.
Couldn’t agree more.... Casino Royale’s foot chase is [b]brutalful.[/b] ;)
It’s thrilling as hell, masterfully executed, and both SAVAGE and MAJESTIC as one would expect a foot chase to be like in a Bond film, but particularly a Bond film that was grittier than anything that came before (that’s right, naysayer). [i]Smacked viewers right in the face [/i] like no Bond foot chase had ever done! No wonder it’s such an acclaimed scene (detractors be damned).
Oh, boomers/xoomers object and they liken this highly praised scene to chase scenes seen in the #1 types of films pretentious boomers/xoomers deem themselves too good for? Ok boomer
[b]I am Groot[/b]
Translation: [url][/url]
Here ‘ s the very important thing right now: Ok boomer
[This is obvs why the several posts on here defending and giving this film its due are a fresh breath of air, it contrasts from all the tired b/xoomer hate posts of this far more masterfully-executed film. And lol rip-off of the first Mad Max... they ain’t even trying anymore. Well OP and its fellow detractors can stick to its beloved older Max. I’ll happily keep watching Fury Road till the end of the road :}]
Birds of Prey/Suicide Squad
I, Tonya
I had a good time with it myself. Ferrell & McAdams were pretty much perfect in their roles. All in all, it was a pleasant surprise
Whoa-kay boomer. I mean... that sounds about reich. I mean... look at it! It’s new (not really) and spewing nothing but familiar nonsense already. Ah yes, when newbie trolls are really oldbie trolls... in this case, looks like we got a doofus from the old boards.
Either way, the numerous reactionary bros and trolls on this site tip their neck beards to you, chad.
M’kay. Still only a year 4 me.
That’s such a damn good scene. It’s killer. ;)
Love it
I suppose that also depends on one’s point of view, lol. But I didn’t mind her as Rachel tbh.
It all depends upon your point of view. ;)
I prefer and find [b]Begins[/b] to be better myself.
I agree with that. I didn’t have a big issue with them the first time I saw Dark Phoenix (I definitely understood why Jessica Chastain’s performance received criticism, although clearly the writing was to blame more than anything else), but now that I’ve seen the film a few times, I have to say that the aliens were indeed as uninteresting and underdeveloped as it gets. Though they killed it in the action scenes, these baddies were very one-note and forgettable overall.
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Toss up between Spotlight & The Founder
Honorable mentions: Jackie Brown & Pacific Heights
It’s that time again, huh. I mean I got many obvious trolls & red pill propagandists on the be-gone list.. makes it a bit more tolerable to still bother coming to this place... but surely there hasn’t been a big [b]PAY ATTENTION TO ME[/b] bait like this in a while on here (nah). As it is, why bother with an obvious troll? 1) I got time to spare 2) ‘Cause many inevitably will, I suppose. And 3) because those legit on the same page as the troll above will show up, so really I’ll be talking to them. At any rate, let’s put some broken record detractors and fascists who naturally stand against all things social justice, scream ThIs Is AnTi-WhItE 24/7, and were always against Captain America as he was the ultimate anti-fascist in their place, hehe.
The Golden Age, over? Well, it’s something of an end of an era. However! Golden Ages can last more than a decade, ya know. ;) But completely over to the extent the MCU will never experience big critical & commercial success again and real audiences (not simply online naysayers) will lose interest though? Gee, you social injustice reactionaries hating on this franchise bigly (and have lost sleep over its dominance) are really, really getting ahead of yourselves. Question: how many times have the detractors/boomers assured everyone that Marvel’s time was over? One too many times. With all the grade-A talent this franchise keeps attracting, all the marvelous diversity that’s coming (yea, cry reactionary chuds), and with no signs of Big Kev losing his mojo, then this franchise’s future is looking pretty strong. So here’s the thing - it ain’t over till it’s over! And if/when the upcoming projects from this non-reich wing and fascist-unfriendly franchise arrive and end up proving many of the lifeless detractors wrong, it’ll be fun to taste those salty red pill/reactionary brigade tears over and over again.
Lol, and acting as if this is the only franchise out there offending your reactionary maga chud sensibilities. Hello! Since apparently you’re not familiar with other boomer/elitist-triggering modern franchises, haven’t you been paying attention to all yer social injustice fools and what they’ve been crying about? They’ll tell you loud and clear that the very-flawed-but-luckily-evolving-entertainment industry is super anti-social injustice (like basically all decent humans are, and fortunately there’s a lot of them). And after recent events, shit is only gonna get WORSE for u super fragile and whiny ass social injustice karens. Even IF this mighty and [i]influential[/i] franchise has had its day, the OP and its fellow chuds are GUARANTEED to throw endless reactionary manbaby fits for years to come seeing how many in the industry aren’t looking to appease (and thank fuck don’t agree with) the white privileged-denying social injustice reich no mo’. So, why you celebrating if other franchises and films in general will keep triggering u for similar reasons the MCU did (and will continue to do so)? XD
Real talk — no matter how much you cry to the big bad sjw & woke people (most of whom aren’t obsessed with iDenTiTy PoLiTiCs as much as the reich wing actually is, but they rightfully care about inclusion+human rights+science+justice and want to move past the real straight white dude agenda — the complete opposite of the red pill chuds indeed) about their non-regressive ways, they’re not gonna give you what you desperately cry for. Now it may seem like it given who’s destroying ‘Murica right now, albeit we’re not in yer beloved subservient days anymore. Got it, chud?
Now shoo! Go watch some nonsensical bunker boy drumpf speeches, pop in the maga klan favorite Birth of a Nation (a flick Hollywood took notes from and spent decades making u PC reactionaries happy by always portraying poc as the villains, yet now the white reactionary bros whine excessively over their kind being negatively but ACCURATELY portrayed in media when THEY brag constantly about how much they’re against being on the side of justice like true fascists... LOL), rewatch Passion of the Christ for the thousand time, and pray real hard that this industry goes back to being pro-exclusion, fascist-friendly and will stand for all things injustice like yer fellow reactionary karens do (REEEE). Unfortunately for u karens, truth is you’ll never be content with this industry ever again, so... HA!
What? One too many assumptions did I make? Yeah, reich. NUFF SAID.
Even though it was due to unavailability (or in other words, Zimmer chose to work on Dune instead as it’s something of a passion project for him), it’s cool that someone else is going to score a Nolan film for a change. Love Zimmer and what he’s done with Nolan (his last score for a Nolan film was brilliant - haters gonna hate), but as perfect as the two are together, it’ll be interesting to hear something much different in a Nolan film. Ludwig is a top-tier composer and the idea of him scoring a Nolan film is exciting to me. (His Oscar-winning score is masterful btw, elitists be damned.)
And oh -
His best work from the 2000’s & 2010’s> 90’s Zimmer
2049 & Dunkirk “meh” and he’s “losing momentum”? K booma
This [i]can[/i] depend sometimes though. Either way, now that Daredevil has had his time in the smaller screen, he deserves on another chance on the big screen. He’s one of Marvel’s biggest characters and he deserves to shine on the big screen.
Admittedly, the Netflix show did “kinda” make the good argument that Daredevil’s place should be on the smaller screen. That being said, I’d say if anyone can make a Daredevil film work, it’s Marvel themselves. And frankly, to see Daredevil/Matt Murdock sharing the screen with some of his fellow Marvel icons (bigger icons) would be fantastic. Then again, I suppose now this can happen even on the smaller screen since all the upcoming Marvel shows will be produced by Marvel Studios and they’ll be interlinked with the MCU for [b]real[/b] this time. But still, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen should leave his mark on the big screen.
As for the possibility of a future film in the franchise not doing well, well so far the MCU hasn’t really had that problem in forever (it was actually nothing but wins for them this last decade), and right now the upcoming film slate looks very promising. As such, Daredevil making his way to the big screen sounds good to me!