MovieChat Forums > DracTarashV2 > Replies
DracTarashV2's Replies
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
First of all, awesome. Second of all, surprise! The reactionaries be triggered! Muahahahahaha! :D Yet more reasons for the reactionary manbabies obsessed with Brie to cry and bitch! Ain’t that reich, wittle Gabriel and its fellow manbaby trolls on here? Keep those salty reich wing manbaby tears coming (which they absolutely will). LOVE IT!
Update: and shocker... the fragile WhItE gEnOcIDe reactionary chuds are a comin’! Feels good to do away with them. Go Brie!
The Dark Knight (and props to James Newton Howard)
Blade Runner 2049 (also props to Benjamin Wallfisch)
The Lion King
The Last Samurai
Rain Man
I hope No Time to Die ends up in my top 5
And this is why we’re here. Smh.
Nah, I‘m certain the reason is the teachers union is guilty of believing in science (duh), caring about the public’s health & safety, and overall taking the word of the real experts over the word of pathological lying demagogues and rebubliklan religious cooks and crooks (unlike many in deep red Texas). But hey, good ol’ Florida, as red as it gets, once said (still says like virtually everyone in red states do) the same thing as many in Texas did... You know, that COVID was a dem and lib hoax and that implementing these safety measures was a way for the dems to take their ‘Murican freedom away (and yes, also to destroy the economy). XD And now look at what’s super unsurprisingly (to anyone who’s actually taken this seriously and is definitely not a conspiratorial reich winger) happening to Florida? It looks like there is a strong chance it’ll become the new COVID-19 epicenter.
But you do you, red Texans. It’s not like your state isn’t at risk of continued widespread transmission based on the real facts. You scream FaKe NeWs... and karma comes a knockin’ [url][/url]
The filmmakers (including Cruise) and studio execs likely did. Ya know.
But bruh...
Welp... there you have it, folks! This is the final word. The numerous clear reactionary propagandists giving their several cents on this film aside, looks like no one has any reason to feel differently than the OP. Ya hear that, folks? Don’t watch it (or expect it to deliver) if you were intending to cuz OP speaks for everyone, no arguments.
Why Lee, why you had to go and do something new? You made something that was still 100% identifiably you in many aspects, but from an overall filmmaking pov it was something different.
Oh please.
What [i]wouldn’t I do[/i]? That’s the question! ;)
Nothing pervy actually. Yes, aside from Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man, I couldn’t stand, say, that invisible fool from The Boys and following in his perverted footsteps is not what I aspire to do. I would do much cooler things like anti-hero stuff.... seeking justice by any means and spy stuff worth a damn. Oh, and cool cars lol.
I see no problem here...
[So says the careless and the delusional, unhinged and cultist maga chud base]
They seem to be taking the right steps except for this one “minor” thing. Hopefully the other big theater chains do better when it comes to this. Either way, movie going sure isn’t going to be what it was until, well, who knows when. Looking forward to Tenet still.
Bro (and Karens alike), how could you forget that “Heil Trump”! And that Heil Boris! (Nah, even if you’re from Europe, ya know bunker boy Donny is your main guy and life inspiration). Come on, bro.... Gotta get it reich! But it’s also still “white powder!”, reich? All of the above work I guess, bro. But golly gee... live-to-be-paranoid-and-full-of-projection-reactionaries really love to twist the narrative like that one oaf in office, huh? [b]Duh.[/b]
Boy, the insanely regressive, projecting, misinformation-spreading and deplorable cons have been on a crying reich wing roll lately (their very white and straight history is being cancelled supposedly, lolz). These cons, that ‘course worship an unhinged orange fascist and take its word over anyone that dares say anything negative about said unhinged fascist (I remember when said con chumps came at J.K. those many times over her saying mean things about ‘murica’s #1 bunker boy... oh, how times change!), have naturally always felt threatened by the others and as you can plainly see they are more committed than ever to putting them down while also in true reich wing fashion they’re pretending to care about those they treat as inferior and get triggered by all the time (females).
Damn, these sanctimonious broken records couldn’t sound more like the genitalia-obsessed and unstable reich wing loonies that they are if they tried. Sleazy little papa Benny Cuckpiro is no doubt proud of his transgender-obsessed reich wing manbaby chuds.
Damn.... that is without a doubt some hardcore gangsta shyt, son! Beyond edgy.
Naw, you cray. You should start getting your own hot pockets now.
Well said, brother! Preach the truth! Get er done! We the Drumpf party, I mean the republiKLAN and con party, are super well represented in this film. It’s the dems an’ libs that are portrayed negatively in V cuz in reality they have the power, are destroying our traditional way of life (waaa our dear slave owners! Natives who?), and have made the US the laughing stock of the world these past four years! ‘Murica!!! And reluctant thanks to Hollywood, the place/industry that’s been triggering us regressive snowflakes for many years on now and isn’t slowing down with that (REEEEEE!), for this film! One of your very few modern ones worth a kkkonservative reich wing damn. What? Historically artists all over the world have been mostly liberal? DeEp StAtE fAkE nEwS! TaKe tHe ReD pIlL
Oh, maga chuds with that classic reich wing projection (this board is filled with this nonsense). It’s as sad as it is funny. And it goes without saying reich wing reactionaries like to claim certain movies/properties as their own (another pitiful habit of the reich), and for some that does appear to be the case with V. I suppose it is easier to do, no matter how pathetic it may be, when a film’s cast is predominantly white.... like it’s almost always been (not including The Matrix).
Man, you know the makers of this film would 100% find all this projection coming from the drumpf reich downright hilarious.
That it is. Couldn’t be more perfect for the film.... marvelous work.
There’s no missing scene... they managed to make something that excellent because they’re the type that can put their headbangin’ minds to it and accomplish anything. ;)
You gotta roll with it.
Absolutely we do! Them and Rufus. And if we needed them 4 years ago, just how badly do we need them now? Bogus.
But shhh.... don’t offend them [i]fascistic[/i] maga chuds by writing such things. Only the chuds are allowed to supposedly offend and complain because poor them are so marginalized and negatively portrayed in film and stuff. 🙄 And evidently a number of xoomers who watched this movie back in the day became like many boomers who miss the good ol’ exclusionary days. I tOoK tHe ReD pILl. Aww, how PC of them.
On that note, write and say what these chuds all over this page don’t want to hear! Despite what some chuds may want you to believe, Rufus himself (Carlin) would have 100% been against the drumpf party and you can bet he would not had held back against the maga cult. [b]#beexcellent[/b]
It was cool
You know what? Oh, boo hoo! Just another (boy, they gotta be in the tens of thousands today on this site alone) reactionary manbaby crying about how the social injustice straight white dude agenda is no longer being forced down our throats like it was for decades (since the beginning) in film & tv. OF COURSE reich wing reactionaries that got to live decades upon decades in a comfortably politically correct vanilla world where exclusion and extremely negative portrayals of “the others” was the thing can’t handle seeing their hold on everything being taken away. WhItE GeNoCiDe.... cry me a damn river!
I tell ya, you snowflake chuds need to convince fascist bunker boy to start his own movie studio.... red pill alpha klan productions or something... before his chump ass is thrown out of office cuz clearly this industry (along with fortunately many in the world) is moving forward instead of backwards and will only keep offending ya “good ol’ days” whiny reactionaries. You thought the anti-social injustice agenda in the industry was already bad enough despite representation for the underrepresented still being a joke in the grand scheme of things onscreen and especially off-screen? Well, you ain’t see nothing yet, chuds! For as prevalent as the modern reich is these days, you lot fortunately don’t represent the majority, so continue to cry over humans existing and how your beloved glorifies-slave-owning-Gone with the Wind is being disrespected by the “real” pc crowd (‘murica!). To hell with YOUR agenda.
So you had a bad time with it it seems (a lot of that going around right now with reich wing fascist movie & tv fans... fascists in general... that deeply wish things would go back to the way they were back in them good ol’ days and cry 24/7 over the non-regressive direction thank fuck everyone but those who believe in the ‘Murica of old, maga chuds, is taking. And said fascist chuds whine about political correctness when [b]they[/b] want to maintain the status quo and have their very vanilla and anti-inclusion reactionary world back. ‘Course we know to reactionaries being pc means being the opposite of a bigot, ahole, etc).
Ha Ha.
I hear you. Though frankly I can’t say that he was a favorite of mine, I agree he had potential. I mean when he came back to the show, I surprisingly found myself wishing he would stay around. He was certainly better when he was away from Bobbi (she btw was great with or without Lance, in my book).
It’s got its moments. But worthy.... arguable.
Definitely a character that deserved her own film/series.