MovieChat Forums > DracTarashV2 > Replies
DracTarashV2's Replies
Yes, it’s one of the all-time greats the way it is. Rad Keanu and Patrick complete it :P
Yea, cuz it’s not like they weren’t planning on making another installment before reich wing disapproved Disney (keep doing your forward-thinking thing that constantly triggers the colonizer maga klowns, Disney!) owned Lucasfilm. And we know NO ONE would have made another one with or without Spielberg had the aforementioned maga klan disapproved Disney never owned this IP. *eye roll*
But whether it’s this property, any other older property you feel belongs to you (and that was also made by non-reich wingers, lol), or of course a completely new property, you broke gatekeeping bigot magababies (so-called classical liberals included) live to cry over Hollywood as a whole (and most of society) not keeping things the way they were back in your good ol’ privileged days. As such… KEEP triggering these Q loons, incels and overall reactionary fascist chuds, Disney!
[i]Woke! Woke! This film and actor is anti-white! Virtue signaling! Forced diversity! Deep state[/i] blah blah. Yea, so kewl and edgy with that constant crying over the woke boogeyman… true broken record faux news propagandists you are. I swear, despite this kinda fear mongering running rampant on the internet nowadays, they should just change the name of this particular site to ‘Pseudo-Intellectual Dork Web Movie Hate Chat’ or ‘Angry Con White Dudes Against Modernity and All Things Not Us’ or some shyt.
At any event, keep those salty AF reich wing trumpanzee tears coming (and ya shall obviously).
This flawed (not as flawed as even some of the [i]unbiased[/i] critics led me to believe) but thoroughly entertaining and much more faithfully barbaric new adaption with superior action sequences, production values, acting, and of course effects>>> the worser-made original that doesn’t hold up in any way.
The original lived up to the game’s general tone? Heh. The predictable obligatory dig at superhero and action films of today? (Films that often look+ feel like real cinematic productions regardless of their budget and not corny low-level stuff like so many action flicks from back in ‘em good ol’ days did.) Boring. Far from perfection, but hell no was this on par with the original quality wise ([b]bad[/b] quality wise, that is). But one knows if this new adaption had been a genuinely great film (an actual acclaimed video game film!) no matter how faithful it was to the game, you’d see no less negativity on these boards (the broke incel reactionaries will naturally complain about anything of any quality if it offends their fragile reich wing old timey minds, so never mind them).
Now, imagine if you weren’t with the majority on this site? Yea, I’m with the uncool minority on these angry (to put it mildly) boards. Kick ass movie.
I loved it, too. *gasps*… an actual positive opinion in a place like this.
[i]Masterfully[/i] crafted and enthralling film. Congrats to Ms. Zhao! And also McDormand who absolutely gave one of her greatest performances in this film.
Though it happens every damn year (day) with virtually every filmmaker that gets rewarded for their acclaimed work during awards season/the Oscars, obviously Zhao being showered with this much praise was going to bring out some particularly loud detractors (especially on sites like this, and for a number of reasons). But so what, the praise she has received has been nothing but well-deserved and no matter how much her detractors (in particular the film snob and reactionary propagandist who cries 24/7 about how things are no longer the way they were back in ‘em good ol’ days) criticize her and downplay her achievements, this is only the beginning for her and will be going nowhere. End of.
The Miz is gonna fight for the role, I hear. XD That could work.
Would like someone with better acting credibility for the role (they can make most actors look good when it comes to fighting anyway), though it’s not like it’s gonna be big shoes to fill. Miz does have the looks and personality for it, but… I do like the idea of a legit Hollywood star being cast as Cage.
I agree wholeheartedly. Excited to see what she does next.
Definitely folklore. Reputation & evermore come a very close second (they’re tied). ‘Lore was transcending, in my book.
Roll like that.... Marvel don’t. Good thing. But she’ll be back as Val, oh yeah.
They will be. Some of them. Probably.
No, the whole thing is really just Hal from Malcolm in the Middle having a nightmare. That’s it. So there, you is smarter and betta than this after all! Now back to ya preferred legit smart and realistic non-entertainment.
Turkish delight tho... irresistible indeed. XD
Yeah, nothing to take issue with because it is.. true. You may be sarcastic, but yeah, she said it for a good reason.
And needless to say, one of the number of things in this fantastic series (and many other modern films and shows) that’s triggered the fragile alternate reality-living Reich wing chumps obsessed with Hollywood and cry excessively about how society and this reactionary-unfriendly industry isn’t for keeping things the way they were in your glory pro-injustice days. Ahh, ya’ll over here and broken record-ly using your cutesy red pill dork web buzzwords and, like true projecting reactionary propagandists, ranting about agendas, huh? That sounds about reich. Stay mad
Gonna have to yet again wait even longer for it, you say?! XD
Well, honestly I expected it to be delayed yet another year (especially after the latest Morbius delay), so luckily it was only pushed back 3 months. And though we have yet to see a damn thing from the film, it never felt like a summer kinda film to me. As is, I’m down for September! (If things go accordingly of course , it’s been a rollercoaster with 2020 films that ended up being delayed.)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You “seem” to hate a lot of things like all the kewl big boy detractors and contrarians up in this place do, huh? PG/G? Damn, edgelords gonna edge.
Projecting infantile propagandists spewing garbage (edgy and stinky but luckily small garbage) as always. 😴 Well, hate on as yer kind does best. Petty things
In a word, because she could. Yup.
Fair question I suppose, but by the looks of it she’s one cool, humble person.
A [b]psychological romantic comedy[/b] with Mad Hatter. Hell yea!
Wait, that doesn’t seem right, aye? It’s gotta be something dark and exclusively for the big bro oldheads /grown ups (usually what the other snobs in the comic film bubble say). Like dat super duper mature hardcore xxx Snyder comic fare (and now T Phillips Taxi Driver-based fare), right? XD Well, lemme see... with what other characters can a standalone flick be something familiarly colorless, hopeless, ultra violent torture porn-style and bawdy AF that it can get the edgelord (and some snobs’) seal of approval more than anything? I’d say... eh, whatever. Just anything with basically any well-known name as long as it’s concerned with quality. ;P
It’s fun.
But... holy realism, Batpool! Yeah bro, if only them unkewl films based on superhuman/powered and otherworldly beings stayed true to reality. Constantly showing the characters in those films (some of those characters have been around longer than boomers) doing things real humans can’t and providing audiences with otherworldly wonder? What’s up with them constantly insulting real life like that? The un-snobbish audacity, ugh! And grrr CGI this and that.
As for audible OWWS? Yep, that kinda stuff never happens with those old bro-disapproved comic films. ;) But if it did, they’d still got nothing on kewl reality-based films that the elitist Scorseses of the world can f with (actually no cuz those like the aforementioned goodfella hate most/all action cinema). XD
Ok boomza
Would you look at that? More of that broken record reactionary propaganda/crying. (Duh.) Welp, that sounds about white altright.
Desperately pushing that tired “go woke go broke” reich wing agenda these propagandists are, aye? Yawn! Lol, as if conservative-disapproved Hollywood is desperate (and in need) to listen to the loud but vocal minority that (in addition to living in alternative facts world) whines excessively about how non-pc regressive things are these days in an industry that they wish would still pander heavily to real fascistic propagandists. What the reactionary chud crowd in every damn movie board - and anywhere online - calls woke agenda>>> the actual agenda of keeping things the way they were back in yer safe and beloved pro-exclusion reich wing privileged days.
Stay mad
Technical issues, obviously