MovieChat Forums > DracTarashV2 > Replies
DracTarashV2's Replies
Do your predictable thing, oh-so pleasant and accepting anti-wokesters (cons) who live on these boards.
But OP, what other shows that you’ve been watching? Where?
You know what, fuggetaboutit. If this show was the only one with such characters, that would be enough to infuriate the woke-obsessed mediocre white reactionary babybros who scream, duh, woke and agenda 24/7 over anything that isn’t reich wing and centrist boomer approved. Yeah, ok projecting agendist reich. (Btw, if you’re not one of these raging reactionaries but still think this is something that should be brought up, then alright.) But no matter how they approach “matters” like these, it’s gonna be a problem for the aforementioned reactionaries regardless. Lol, at the same time it’s like Hollywood hears their constant anti-woke (pro-exclusion) crying and goes, “oh, you triggered again? Well, we’re gonna give you some more where that came from!.” (Shhh: they truly don’t care about the complaints coming from those who want things to go back to the way they were.) And yes, cons and the “libs” Bill Mahers of the world… Some of you not saying the quiet part out loud can claim all this “pc” stuff you can’t stand today just doesn’t equal good storytelling (it should be done [b]right![/b]), but when all is said and done ya know damn well virtually everything these days is “forced diversity” and woke this and that to your fragile [i]traditional[/i] butts. Stay mad as ya do best.
What’s done is done :)
Now this is something you see every day, every hour, every minute. I mean, oooh… it said the W word. The W Boogeyman has been summoned! (It constantly is on these boards and in con safe spaces in general.) U know what that means? What a… what a big time reactionary [b]snowflake[/b]! XD Yeah, sounds about altright. Too alwhite.
Zzz - the broken record reactionary propaganda and crying up in this mofo. That’s mostly all there is up in this projecting red pill joint for those who haven’t noticed. Yeah, so preaching to that “edgy” righty babybro choir you are, OP. But the entertainment industry, though it still has a long way to go actually, keeps making righties and bigots (one in the same in most cases, let’s be real) mad cuz they’re not keeping things “traditional” and dare to insult those faux news ideals by telling more and more maga-disapproved stories, lol. Stay mad, chuds.
Who knows if they will go there, but it’s something I’ve thought about since, well, the very first Matrix. It’s interesting.
And I [b]loved[/b] it. Zero complaints here! Hugely delightful, kick ass and superbly crafted film (the aforementioned Awkwafina & Ben Kingsley couldn't have been better in this, glad to know many feel the same way). Just decent? Nope, I say it is [i]excellent[/i]; a true MCU great. Yeah, I’m with a great majority on this one (as usual). ;) Deserves all of its praise.
But no, the character of Shang-Chi has been around since the 70’s (made his debut in Marvel comics in 1973). Needles to say, his name was inspired not by characters who came decades after him.
At least this one was specifically about a shirt. Meh
And forced to watch it and then predictably have an even bigger meltdown over it you will. Muahahaha!
Aww…but you mad, chud? (That’s so new ‘round here.) Well good, good. Let the reich wing magababy tears flow like every other broken record reich winger up in this red pill dork web safe space, yer big bad woke (non-mediocre straight white klanservative agendist) boogeyman will keep triggering your mediocre ass forever. Mmm XD
And brilliant it has been. Really digging it, top-notch.
The extremely predictable whining by those who dominate these boards = whoa, how unoriginal. Well, ok red peeer.
Lol, but dat tired ass klanservative crying over wokeness tho. [b]Obviously[/b] these “red pill” propagandist bros believe that the very non-reactionary Wachowskis made the original Matrix films for them. XD Yeah, well those are nitwit fear-mongering rightist loons for ya. Good to know Hollywood and many in society will keep triggering these “tough” reactionary babybros… forever. So let them vewy snowy reich wing tears flow cuz as many of you as there are out there, the majority you thankfully don’t represent.
Funnily enough (interestingly enough), an old Marvel studio head confirmed that Brandon Lee himself was once in talks with none other than Stan Lee to star as Shang-Chi in a film or tv series. Those talks ultimately didn’t go anywhere, though I definitely believe Bruce’s own son would have been a perfect (more suitable) choice. But the relationship aside, Brandon had both the acting and martial arts skills to knock it out of the park. If not him though, then Jason Scott Lee would’ve been a good choice.
Regardless, very pleased this [b]grand[/b] film happened when it did. The mighty cool Simu Liu was [i]perfection[/i]. Oh, and obligatory usual boring detractors (mainly the bigot red pee cons, duh) be damned.
Inevitable indeed (expected Bill B to take this one as always tho).
Well for me it’s… [b]EASILY TOP 5![/b] Top-tier film, it just kicks major ass!
Oh yes, it’s that uncool high praise that you rarely see up here! (Representing the actual majority out there I am.) And man, so cool to see how many fans already consider it a top 5 entry as well. Everyone who called it a [i]triumphant[/i] (alternate reality-living detractors will scream their usual tired buzzwords) couldn’t have been more correct. Nuff said
Fo sho
Well, of course. :) But RT score aside, it’s deservingly being hailed as one of the best films in the franchise by many and just being called a [b]great[/b] standalone film overall. And indeed —it’s an absolute home run!
The usual detractors (especially up here) gonna hate as they do best. Welcome to the MCU, Shang-Chi. You what a debut!
This is some fine projection (as usual up on this righty chud troll fest). Objective utter bs.
Just knowing that all these actors will be in it is awesome. Top-notch cast.
Aww, how boomer. But whoa! Old man flexing aside, it said formulaic in regards to this franchise as well… how courageous and original! But u know what, B? There’s no shortage of your kind around here, yay! Now, is you a mature big boy who’s too preoccupied with what other humans beings enjoy cuz you can’t stand it? Things you is too grown up and good for? Things you and other every kewl boomer (and boomer-minded) big boy can totally make superior work to? Things that don’t harm anyone except petty minds? Especially petty/primitive minds full of hate? (And in a world full of petty/primitive minds who eat up whatever hate-mongering buffoons spew, you’re in the right place hea.) Aww, that’s adorbs.
Well ok Scorsese, ok Bill Maher, ok every other pompous miserable old ass boomy xoomy who hates things other people (of all walks of life, though not so much the propagandist cons who cry woke 24/7 on sites like these) appreciate and have for a very long time. Yes, thank you for your super hardcore adult edgy (edgy like apparently this entire broken record red pee crowded site is), lazy AF, unoriginal and legit formulaic input that’s approved and preached by all the contrarians and petty big boys in film circles who impress no one but their own with their get off my lawness (lol, such tough and mature film nerds ya are). Aww boomy
Yeah, virtually everyone the killer went after in Spiral was a pretty rotten individual (dirty cops af). And though the methods were extreme (well naturally), can’t say I felt bad for any of them apart from perhaps Angie.
The Saw 6 ”subjects”? I can see what you mean but I dare say some of them were actually innocent (particularly the first two three victims). Though most of William’s co-workers were obvs happy to follow his lead.
That sounds about white. 😴
Ultra fragile broken record magababy reich wingers 24/7: waaa waaa they no longer pander to our proud boy (and actual snowflaky) bigot asses! Issa white genocide! Triggered again we is!
Stay petty and mad, chuds