DracTarashV2's Replies

Deja vu… Deep. [quote]maybe I'm just getting old[/quote] Perhaps. Most likely. Definitely. ;) And you didn’t need to drop the oh-so original “back in my day” stuff (boomer flex) to make this more obvious, but it’s evident that’s the case here. Egotistical and pretentious? First time anyone has ever said this when discussing the work of this film’s director. Ever! (Not the biggest fan myself actually, but I respect his work.) Well, if this filmmaker and every other filmmaker today is exactly what you feel they are (filmmakers who think too highly of themselves is certainly a new phenomenon! One NEVER heard about that in the 20th century and it was never reflected in film), then what’s also true is those like you…. and in these boards you have plenty of company…. take yourself very seriously. Moving on… It’s actually a parody of… YOU! Whaaaat?! Yeap, what a twist! But heh, cute way of thinking. The reactionaries all over this mofo spewing the same ol’ idiocy really need to be convinced of this (though centrists on the so-called left are indeed included). Do it! XD Film didn’t quite hit the mark anyway, so fuggetaboutit. Just jk, it did. :) And the start of a new one. ;) The whole “Home” saga was basically an origin story for this iteration of Spidey and, man, I love that. Though in my view he has certainly shown he can hold his own in the MCU, there’s no question he is now [i]the[/i] Spider-Man. As for future team-ups, I’d say that should definitely be expected. While we’re most likely going to see him on his own for a while, he still lives in the MCU so I’m sure at some point they’re going to pair him up with other iconic heroes (a Daredevil & Spidey team-up needs to happen!). Now whether this happens in his solo films or he pops up in other characters’ projects, a future team-up should never be ruled out. It’s gonna happen. Anyway, I appreciated what they did with this version of Peter Parker. And putting aside the tired “Iron Boy jr” crowd and just everyone who hated that they did something very different with this iteration of Spidey (and were so impatient they wanted Marvel to do so much of what the previous Spider-Man franchises did), it’s clear so did many. Excited to see what comes next Hey — many disagree with you (based on many reactions I’ve seen all over, of course). In fact many who previously feared that he was going to be sidelined in his own series (and yes, Kate is supposed to become HAWKEYE herself), changed their tune. This whole show was inspired by one specific comic arc, and I say the show did not only do the source material justice but the MCU’s Clint Barton justice. Nay? Well, okay. Complain as many do. You already decided that it is one, of course. So have a good time if you’re willing… bleh Understatement. Big time. ;) It is the furthest thing from bad — it’s [b][i]amazing[/i].[/b] Clearly, for so many it’s either meeting or exceeding their expectations. The usual naysayers aside (obviously these boards represent), very few expected something… not good. No film can win over everyone, but when it comes to No Way Home… the majority has spoken! The film delivered in every way. A masterpiece? Yes, I would proudly say it is (as many have). It is quite the achievement. Nuff said I definitely hope it’s the latter. But if it does hold back, I still think it’s absolutely going to be the most violent one yet. Or yeah, maybe it’ll be like the original trilogy. Riiiiiight Alt-Factoid His origin story was never told/shown in the MCU, only alluded to. And as mentioned above, they deliberately skipped it (made sense). With that said, the studio is producing a prequel animated series, Spider-Man: Freshman Year, that will be all about MCU’s Spidey’s origin story. It’s going to be stylized after the early Spider-Man comics. So animated project, but it’ll be the one MCU project that explores his early days as Spider-Man. Yea, this is something many were certain was going to happen, and… it did happen. And it was satisfying, one of the reasons I now have a bigger appreciation for Andrew’s Spidey (always appreciated him in the role but not on the same level as the other two - at least not his Peter). Just rewatched it again for the, oh, I-lost-count-time and [b]HOLY SHIT[/b] I still love it! So happy we got this Spidey. (Btw, timely and unsurprising negative post-bump, usual broken record detractors up on this mofo.) Oh, and for the record I was all about Raimi’s movies when they came out. But even after rewatching 1 & 2 recently (and still loving them), I fail to see how they - particularly 1 - are that superior to the new ones like many kewl gatekeepers claim. And for as good as it is, Spider-Man 2 has more problems than many would care to admit. Anyways, damn right Homecoming remains interesting to me and many more. The broken record haters…. zzzz At least a fair chance was given to it. ;) And with that, it feels [i]great[/i] knowing this new film adaptation of the classic musical has garnered all this critical acclaim. (And for good reason, alright.) Truly, I love how so many are feeling the exact opposite of those like you and are actually calling Spielberg’s beauty waaaay better (these many are not represented up in this reactionary-packed joint, of course). No, and it’s not only some critics expressing their preference for the 2021 film. I just love it. I mean hell, it looks like even for a number of viewers who didn’t find the new one to be an improvement over the original film, Spielberg’s adaption still worked for them overall. Impressed they were. So, yeah, the majority is saying this is an adaption that did it right! ([b]Better[/b] in the eyes of some.) Those usual naysayers who wanted and expected this to be another poorly-received modern ‘remake’ didn’t see that coming, huh? Lol. (Though what a pity about Ansel’s casting since, controversy aside, he adds nothing to the film.) So at any rate, the impressed majority> the unimpressed online critics and exist-to-hate reactionaries in general [quote]Has there been a hint or a rumour that Venom might pop up in No Way Home?[/quote] I mean apart from the mid-credits themselves, is that picture of Tom Hardy from back in September that showed him wearing a No Way Home [i]production hat[/i] (same one given to the whole cast and crew of No Way Home). That pic (which was later deleted) had a number of fans convinced that Hardy was going to appear in No Way Home, however a lot of people still didn’t buy it. But after Venom 2 was released? Well, even more people became convinced about Venom’s involvement in the film. Like there’s zero doubt for many at this point. Now there’s still a chance the Lethal Protector won’t show up in No Way Home, although I think him popping up in the film (even if it’s only a brief appearance) is far more likely than unlikely. And yeah, right now the belief is Strange’s spell is the reason Eddie & Venom (as well as all the other visitors) were transported to the MCU. It’s also possible the events of Loki will be tied-in, yet not many seem to think that’s the case anymore based on No Way Home’s trailers. I believe there’s more to it myself, but we’ll find out soon enough. [b]Update after No Way Home:[/b] turns out a certain leak about his involvement in No Way Home, which I found out about a few days after I wrote this, proved to be true. This leak prepared me for disappointment, so to take a page out of MJ’s book, I guess I wasn’t THAT disappointed. It was still a funny appearance <spoiler> but man it would have been so cool to see Hardy stick around in the MCU and have that Tom H vs Tom H showdown many wanted to see. Maybe it’ll still happen or maybe Marvel will have their own (non-Tom Hardy) Eddie Brock. We’ll see <spoiler> Both should. Yes indeed. ;) I prefer this one by a small margin (a fan-favorite for good reasons), but I’m with the many who found [i]Deathly Hallows: Part 2[/i] [b]great[/b]. It totally delivered. Two grand films. Anya as usual was just magnetic (eye-popping!). But yes, Thomasin McKenzie was nothing short of perfection in this. I’m not surprised she was that good, she’s already one of my favorites. So yes, hope as hard as you possibly can! More than you ever have in your entire insignificant and angry life. Hope so fiercely that next year you (and many fellow broken records) won’t be spewing the same ”courageous” anti-Marvel & anti-Disney bullshit when their next films come out because these (reactionary babybro-triggering) studios and filmmakers will be defeated. Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope your kewl kind will finally be right about the death of basically things and ideas that your projecting shit-spewing self hates (typical colonizer rage). Anyway! Aww shucks, boomy Hummy. Is you really that furious over wildly popular (and celebrated) films and shows that you is too good for not? Pathetic as fuck, I tell ya. Yeah, true propagandists like you believe yer kewl anti-Marvel & anti-Disney selves are accomplishing something by spewing this tired bullshit over and over. Well, y’all sure pat each other on yer petty, raging reactionary booties with all these hate posts so no doubt yer delusional selves must feel like you’re succeeding in something despite reality painting a different picture. Though I got news for you: Hummy haterade. Marvel is never gonna die. You read that correctly. Even if/when the MCU ends one day, it’ll never truly be over for Marvel. Marvel is not only gonna outlive their unoriginal geriatric critics, but they’re going to likely outlive any of their living critics. Proven wrong I will be? Well unlike you, I ultimately won’t be a silly chud who hates harmless things many like. In closing, just keep crying like all the lifeless, hateful and petty bros like you up in this mofo do 27/4. You fucking lose. Oh boy, here’s another one. What is this, number infinity and beyond? Of course. So can I get a… yawn-men?! But hey, weren’t like the last 7+ Marvel Studios projects supposed to do that according to many kewl anti-Marvel and anti-Disney numbskulls? Actually no, cuz your kewl hating kind has only been saying that since the OG The Avengers! So what has happened, yo? LOL. What, the new era is definitely bound to fail? Okay then raging bro, this new one is definitely gonna do it! Yeah! Totally, rad bro! It’s the end for Marvel! Your fiercely miserable and hating vocal minority kind will finally win in life now that something popular you hate will come to an end thanks to their upcoming sure-to-be failure! Many of their previous projects were supposed to kill the (reich wing-unfriendly) Marvel and Disney, but this one is totally gonna do it! Yes sir, this is it! Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! We the hardcore non-kiddies will finally be right! In your goddamn hate-filled alternative facts world. Interesting it is. Happy to see that the pleased majority (not represented in these boards naturally) doesn’t feel the same way as you, the kewl naysaying minority. As always. Well yeah, that’s the way it’s been in the pandemic era with all/most theatrical releases. It’s eventually gonna go down, though. I mean this film came out a little over a month ago, and yet now it’s available to rent at home for $20? Big theatrical films (let alone franchise films) dropping that soon on VOD was unheard of pre-2020; the 90-day theatrical window is no longer the norm. So yeah, the price to rent it will be significantly less (go back to normal) in maybe no more than 2 months from now. The current price is fair all things considered.