DracTarashV2's Replies

Courageous and earth-shattering. But whoa… you’re gonna join the kewl crowd that Marvel won’t miss one bit (and certainly doesn’t need). Good for you! This negativity-spreading site definitely loves to hear this kind of announcement btw (that’s actually not sarcasm). Alright then, well don’t let the door hit you on ya tired butt on the way out. I must say though… I love how Marvel is driving away and [i]jading out[/i] many of those that they should anyway (no doubt many of these former fans will dedicate their time to trashing Marvel like many kewl ones do). Bring on the new era! 👊 And mine: the opposite of all that. :) This is either Zhao’s 2nd best or dare I say BEST (her most stunning and arguably ambitious work to date, that’s right elitists), Marvel’s most intricate and rich film, the cast is INCREDIBLE and all perfectly cast, the majority of the dialogue is HEARTFELT and sincere, the screenplay is not the best in Marvel but definitely much better than what the unimpressed folks are saying, the run time is absolutely not unjustified (had no trouble being invested in the whole thing), and overall the film isn’t lacking any less substance than the best of Marvel. In fact, the depth, scale and scope of this film even makes some of the biggest Avengers films seem… small. You read that right. In closing, my rating: unsurprisingly it’s much, much higher than what the majority of critics - and everyone on this chud-infested board - gave it. And not saying there are no legitimate criticisms to be made of it, but as with the underrated Black Widow, I have no major complaints; I was more impressed than many were. And cool to see that a large number of audiences aren’t on the kewler negative side. ;) It was a great homage and I did find it surprising overall. Really liked Greer in this role myself. And this film… rocked. Big fan of the last one and I dug Kills even more (that’s right). That’s already been confirmed, lol. It was actually announced about a week ago. They were clearly always going to make another one (unless maybe Part One had bombed). [quote] …. but this one pales in comparison. No way is the acting better in this new one. All it is are actors reading their lines in a slow, depressing, deadpan manner. Jason Momoa is just playing Jason Momoa again. The sets all look the same, like an ancient Egyptian granite city. Even the ships look like their made of granite. No imagination at all. Lynch's sets were all different for every new planet or location shown.[/quote] Excuse me, but…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well as you can see, Lynch’s version has its fans and a bunch of them have predictably said this new one is an inferior film in every way (if this new one was the old one though, you’d see the unimpressed ‘OG’ fans express a different opinion). But these fans are in a small, kewl club. Good thing those not kewl enough to belong to said club, though, still see the “classic” Lynch film for the crapfest that it is. Not really a fan of the property in general, but this new one pales in comparison to Lynch’s kewl-to-like version? Heh, good thing the actual majority opinion isn’t reflected up here. I was able to make it out before looking up an image of it, but still had to make sure it said that lol [url]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWJhZjYwZTktYmE0Yy00MGQ0LWFkMDAtNDE4YzA2ZTFkMGM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODc4MzQyMTI@._V1_.jpg[/url] Definitely not an official poster btw but it’s cool Yes, because a mixed to mildly positive (or simply mixed) reception is the same thing as an extremely negative reception; absolutely no one praised the disastrous non-Marvel Studios show that was Inhumans. But ahh, the delusional hating bunch up here. The usual Hollywood-obsessed magats aside, it goes without saying that everyone in the [i]MaRvEl iS dOnE aFtEr eNdGamE[/i] camp lives in their own reality. Anyways, even if Eternals doesn’t measure up to Marvel’s other [b]20+[/b] films critically & financially (btw the number of snotty critics predictably complaining that it’s more Marvel than Zhao and film elitist take this and that — yawn), see ya in 3 years when the aforementioned camp will still be desperately pushing that done-after-endgame narrative despite Marvel’s likely ongoing success (dominance). Oh, and screw download — this is very much worth the Cinematic experience ‘far as I’m concerned. As always, detractors be damned. Oh again, and like one didn’t know how the aforementioned reich wing magats who cry woke every second (the reich and their buzzwords) were going to react if this wasn’t yet another big success for Marvel. But it’s alright chuds, triggered by Marvel and all their non-fascist ways you shall be for years to come. Awe yeah, it’s pleasing to know those fairly displeased/angry ones like the OP are in the deep minority. No elderly superhero Agatha here? Yeah, and looks like only the purists are complaining about that (no offense meant, I guess, to those with no kewl anti-woke agendas out there who just felt genuinely disappointed with seeing her get turned into a supposed villain) whereas the many, many people who watched this series loved this version of Agatha. But wow, it’s like the MCU hasn’t done MANY things differently from the comics throughout its existence, including with established characters. (Oh, and big bad Disney that awesomely continues to trigger the bigoted propagandist reich wing magababy crowd may own Marvel and all, but it’s absolutely Marvel producing this stuff, K alternative facts-spewing anti-Disney chud? Lol, those who think reactionary-triggering Disney is the reason more and more projects by not-so reactionary Marvel keeps triggering them.) It’s puzzling stuff. You know she’s getting her own series though, right? Just wait and see where things go. Or don’t cuz it’s crystal clear Disney/Marvel/Hollywood will keep triggering those like you (the majority on this site) for numerous reasons regardless — mostly anti-fascists reasons. ONE time that’s okay to be woke? Hehehe, ok colonizer. Oh, you ultra broken record reich wing snowflakes with yer constant crying over the woke (anti-trumpy) boogeyman! Yeah, unfortunately I’m wondering what buzzword is going to end up replacing the big bad W word for you propagandist con neckbeards that you will beat to death like true maga chuds. Like the almost ancient sjw, no one annoyingly uses that term obsessively like you legit fear-mongers do (it’s the reich wing way ‘course - the commies!). But remember not-so hateful folks out there: for as loud as the “edgy” and “alpha” red pill klan is (they unfortunately do influence others with their bullshit), ultimately the majority of audiences aren’t threatened by non-red pill ways. So as always, keep crying and being petty AF candy asses, ya chuds. Kinda the opposite for me. I mean, I [b]loved[/b] Halloween Kills. It’s a real thrill ride. That said, judging by the reception Kills’ received compared to Halloween 2018, you ain’t in the minority. Yup, many certainly share your view — those who disliked the first one and also this sequel — this oh-so positive board/site naturally represents — notwithstanding. Mind you, I love the 2018 film myself (easily became one of my favorites). Yet, the sequel worked better for me in some ways. While 2018 unquestionably had a stronger script than Kills and thematically felt closer to the original in my view m, Kills I found to be a much more satisfying viewing overall. It was, again, less suspenseful and constrained, but appropriately and enjoyably more intense+visceral. Plus, Green’s direction was great despite what some have said and the flashback sequences were visually and tonally fantastic (legit felt like they were straight out of ‘78 and/or ‘81, if you ask me). And lol… while the hospital scenes did work for me, they were *my least favorite* parts of the film. Jamie Lee killed it in all of those scenes, though. I get some of the criticism (Evil Dies Tonight? It’s indeed funny but I just went along with it, lol), but ultimately I can’t say I left disappointed. Although I think a few things could have been tweaked, the film largely played out like I thought it should have. Was it far removed from the oh-so-untouchable original in terms of tone, violence and what not like the majority of the Halloween films? Sure, but why try to replicate what was done before? Even so, I thought it captured the spirit of, well, a Halloween film. (Alright, I would love it if we got another Halloween film that focused more on suspense and atmosphere than violence, however it’s clear most people expect a, hem, [i]slasher[/i] of a film when they go see a Halloween film.) Just… nah. With all the numerous great actors (huge stars) playing great characters in the MCU (both new & old), the MCU’s future isn’t looking any less strong. But I mean, really, u haven’t seen anything since Endgame and yet you’re claiming that the MCU is gonna suffer without Tony despite the fact the MCU has had many excellent films without Iron Man’s involvement and also Phase 4 has so far been (largely) received extremely well and the hype for many of these projects has been through the roof? Bruh. But the tired silly crowd that still preaches “the MCU is dead after Endgame” aside… yes, there are fans out there who’ve actually been in tune with Phase 4 and they feel the same way as you regarding the future of the MCU. But with the impact everything from WandaVision to the wildly acclaimed Shang-Chi have left (and soon Eternals and the big event that’s going to be No Way Home), it’s clear the overwhelming majority couldn’t disagree more with those like you. Btw… Shang-Chi himself, Simu Liu, is a BONAFIDE movie star. Talented and charismatic as hell, and his character is a worthy Avenger. Now in a way, the franchise is going back to square one by introducing us to many new characters. Yet, with the track record the franchise holds, things are not going to slow down anytime soon for the MCU. It’s going to places it’s never been to before, the big names and soon-to-be big names continue to join the franchise, and overall things are looking brighter than ever. And it should be noted, while not one person deserves credit for the entire success of the MCU, the simple fact is KEVIN FEIGE is why we’re here. The MCU’s mastermind is credited by many as THE biggest reason why the franchise has become what it is. To doubt him is to, well, forget history because he and Marvel have been proving many wrong since day one. Look, if you’ll form no connection with new characters that we’ll be seeing in the franchise, then that’s you. However, the current actors lack movie star quality? Lol. When it looks like almost all of Hollywood is joining the MCU, that’s one funny ass statement. Well, either you’ll give the new era of the MCU a try (you may or may not be letdown) or you won’t. Regardless, whether it’s the boring MCU detractors or formers fans (McU DeAd AfTeR EnDgAMe) downplaying the MCU like the real agendists they are, ultimately these negative voices don’t represent the majority. As such, this franchise (that continues to attract huge actors, writers, directors, etc more than ever before) is far from done. Nuff said Well to be fair, there was Lonnie [i]before[/i] Michael Myers, and Lonnie [b]after[/b] Michael Myers. Became a changed kid, I suppose. Caniel Draig 100%! Though I have nothing against Snyder myself, his work has never done it for me. So yeah, I’m ready to see a new Batman (THIS Batman) on screen. Well yes, because… people be different from you. *gasps* But emo… that’s new. Really more gothic if we must go there, but many can’t differentiate between the two anyway. Putting his appearance aside though, it’s evident there are still some Pattinson naysayers out there (always will be no matter what) and, man, do I look forward to seeing him prove said naysayers wrong. The guy has been killing it on screen for a number of years now, and though he actually wouldn’t have been my first choice for the role, his casting as Batman made total sense to me. Great actor and I have no doubt he’s going to nail the role. Whole thing feels forced? So… why so serious? XD Nah fam, this looks like it’s completely going to capture the essence of the character. As for the DCEU still going on… well excuse me, but, what exactly is the DCEU? Lol, because honestly DC is ALL OVER THE PLACE with their films and shows these days. It’s doubtful general audiences even truly know what a DCEU is. I mean, hell, some thought the last Suicide Squad was a remake! Now, while I do think they’re pushing it with all these different live-action iterations of the same characters, how is making a high-profile and darker standalone Batman film (the first true Batman film in nearly a decade) that isn’t lead by Batfleck gonna make things any more “complicated” for the interconnected DCEU? Truth is, it ain’t. On that note, a film like this is absolutely what some people have been asking for — and many more are now asking for it after those trailers. Personally, this looks far better - more true to its character - than Joker and anything Batman film wise since Nolan’s films (sorry, he wasn’t bad but Batfleck didn’t leave a big impression on me and I doubt most audiences are gonna miss him after seeing this new film. I’m glad the [i]highly talented[/i] Matt Reeves took over this film!). But as mentioned above, if there’s [b]a[/b] legitimate reason to be excited for this film other than the cool trailers, then that reason is all the talent that’s involved here. Those like you weren’t asking for it and aren't feeling hyped for it? That’s fine, I get it to some extent. But, it’s clear a large number of people understandably feel the excitement. So in closing, this looks pretty f’n good (easily the most exciting thing DC has coming up, for my money) and I couldn’t care less about what it does or doesn’t do to the universe it isn’t set in. Yea, it’s just the sister he killed as a kid, the one and only Judith, that’s mentioned and linked to him. Laurie is not his sister. Though before seeing it, I kinda was thinking that what if [i]maybe[/i] it turns out that the two are siblings after all? But no, it’s been made pretty clear that the two are not brother and sister. Hell, it even looks like Michael doesn’t hold any fascination with or a vendetta against Laurie. It’s intriguing nonetheless, looking forward to [b]Ends[/b]. When she first got into the car and saw that there was someone in there, yeah I naturally assumed it was Michael. (Of course, right before she got in I expected Michael to be in there based on how the windows looked but still.) After that, though? I knew it most likely had to be someone else. But despite the radio thing, for a [i]second[/i] there I again wondered if it could’ve been Michael in there (I thought, well who else could it be except some complete rando?). Cool scene It was definitely memorable, wonderfully executed. A stellar episode overall. Update: gotta say, that scene doesn’t hit the same anymore, lol. Charles having “sexy time” with a crazy killer? Nope. Hem… [b]Ridiculously fun, Ridiculously fun film![/b] But whoa, totally didn’t see this coming from ya! (Right.) Ok it’s not spectacular or anything, but just solid for what it is. Could’ve been a more consequential (and refreshing) film handled with some [i]finesse[/i] perhaps, but as I expected it doubled down on everything that oddly made the first film work for many (the wild Eddie & Brock dynamic and overall wackiness/silliness). Yet, it was still an overall improvement over the first and that’s something many who don’t feel as negative as you agree with (was also deliciously vicious). And it may be trashy, but… in an endearing way! XD A terrible time you had with it though, lol. I mean, worst movie ever material? Hehe. Anyways… welcome to the MCU, Eddie Brock and Venom! No, some say? We shall see, we shall see. And yea, as much fun as I’ve had with this Venom, under Marvel there’s no question he can be taken to a whole new level. Now I do think these Venom movies have had the potential to be so much more, albeit I have enjoyed them for what they are. I do get why many are concerned about mixing this stuff with the MCU, though. At any rate, naysayers on all sides.. get ready for what’s to come. It’s both actually. That thing called humor though -- subjective. But above all, it’s good. Says who? Oh, just a lot of people that went to see it. (And, yes, they also found it funny.) It was much better than many expected it to be (these negativity-filled boards notwithstanding). It’s meta enough. ;) Not sure it would be necessary, but I’d tune in (in a way though, they already do it).