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[email protected]'s Replies
poor kewl kat-- Is business slow at the stand?? Run out of lemons? Your posts always sound like you've been sucking on one! Alternate reality?? No just actual reality. I DO NOT deny what Trump said, but neither am I RESPONSIBLE for what comes out of his mouth. DUh!
"Crooked Hillary"? Well that's so obvious it hardly needs to be said!
I had no real desire to further the Bush dynasty by voting for Jeb Bush. Neither did millions of other voters. But if he had been my only other recourse to "Crooked Hillary", I would've been pulling that lever, you betcha (channeling Sarah Palin here).
I didn't vote for Trump because he "insulted his way into office". Jeez. I CAN think for myself, even if you can't. LOL
Trump called people "stupid"? Well aren't a lot of people stupid? I only have to tune in to Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews to see that first hand!! Thank the Lord it aint a crime or we'd have to lock up the DNC and a large number of Republicans too. Maxine Waters would be doing a life sentence, lololol.
I suppose Trump's calling other pols "stupid" is waaay worse than Hitlary calling half the citizens of this country a "basket of deplorables". What a dumb arrogant piece of crap. A candidate is supposed to insult his opponent, NOT the people who he wants to vote for him! No wonder that lying sociopath lost! There's not one insult Trump leveled at her that wasn't deserved OR that I hadn't thought of years ago!
Well as long as there are voters like you, the Mrs. Clintons of this world stand a chance.
Just watched this a few days ago!
"I'm GLAD we were wiped OUT!" lol
Vivian Vance 's line readings were great. She knew just where to put the emphasis on what would have otherwise been an ordinary remark.
I watched "No Children Allowed" recently and she could be funny even when she had to return and deliver a line. She left the bridge game with her "half of the party". The baby started crying and she came back with, "And KEEP that squalling brat QUIET!"
After "Oil Wells", I watched the episode where Lucy buys Ethel's birthday present, the hostess pants that "you wear to smart dinner parties".
"Oh I was wondering what to wear to all those SMART DINNER PARTIES I give."
"I'd look better wearing a TOASTER than I would those checkerboard britches."
In this scene, Lucy had the chance to flounce out of the apartment while delivering the last line.
"Happy Birthday and I hope you live another seventy five years."
I can't help thinking that if the situation was reversed, Vivian Vance would've delivered the line in a different way.
I think of Lucy and Ethel more as a great team than Ethel as "second banana". Lucy did flawless physical comedy and had superb comedy timing. But I think that Vivian Vance was more naturally funny.
Lucille Ball always gave credit to her writers. In one of Lucy biographies she says, "I'm not funny. I can't even tell a joke."
Her own daughter said that her father never wanted Lucy to appear on TV as herself because fans would be disappointed, expecting to see Lucy Ricardo.
I have a bio of Vivian Vance and she was quoted with some very funny comments. She seemed to be the more naturally funny of the two. She was dry and sarcastic.
There was a story where a pregnant Ball berated Vivian for getting back late to the stage after a costume change.
"I'd tell you to go f#$#yourself, but I see Desi has already taken care of that."
Even crazier than you? LOL
"Quality candidate"? Seriously!! She IS a self serving liar. According to her, she "ducked sniper fire in Bosnia" when video footage clearly sees her being feted with flowers! And that is the LEAST of her lies!
She destroyed the finances of retired people who invested in her Whitewater boondoggle. She destroyed the lives of the women that her horn dog "husband" boinked.
Quality? I would be lying to agree that she is "quality" in any way, shape or form. She and Bill are perfect examples of white trash with money.
To call out someone as a liar is not a "disagreement". It is just speaking to the truth. Of course if one is a Clinton fan, the truth is a foreign concept.
And I am sure you will continue to call people "jerks" and tell them to shut up when they disagree with your opinions.
"Quality"?? There must be a new definition for quality. Lying piece of self serving, sociopathic garbage comes to mind! LOL
So the country has three million more morons, so what?
My point is that Kathy Griffin is a foul mouthed moron! Okay? Or are you a "dum dum" too?
Is little loudmouth Miss Griffin in NO WAY responsible for the garbage that comes out of her pie hole? Is it OKAY that she gives the finger and swears at a person giving a speech?
If Rachel Madcow gave a speech about Obama and Ted Nugent yelled, " F##@ him!", would you be just as forgiving? I think not!
"Insulted his way to the Presidency"? Huh? You have quickly gone from silly commentary to incoherent babbling. Now BACK to your lemonade stand!
Well you know us rabid right wingers have NO sense of humor, don't you? LOL
Ya gotta work harder at being funny! But okay , a joke, if you say so!
And I believe the insult is spelled "dum dum".
Let's see, can't spell, can't make a funny joke...must be a big fan of Kathy Griffin!
Just watched "The After Hours" on youtube recently. I saw it when it first aired and it CANNOT hold a candle to the original.
The original played out all the beats of the story, just pulling the viewer IN and making the audience wonder, "What the heck is going on?"
The original was a gentle feather tickling you into a world of strangeness. The remake was a sledgehammer. She's a MANNEQUIN! Okay, I get it!
"boogeyman liberals" Yeah you're all a bunch of snot noses!
Saw Megyn Kelly (not a fan of hers though) give a speech in L.A. shortly after the election. She mentioned Trump.
Kathy Griffin was in the audience and gave her the finger and shouted out "@#@@# something or other". They had to bleep out what Ms. Pigmouth said. What a "classy" broad!
Ms. Kelly tried to be nice and just said ,"Oh come on!"
I WISHED I could have been Megyn Kelly for one minute just so I could have said, " I see we have Ms. Griffin here. Her idiotic screeching just explains the meaning of why she is on the D-List. That was obviously her highest grade in junior high, before she flunked out."
Wouldn't your boss be upset with you? Cheating your customers? Guess not if it's a libtard lemonade stand! LOL SO VERY typical of the way liberal government works. People who actually PAY their way get half the goods at double the price. If I paid with food stamps or was a crybaby illegal, you'd give me twice what I paid for (and throw in Obamacare as a bonus). Speaking of Obamacare , you SHOULD look into it. I am sure it would pay for your anti-psychotic meds!
Glad to see other fans didn't think Ralph was abusive. He yelled a lot, but he only ended up causing trouble for himself.
As he admitted several times, " I got a BIG MOUTH!" lol Always made me laugh.
Whenever he needed money for one of his schemes, he had to beg Alice for it. And usually she usually turned him down.
Remember when he wanted to rent a costume for the Lodge Masquerade party? Alice turned down his request for ten dollars.
"Well for five dollars, I can go as Billy the Kid."
"I'll give you a tin can and you can go as Billy the Goat."
Alice never seemed like an abused woman. She handled the family finances. Of course Ralph was too cheap to buy any appliances or a TV. But otherwise, he never did anything abusive. He just yelled.
Maybe this is just something I understand from my own childhood. My dad would yell all sorts of silly things and my mom, my sisters and I would just roll our eyes and leave the room.
Sometimes he would be left standing alone in a room asking, " Hey, where did everybody go? I'm serious!"
"For ten dollar
Re: The Dinner Party- Sam asked Endora to be charming but I think her mother came armed with an agenda! Endora resented Darrin and I think she planned to take it out on the woman who raised him!
She started out "charming" but when she saw that she was really getting under Phyllis's skin, she upped the ante. Phyllis was easily goaded. She should have never let on that Endora was getting to her. Endora could really be that "b" word that rhymes with "witch". ha ha
I don't think Endora had real designs on Frank. She apologized, but Phyllis said, " I hope you two will be very happy together."
Later Endora said, "She gave him to me. What am I going to do with him?"
I just watched "The Dancing Bear" when the Stephens first visited Tabitha. Endora had to rub it in that she had visited the baby many times.
Of course Phyllis got in a good comeback of her own. Frank wanted to start a business and Endora agreed with his idea. He said that she was "a woman with some imagination."
Phyllis said ,"Yes, one can see that from the way she dresses."
Your three worst characters- Yes, Adam added nothing to the show. I barely remember him. I don't even recall if he had any magical powers. I wonder if the Stephens would've had a second child if the star of the show hadn't? Of course it was the Ashers' show and they could've added a baby if they wanted to. But the whole "wishcraft" thing had been done, nothing new there.
Esmeralda had big shoes to fill as a daffy, eccentric character to replace Clara. Her line delivery was funny but it made no sense to keep such an incompetent employee. I once wrote that Clara was Sam's favorite aunt and she would put up with her mistakes. But why would she put up with that behavior in a maid?
Bombay? Campy? Corny too! But he always made me laugh! When he was called back to tend to Sam's weeping willow tree, " What is it THIS time? Your crabgrass have the croup?"
Madame X! Lucy has a great line when she is wrestling with the real Madame X while thinking she is Ethel.
"If it's money you need, I'll pay you what I owe you!" ha ha
For two best friends, they sure were quick to believe the worst about each other. And why would Ethel think Lucy was Madame X? Ricky worked nights. Did she really think Lucy would leave the baby alone while she went out robbing apartments?
Sometimes I watch the episodes with the Ricardos and Mertzes feuding or distrusting each other. They were such good friends but they could go off on each other in a heartbeat over the silliest stuff.
Of course it was comedy, so everything was exaggerated.
Despite what you wrote on another post, you ARE one angry, sad, little human being, 24/7!
Just "Bored at work"? So where DO you work? From the tone of your childish ranting and name calling, I'm guessing a lemonade stand! LOL
Oh I love The Munsters! But no one has been posting there. I also love The Honeymooners. I have the classic 39 episodes. One of the funniest shows ever.! I started a thread three months ago and finally got two replies the other day!
I'd post more if someone would answer. It's no fun talking to yourself! (I do that enough when I am off line! LOL)
I just posted something on the Leave it to Beaver site. It seemed kinda lonely there and people wanted some feedback. I LOVE The Twilight Zone, just posted there today. I have several books about the show and I never get tired of watching it or discussing. it.
Haven't watched Gilligan in years but there were some good questions, so I made a few posts there.
I didn't know about the site where the "minions" are gathered. I'm guessing it was less discussing and more bashing. They had a mutual admiration society going on at IMDB. I DO think they miss having us to argue with. How much agreeing with each can they do? ha ha
See ya around the boards!!
Oh I never meant to imply that you thought Sam and Phyllis had a " warm" relationship! But there always seemed to be a strained politeness between them and I was just pointing it out. They never really seemed to connect. It just happens that way sometimes.
I know Phyllis was insecure about Sam, but I would think she'd have more faith in her husband than to be so insecure when Endora "flirted" with him. She admired his tie and said it matched his eyes. Sometimes a longtime married spouse needs an ego boost from an outsider.
And when Frank invited Endora to that show, Phyllis pouted and wouldn't go. She did one of her many, "I am going to have a sick headache" routines. It's just me I guess. But when people want to be pitied, I get annoyed with them.
As I said before, Frank had just retired and felt old and useless. A charming woman like Endora gave him a few compliments and Phyllis thinks her marriage is over! Huh?
I'd say that Phyllis was an all around insecure woman. I do wish that Samantha had found a way to allow her to have more time with Tabitha. Maybe in later years when Tabitha was older and understood NOT to do witchcraft around Grandma Stephens, the two of them would've developed a closer bond.
I wasn't trying to be "remotely funny" at all. As I wrote, the "humorless breed", i.e., liberals, don't see ANYthing funny when you disagree with them. You folks don't "get" humor.
And wowza, "purple jerk"," dunderhead", well golly gee whiz... that must be straight out of the leftard handbook of moronic insults! Very "clever". I guess that's the vocabulary of folks who have a sixth grade education.
However I DO agree about one thing you posted! 'idiotic' and 'liberal' DO belong in the same sentence!!! LOL STILL bored at work? ha ha!
Oh that's what I always thought!
Everyone has a soul but not everyone has a conscience. Lutze seemed to develop one at a late stage in life and finally faced up to the enormity of the evil he perpetrated. He could no longer run and hide from the reality of his murderous behavior and it drove him mad.
Okay, okay, but you come across as seething! If that is what boredom does to you, I am glad we're not co-workers! (you don't work with dangerous equipment, do you? ha)
I would have accepted Kasich too. And just so YOU know, if Clinton or Sanders had won, I would have happily jumped off the nearest tall building. LOL
I would have been okay with Joe Biden or someone like Joe Lieberman, or even Al Gore.
Who can put "joke" and "liberal" in the same sentence anyway? They are the most humorless breed out there!!!
I should just ignore your postings, but your commentaries have become like one of those 12 car highway pile-ups! Gruesome and bloody, but so HARD to look away. LOL I know I shouldn't, but I do it anyway!
So nice of you to "tolerate" my ridiculousness. I suppose that's a lot coming from someone like you who seems so unhappy and is seething with rage 24/7.
But how would YOU be able to recognize what is "smart" anyway?? lololololol