This is an episode I've never cared for much. It's well made, and I sense that all involved were committed to making it work, however IRL how often do things like this happen unless a war criminal is actually caught and tried? It's a wish fulfillment fantasy. A lot of Lutzes never got caught, successfully eluded capture and lived long lives, in maybe anxious hiding but not necessarily in the state of psychological torment Lutze was in. This, sadly, is human nature.
On a smaller scale I've seen it too many times in my own life in horrible people with no moral conscience: they were cruel, manipulative, destructive and, in some cases, worst of all, charismatic and even charming. These types, so long as they kept their pathologies, in check, don't become outright murderers, are well positioned to succeed in the modern world. For this reason,--and I know I'm getting beyond the Twilight Zone carrying on like this--the "comeuppance" Zones don't work for me.